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transgranular cleavage
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transgranular cleavage
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Published: 01 June 2008
Fig. 18.21 Hydrogen-embrittled steels. (a) Transgranular cleavage fracture in a hydrogen-embrittled annealed type 301 austenitic stainless steel. (b) Intergranular decohesive fracture in 4130 steel heat treated to 1280 MPa (185 ksi) and stessed at 980 MPa (142 ksi) while being charged
in Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Titanium Alloys[1]
> Stress-Corrosion Cracking: Materials Performance and Evaluation
Published: 01 January 2017
Fig. 10.6 Fractograph revealing typical transgranular cleavage and ductile river markings and flutes associated with aqueous chloride SCC in α/β titanium alloys. Source: Ref 10.6
in Low Toughness and Embrittlement Phenomena in Steels
> Steels: Processing, Structure, and Performance
Published: 01 January 2015
Fig. 19.32 Transgranular cleavage facets in as-quenched martensite of 10B22 steel charged with hydrogen and subjected to tensile testing. The arrows point to secondary fracture in the large cleavage facets. SEM micrograph. Source: Ref 19.107
Published: 01 November 2012
Fig. 23 Transgranular and intergranular hydrogen embrittlement fractures. (a) Transgranular cleavage fracture in hydrogen embrittled annealed type 301 austenitic stainless steel; (b) Intergranular decohesion fracture in hydrogen embrittled 4130 steel heat treated to 1275 MPa (185 ksi). Source
in Deformation and Fracture Mechanisms and Static Strength of Metals
> Mechanics and Mechanisms of Fracture: An Introduction
Published: 01 August 2005
Fig. 2.29 Surface of a fracture in type 316 stainless steel resulting from SCC by exposure to a boiling solution of 42 wt% MgCl 2 . The fracture in general exhibited the fan-shaped or feather-shaped transgranular cleavage features shown in (a). In a hasty scrutiny, the presence of local areas
Published: 01 November 2012
Fig. 37 Examples of cleavage fractures. (a) Feather pattern on a single grain of a chromium steel weld metal that failed by cleavage. (b) Cleavage steps in a Cu-25at.%Au alloy that failed by transgranular stress-corrosion cracking. Courtesy of B.D. Lichter, Vanderbilt University. Source: Ref
Published: 01 October 2011
Fig. 16.20 Transgranular fracture modes in body-centered cubic (bcc) crystals. (a) Ductile fracture begins with shear deformation along the diagonal plane, which produces microvoids that eventually lead to fracture. (b) Brittle transgranular fracture (cleavage) occurs by tensile decohesion
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2017
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.sccmpe2.t55090419
EISBN: 978-1-62708-266-2
... on fracture surface cleaning procedures can be found in ( Ref 18.5 ). The following criteria provide a general characterization of SCC features: Stress-corrosion cracking represents a subcritical cracking mechanism predominated by transgranular cleavage and/or intergranular cracking and an absence...
This chapter describes nondestructive evaluation (NDE) test methods and their relative effectiveness for diagnosing the cause of stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) service failures. It discusses procedures for analyzing various types of damage in carbon and low-alloy steels, high-strength low-alloy steels, hardenable stainless steels, austenitic stainless steels, copper-base alloys, titanium and titanium alloys, aluminum and aluminum alloys, and nickel and nickel alloys. It identifies material-environment combinations where SCC is known to occur, provides guidelines on how to characterize cracking and fracture damage, and explains what to look for during macroscopic and microscopic examinations as well as chemical and metallographic analyses. It also includes nearly a dozen case studies investigating SCC failures in various materials.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 August 2005
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.horfi.t51180151
EISBN: 978-1-62708-256-3
... examples of fracture surface topography that indicates a fracture mode: Dimpled rupture typical of overstress failures of ductile metals and alloys (see Fig. 6 ) Cleavage facets, typical of transgranular brittle fracture of body-centered cubic (bcc) and hexagonal close-packed (hcp) metals...
This appendix focuses on procedures, techniques, and precautions associated with the investigation and analysis of metallurgical failures that occur in service. It describes the steps of an orderly failure analysis from collecting and examining samples to performing mechanical and nondestructive tests, preparing and examining fractographs and micrographs, determining failure mode, writing the report, and developing follow-up recommendations. It also examines the fundamental mechanisms of failure, why they occur, and how to identify them by their characteristic features.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2017
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.sccmpe2.t55090271
EISBN: 978-1-62708-266-2
... , 10.29 – 10.31 The SCC fracture mode in α/β alloys consists of transgranular cleavage through the α phase and ductile tearing (dimples and tear ridges) through the β phase. A typical fractograph is presented in Fig. 10.6 . Crack velocities are high and in the range of 1 to 50 mm/min (0.04 to 2...
Titanium alloys are generally resistant to stress-corrosion cracking (SCC), but under certain conditions, the potential for problems exists. This chapter identifies the types of service environments where titanium alloys have exhibited signs of SCC. It begins by describing the nominal composition, designation, and grade of nearly two dozen commercial titanium alloys and the different types of media (including oxidizers, organic compounds, hot salt, and liquid metal) in which SCC has been observed. It discusses the mechanical and metallurgical factors that influence SCC behavior and examines the cracking and fracture mechanisms that appear to be involved. The chapter also includes information on SCC test standards and provides detailed guidelines on how to prevent or mitigate the effects of SCC.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 August 2005
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.mmfi.t69540047
EISBN: 978-1-62708-309-6
... mechanisms such as twinning and cleavage fracture. While the discussions throughout this book are filled with macroscale aspects of failure, efforts are made to balance them with discussions of microscopic mechanisms whenever applicable. 2.1 Elastic and Plastic Behavior Before examining the macro...
This chapter examines the phenomena of deformation and fracture in metals, providing readers with an understanding of why it occurs and how it can be prevented. It begins with a detailed review of tension and compression stress-strain curves, explaining how they are produced and what they reveal about the load-carrying characteristics of engineering materials. It then discusses the use of failure criteria and the determination of yielding and fracture limits. It goes on to describe the mechanisms and appearances of brittle and ductile fractures and stress rupture, providing detailed images, diagrams, and explanations. It discusses the various factors that influence strength and ductility, including grain size, loading rate, and temperature. It also provides information on the origin of residual stresses, the concept of toughness, and the damage mechanisms associated with creep and stress rupture, stress corrosion, and hydrogen embrittlement.
Published: 01 October 2011
Fig. 16.19 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of (a) intergranular fracture in the ion-nitrided surface layer of a ductile iron (ASTM 80-55-06), (b) transgranular fracture by cleavage in ductile iron (ASTM 80-55-06), and (c) ductile fracture with equiaxed dimples from microvoid
in Deformation and Fracture Mechanisms and Static Strength of Metals
> Mechanics and Mechanisms of Fracture: An Introduction
Published: 01 August 2005
Fig. 2.22 SEM images of (a) intergranular fracture in ion-nitrided layer of ductile iron (ASTM 80-55-06), (b) transgranular fracture by cleavage in ductile iron (ASTM 80-55-06), and (c) ductile fracture with equiaxed dimples from microvoid coalescence around graphite nodules in a ductile iron
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2017
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.sccmpe2.t55090257
EISBN: 978-1-62708-266-2
... 9.61 Pugh and coworkers ( Ref 9.57 , 9.58 , 9.61 ) reported that transgranular SCC occurs by discontinuous cleavage on { 31 4 ¯ 0 } planes, with the coarse stepped or pleated topography consisting of alternate faces produced by { 31 4 ¯ 0 } cleavage...
Stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) in magnesium alloys was first reported in the 1930s and, within ten years, became the focus of intense study. This chapter provides a summary of all known work published since then on the nature of SCC in magnesium alloys and how it is related to composition, microstructure, and heat treatment. It describes the types of environments where magnesium alloys are most susceptible to SCC and the effect of contributing factors such as temperature, strain rate, and applied and residual stresses. The chapter also discusses crack morphology and what it reveals, provides information on proposed cracking mechanisms, and presents a practical approach for preventing SCC.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 November 2012
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.ffub.t53610055
EISBN: 978-1-62708-303-4
..., and is correctly described as cleavage fracture. More commonly in metals, the fracture surface contains varying fractions of transgranular cleavage and evidence of plastic deformation by slip. When both fracture processes operate intimately together, and especially in the fracture of quenched and tempered steels...
This chapter discusses the causes and effects of ductile and brittle fracture and their key differences. It describes the characteristics of ductile fracture, explaining how microvoids develop and coalesce into larger cavities that are rapidly pulled apart, leaving bowl-shaped voids or dimples on each side of the fracture surface. It includes SEM images showing how the cavities form, how they progress to final failure, and how dimples vary in shape based on loading conditions. The chapter, likewise, describes the characteristics of brittle fracture, explaining why it occurs and how it appears under various levels of magnification. It also discusses the ductile-to-brittle transition observed in steel, the characteristics of intergranular fracture, and the causes of embrittlement.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 November 2013
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.uhcf3.t53630081
EISBN: 978-1-62708-270-9
.... 12 . Since the fracture goes through the grains, this type of fracture is frequently referred to as transgranular. Cleavage fractures are the most common type of brittle fracture and are the normal mode of fracture unless the grain boundaries have been weakened by a specific environment or process...
A brittle fracture occurs at stresses below the material's yield strength (i.e., in the elastic range of the stress-strain diagram). This chapter focuses on brittle fracture in metals and, more specifically, ferrous alloys. It lists the factors that must all be present simultaneously in order to cause brittle fracture in a normally ductile steel. The chapter then discusses the macroscale characteristics and microstructural aspects of brittle fracture. A summary of the types of embrittlement experienced by ferrous alloys is presented. The chapter concludes with a brief section providing information on mixed fracture morphology.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2015
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.cpi2.t55030126
EISBN: 978-1-62708-282-2
... macroscopic evidence of mechanical deformation in metals and alloys that are normally quite ductile. Crack propagation can be either intergranular or transgranular; sometimes, both types are observed on the same fracture surface. Crack openings and the deformation associated with crack propagation may be so...
This chapter focuses on stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) of metals and their alloys. It is intended to familiarize the reader with the phenomenological and mechanistic aspects of stress corrosion. The phenomenological description of crack initiation and propagation describes well-established experimental evidence and observations of stress corrosion, while the discussions on mechanisms describe the physical process involved in crack initiation and propagation. Several parameters that are known to influence the rate of crack growth in aqueous solutions are presented, along with important fracture features.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 October 2011
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.mnm2.t53060385
EISBN: 978-1-62708-261-7
... mechanism that produced it. Fig. 16.19 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of (a) intergranular fracture in the ion-nitrided surface layer of a ductile iron (ASTM 80-55-06), (b) transgranular fracture by cleavage in ductile iron (ASTM 80-55-06), and (c) ductile fracture with equiaxed dimples...
Durability is a generic term used to describe the performance of a material or a component made from that material in a given application. In order to be durable, a material must resist failure by wear, corrosion, fracture, fatigue, deformation, and exposure to a range of service temperatures. This chapter covers several types of component and material failure associated with wear, temperature effects, and crack growth. It examines temperature-induced, brittle, ductile, and fatigue failures as well as failures due to abrasive, erosive, adhesive, and fretting wear and cavitation fatigue. It also discusses preventative measures.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2001
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aub.t61170417
EISBN: 978-1-62708-297-6
... of an α-β alloy sensitized to SCC by this effect. The SCC fracture mode in α-β alloys consists of transgranular cleavage through the α-phase and ductile tearing (dimples and tear ridges) through the β-phase. Crack velocities are high, and in the range of 1 to 50 mm/min (0.04 to 2 in./min). β...
This article discusses the role of alloying in the production and use of titanium. It explains how alloying elements affect transformation temperatures, tensile and creep strength, elasticity, hardness, and corrosion behaviors. It provides composition and property data for commercial grades of titanium, addresses processing issues, and identifies operating environments where certain titanium alloys are susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 August 2005
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.mmfi.t69540357
EISBN: 978-1-62708-309-6
...-defined conditions, primarily when the component is in single-crystal form and has a limited number of slip systems; it is correctly described as “cleavage fracture.” In metals, however, it often contains varying fractions of transgranular cleavage and evidence of plastic deformation by slip. When both...
Deformation within a crystal lattice is governed principally by the presence of dislocations, which are two-dimensional defects in the lattice structure. Slip from shear stress is the most common deformation mechanism within crystalline lattices of metallic materials, although deformation of crystal lattices can also occur by other processes such as twinning and, in special circumstances, by the migration of vacant lattice sites. This appendix describes the notation used to specify lattice planes and directions and discusses the mechanisms of slip and twinning as well as the effect of stacking faults.