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gravity permanent mold casting
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gravity permanent mold casting
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Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2018
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aceg.t68410151
EISBN: 978-1-62708-280-8
... Abstract This chapter discusses the various factors pertinent to gravity permanent mold (GPM) castings, along with their advantages, limitations, and significance. The discussion covers the geometric factors, process and manufacturing elements, gating practices, and feeding principles...
This chapter discusses the various factors pertinent to gravity permanent mold (GPM) castings, along with their advantages, limitations, and significance. The discussion covers the geometric factors, process and manufacturing elements, gating practices, and feeding principles of and pouring systems in GPM. The influences of mold coatings on GPM and low pressure permanent mold castings are described. The chapter also discusses various processes involved in the engineering of core boxes and cooling of GPM for casting integrity and cycle time control. It provides information on some of the processes involved in post-casting operations, namely de-coring and de-gating. The key design aspects for consideration in water quenching during the T6 heat treatment are reviewed. The chapter also provides information on two critical cycle events important in engineering at the manufacturing facility: tipper cycle planning and table or cell cycle planning.
Published: 30 November 2023
Fig. 7.16 A metallic pump for die casting and gravity permanent mold applications. Reprinted with permission from Ref 11
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2018
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aceg.t68410247
EISBN: 978-1-62708-280-8
... Agriculture Lawn mower decks Die casting 380 Tractor transmission housings Gravity permanent mold casting, low pressure permanent mold casting 356 T6, A 356 T6 Oil pans Gravity permanent mold casting 319 T5, 356 T6 Appliances Washer and dryer components Die casting 380 F, 383 F...
This chapter presents guidelines for product designers to choose the best process and alloys while designing a casting. The discussion covers some of the factors pertinent to the selection of the best process for the product function and performance, namely geometric factors, mechanical properties, tooling cost per piece, and overall cost factors. The chapter contains tables listing several markets, products, popular processes, and common alloys and the common processes used for a variety of markets and products.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 November 2023
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.ceeg.t59370177
EISBN: 978-1-62708-447-5
... Abstract The gravity permanent mold (GPM) process produces castings of high strength and integrity with good surface finish and consistent dimensions. This chapter lists castings produced using GPM and semipermanent mold (SPM). It illustrates the basic elements of a conventional tilt pour...
The gravity permanent mold (GPM) process produces castings of high strength and integrity with good surface finish and consistent dimensions. This chapter lists castings produced using GPM and semipermanent mold (SPM). It illustrates the basic elements of a conventional tilt pour machine. The chapter also provides an overview of the high-volume rotary table, high-volume production rotary manufacturing cell, cycle time planning, sizes of tilt pour machine and table, and improvement of turntable uptime. It also presents some of the common semipermanent molded castings.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2018
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aceg.t68410091
EISBN: 978-1-62708-280-8
...; the typical tensile properties of die cast alloys; and the designations of different heat treatments and their description. The tables also list the temperatures and times of typical heat treatment cycles for different permanent mold cast alloys; typical components in sand, gravity, and low-pressure permanent...
This chapter is a collection of tables listing: cast alloy designations of Aluminum Association, along with their general applications; the chemical compositions of the frequently used alloys for gravity permanent molds, low-pressure permanent molds, squeeze castings, and die castings; the typical tensile properties of die cast alloys; and the designations of different heat treatments and their description. The tables also list the temperatures and times of typical heat treatment cycles for different permanent mold cast alloys; typical components in sand, gravity, and low-pressure permanent mold castings and die castings, the functional requirements of each process, and the corresponding suitable alloys and heat treatments; and alloys that are high vacuum die cast for structural castings. The chapter also presents examples of photomicrographs of some alloys cast by different processes.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2018
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aceg.t68410029
EISBN: 978-1-62708-280-8
... manually or with core-setters or simple robotics, with the aid of core-setting fixtures and alignment pins Core-mold rigidity permits the production of thin as well as thick sectioned castings. Dimensional tolerances are comparable to those of gravity permanent molding (GPM) and low-pressure...
This chapter discusses the advantages, limitations, and applications of various aluminum casting processes, namely green sand casting process, air set or no-bake molding process, vacuum molding process, evaporative foam casting process, and die casting process. The processes covered also include gravity permanent molding, low-pressure permanent molding, counter pressure, squeeze casting, investment casting, rapid prototype casting, cast forge hybrid, and semisolid metal processes.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 November 2023
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.ceeg.t59370145
EISBN: 978-1-62708-447-5
... casting, gravity permanent and semipermanent mold casting, low-pressure permanent mold casting, counter pressure casting, and squeeze casting. Nearly 50% of the energy consumed in a casting operation is in the melting, holding, and dosing processes. The selection of the right equipment...
This chapter highlights the different melting, holding, and dosing furnaces that are available for the alternative casting processes used for the production of aluminum castings. Melting furnaces are grouped into four broad categories: crucible furnaces; reverberatory furnaces (or reverbs); stack melting furnaces (also called stack melters), tower melting furnaces, or jet melting furnaces; and electric coreless induction furnaces are detailed in this chapter. Factors influencing the choice of the melting, holding, and dozing equipment are presented. Equipment for recycling machined chips is also addressed.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2004
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aacppa.t51140021
EISBN: 978-1-62708-335-5
...: expendable mold gravity-feed casting, nonexpendable (permanent) mold gravity feed casting, and pressure die casting. Next, the chapter describes the technologies used to produce premium engineered castings and when such castings may be relevant. The chapter concludes with descriptions of other process...
This chapter begins with information on the historical development of aluminum alloy castings. It then covers the basic factors involved in the selection of a casting process. This is followed by sections describing the various categories of casting processes and their variants: expendable mold gravity-feed casting, nonexpendable (permanent) mold gravity feed casting, and pressure die casting. Next, the chapter describes the technologies used to produce premium engineered castings and when such castings may be relevant. The chapter concludes with descriptions of other process technologies used with castings, including metallurgical bonding, metal-matrix composites, and hot isostatic pressing.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2008
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.emea.t52240095
EISBN: 978-1-62708-251-8
..., gravity, micro, and inverse. The chapter also provides information on grain refinement and secondary dendrite arm spacing and porosity and shrinkage in castings. It concludes with a brief overview of six of the most important casting processes in industries: sand casting, plaster mold casting, evaporative...
Almost all metals and alloys are produced from liquids by solidification. For both castings and wrought products, the solidification process has a major influence on both the microstructure and mechanical properties of the final product. This chapter discusses the three zones that a metal cast into a mold can have: a chill zone, a zone containing columnar grains, and a center-equiaxed grain zone. Since the way in which alloys partition on freezing, it follows that all castings are segregated to different categories. The different types of segregation discussed include normal, gravity, micro, and inverse. The chapter also provides information on grain refinement and secondary dendrite arm spacing and porosity and shrinkage in castings. It concludes with a brief overview of six of the most important casting processes in industries: sand casting, plaster mold casting, evaporative pattern casting, investment casting, permanent mold casting, and die casting.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 June 2023
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.atia.t59340083
EISBN: 978-1-62708-427-7
... of aluminum shape-casting with reusable molds include: Gravity-fed permanent mold casting (or gravity die casting) Low-pressure permanent mold casting (or low-pressure die casting, LPDC) High-pressure die casting (HPDC), also referred to as just die casting [2] Gravity feeding...
This chapter describes the processes and alloys used in the casting of aluminum components, the advantages and disadvantages of the different shape-casting methods, and the major factors that influence alloy selection for shape-casting applications. An overview of the heat treatment of cast products is also included.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2018
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aceg.t68410215
EISBN: 978-1-62708-280-8
... expensive and reduces the tool build time. Mold Coating Control The importance of mold coating and its influence on solidification is addressed in Chapter 7, “Engineering of Gravity Permanent Mold Castings,” in this book. Similarly, the mold coating types and thicknesses play a vital role...
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2004
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aacppa.9781627083355
EISBN: 978-1-62708-335-5
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2018
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aceg.9781627082808
EISBN: 978-1-62708-280-8
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2018
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aceg.t68410009
EISBN: 978-1-62708-280-8
... on the stress distribution using the FEA. The detailed solidification analysis with production-representative mold, feeders, and gating is very important, especially for gravity permanent and low-pressure permanent mold casting processes. The analysis is done in conjunction with a targeted casting process...
This chapter is a brief account of various factors pertinent to the development of an engineering component. The discussion covers the disciplines and interactions of design development, engineering of component design, validation of design and process analysis, and matrix of design and manufacturing elements.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 November 2023
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.ceeg.t59370187
EISBN: 978-1-62708-447-5
... of gas pores Improves the ability to feed the shrinkage through partially solidified sections (mushy zones) The low-pressure permanent mold casting process uses steel molds (also known as low-pressure permanent molding) repetitively for each casting cycle, similar to the gravity permanent...
The low-pressure permanent molding (LPPM) and semipermanent molding (LPSPM) processes are versatile, and they meet the quality requirements of a variety of high-integrity, large-sized, and thin-walled aluminum castings for various industries. This chapter presents the major features, operation sequence, advantages, and applications of LPPM, LPSPM, and counter-pressure casting.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 November 2023
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.ceeg.9781627084475
EISBN: 978-1-62708-447-5
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2004
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aacppa.t51140007
EISBN: 978-1-62708-335-5
... limits of aluminum alloy castings Based on industry handbooks, notably Aluminum Association Standards for Sand and Permanent Mold Castings , and the Aluminum Association Registration Sheets for Alloys in the Form of Castings and Ingot Alloy Type (a) Composition, wt% Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr...
Aluminum casting alloy compositions parallel those of wrought alloys in many respects. However, because work hardening plays no significant role in the development of casting properties, the use and purposes of some alloying elements differ in casting alloys versus wrought alloys. This chapter provides information on specifications and widely used designation systems and alloy nomenclature for aluminum casting alloys. It describes the composition of seven basic families of aluminum casting alloys: aluminum-copper, aluminum-silicon-copper, aluminum-silicon, aluminum-silicon-magnesium, aluminum-magnesium, aluminum-zinc-magnesium, and aluminum-tin. The chapter discusses the effects of alloying elements on the properties of cast aluminum. It provides information on various alloys that are grouped with respect to their applications or major performance characteristics.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 November 2013
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.mfub.t53740047
EISBN: 978-1-62708-308-9
... Replicast process Wax patterns (investment casting) Ethyl silicate bonded block molds Ethyl silicate bonded ceramic shell molds Colloidal silica bond Plaster bond Counter-gravity low-pressure casting Permanent mold processes Die casting High-pressure die casting Low-pressure die casting Gravity...
This chapter covers the practices and procedures used for shape casting metals and alloys. It begins with a review of the factors that influence solidification and contribute to the formation of casting defects. It then describes basic melting methods, including induction, cupola, crucible, and vacuum melting, and common casting techniques such as sand casting, plaster and shell casting, evaporative pattern casting, investment casting, permanent mold casting, cold and hot chamber die casting, squeeze casting, semisolid metal processing, and centrifugal casting.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2004
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aacppa.t51140055
EISBN: 978-1-62708-335-5
... was developed to significantly improve the mechanical properties and fatigue strength of aluminum alloy sand and permanent mold castings. It has proved capable of substantially eliminating microporosity resulting from the precipitation of hydrogen and the formation of internal shrinkage during solidification...
Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) is a process refinement available to address internal porosity in castings. The HIP process may be used, in particular, for applications requiring very high quality and performance. This chapter discusses the principles, advantages, and disadvantages of HIP. It describes the effect of HIP on tensile properties and on the fatigue performance of aluminum alloy castings. In addition, the chapter discusses the processes involved in radiographic inspection of HIP-processed castings.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2022
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.isceg.t59320305
EISBN: 978-1-62708-332-4
...; and substituting structural parts of sprung and unsprung masses with aluminum castings produced by gravity or low-pressure permanent mold processes, magnesium die-castings, or fiberglass-reinforced polymers. The total incremental cost per kilogram of reduced mass increases as the percentage of vehicle mass...
Iron and steel have been the most useful materials to meet the needs of several industries for many decades. Each iron and steel alloy offers unique attributes that make them the best choice for an application. This chapter provides an overview of each ferrous alloy—gray iron, malleable iron, compacted graphite iron (CGI), ductile iron, austempered ductile iron (ADI), and carbon steel and low-alloy steel; its versatile attributes; and its individual applications. A large section of the chapter covers the impact of electric vehicles on the future of the iron and steel castings industry, including discussion on electric vehicle categories and weights; impact of center of gravity on stability and steering; lightweighting incentives; and engineering for improved suspension.