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discontinuous SiC reinforced aluminum metal matrix composites
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discontinuous SiC reinforced aluminum metal matrix composites
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Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2008
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.emea.t52240607
EISBN: 978-1-62708-251-8
... additions, as depicted in Fig. 33.1 . Reinforcements, characterized as either continuous or discontinuous, may constitute from 10 to 70 vol% of the composite. Continuous fiber reinforcements include graphite, silicon carbide (SiC), boron, aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3 ), and refractory metal wires. Continuous...
Metal-matrix composites (MMCs) work at higher temperatures than their base metal counterparts and can be engineered for improved strength, stiffness, thermal conductivity, abrasion and/or creep resistance, and dimensional stability. This chapter examines the properties, compositions, and performance-cost tradeoffs of common MMCs, including aluminum-matrix composites, titanium-matrix composites, and fiber-metal laminates. It also explains how fiber-reinforced composites and laminates are made, describing both continuous and discontinuous fiber matrix production processes.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 October 2012
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.lmub.t53550457
EISBN: 978-1-62708-307-2
..., aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3 ), and refractory metals. Discontinuous reinforcements consist mainly of SiC in whisker (w) form, particulate (p) types of SiC, Al 2 O 3 , and titanium diboride (TiB 2 ), and short or chopped fibers (c) of Al 2 O 3 or graphite. A relative comparison of composite performance...
Metal-matrix composites can operate at higher temperatures than their base metal counterparts and, unlike polymer-matrix composites, are nonflammable, do not outgas in a vacuum, and resist attack by solvents and fuels. They can also be tailored to provide greater strength and stiffness, among other properties, in preferred directions and locations. This chapter discusses the processes and procedures used in the production of fiber-reinforced aluminum and titanium metal-matrix composites. It explains how the length and orientation of reinforcing fibers affect the properties and processing characteristics of both aluminum and titanium composites. It also provides information on fiber-metal laminates and the use of different matrix metals and reinforcing materials.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 November 2010
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.scm.t52870537
EISBN: 978-1-62708-314-0
.... The microstructure of a typical SiC p DRA is shown in Fig. 20.3 . Fig. 20.2 Silicon carbide particulate Fig. 20.3 Microstructure of 20 volume percent silicon carbide particulate discontinuously reinforced aluminum. Source: Ref 2 ,3 Metal matrix composites can also be reinforced with single...
This chapter discusses the advantages and disadvantages of metal matrix composites and the methods used to produce them. It begins with a review of the composition and properties of aluminum matrix composites. It then describes discontinuous composite processing methods, including stir and slurry casting, liquid metal infiltration, spray deposition, powder metallurgy, extrusion, hot rolling, and forging. The chapter also provides information on continuous-fiber aluminum and titanium composites as well as particle-reinforced titanium and fiber metal (glass aluminum) laminates.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 August 1999
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.caaa.t67870179
EISBN: 978-1-62708-299-0
... constitute from 10 to 70 vol% of the composite. Continuous-fiber or filament reinforcements for aluminum include graphite, silicon carbide (SiC), boron, and aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3 ). Fabrication techniques for these composites vary from vapor deposition coating of the fibers, liquid-metal infiltration...
This chapter discusses the ambient-temperature corrosion characteristics of aluminum metal-matrix composites (MMCs), including composites formed with boron, graphite, silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, and mica. It also discusses the effect of stress-corrosion cracking on graphite-aluminum composites and the use of protective coatings and design criteria for corrosion prevention.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 October 2012
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.lmub.t53550569
EISBN: 978-1-62708-307-2
... monolithic ceramics or discontinuously reinforced fiber CMCs. Ceramic-matrix materials for continuous fiber CMCs include SiC, Si 3 N 4 , MoSi 2 , Al 2 O 3 , mullite, yttrium-aluminum-garnet, and spinel. However, SiC and Al 2 O 3 are the most commonly used matrix materials. Silicon-carbide-matrix...
Ceramic-matrix composites possess many of the desirable qualities of monolithic ceramics, but are much tougher because of the reinforcements. This chapter explains how reinforcements are used in ceramic-matrix composites and how they alter energy-dissipating mechanisms and load-carrying behaviors. It compares the stress-strain curves for monolithic ceramics and ceramic-matrix composites, noting improvements afforded by the addition of reinforcements. It then goes on to discuss the key attributes, properties, and applications of discontinuously reinforced ceramic composites, continuous fiber ceramic composites, and carbon-carbon composites. It also describes a number of ceramic-matrix composite processing methods, including cold pressing and sintering, hot pressing, reaction bonding, directed metal oxidation, and liquid, vapor, and polymer infiltration.
Published: 01 November 2010
Fig. 20.9 Performance/cost trade-offs for metal matrix composites. DRA, discontinuously reinforced aluminum; SiC, silicon carbide. Source: Ref 4
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 October 2012
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.lmub.t53550001
EISBN: 978-1-62708-307-2
.... 1.23 . Titanium and titanium aluminides reinforced with continuous SiC fibers are candidates for turbine blades and disks. However, their extremely high material and fabrication costs currently prohibit their application. Fig. 1.23 Cast discontinuous aluminum-matrix composites. (a) An Al-SiC p...
Engineers have many materials to choose from when dealing with weight-related design constraints. The list includes aluminum, beryllium, magnesium, and titanium alloys as well as engineering plastics, structural ceramics, and polymer-, metal-, and ceramic-matrix composites. This chapter provides a brief overview of these lightweight materials, discussing their primary advantages along with their properties, behaviors, and limitations.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 November 2010
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.scm.t52870573
EISBN: 978-1-62708-314-0
.... Carbon-carbon (C-C), carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP), ceramic matrix composite (CMC), carbon-silicon carbide (C-SiC), glass-ceramic matrix composite (GCMC), metal matrix composite (MMC), silicon-aluminum-oxygen-nitrogen (SIALON) While reinforcements such as fibers, whiskers, or particles...
This chapter discusses the types of fibers and matrix materials used in ceramic matrix composites and the role of interfacial coatings. It describes the methods used to produce ceramic composites, including powder processing, slurry infiltration and consolidation, polymer infiltration and pyrolysis, chemical vapor infiltration, directed metal oxidation, and liquid silicon infiltration.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 October 2012
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.lmub.t53550621
EISBN: 978-1-62708-307-2
..., and titanium aluminide), engineering plastics, structural ceramics, and composites (polymer, metal, and ceramic matrix). The following sections give some general guidelines for selecting these materials. Five lightweight metal alloys were covered in this book: aluminum, magnesium, beryllium, titanium...
This chapter consists of three parts. The first part provides data and guidelines for selecting materials and processing routes. It compares the basic properties of metals, ceramics, and polymers, identifies important measures of performance, and discusses manufacturing processes and their compatibility with specific materials. The chapter then presents general guidelines for selecting lightweight materials, and concludes with a review of lightweight metals, plastics, and composites used in automotive applications.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2016
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.hpcspa.t54460185
EISBN: 978-1-62708-285-3
... carbide particles in Co matrix (white arrows). Source: Ref 7.50 Several examples are available for the deposition of aluminum-base matrix composites with SiC, B 4 C, and so on ( Ref 7.36 , 7.41 , 7.49 , 7.53 , 7.54 ). When blends of aluminum-base alloys with hard ceramic phases are sprayed...
Cold spray coatings technology has the potential to provide surface enhancement for applications in sectors such as defense and aerospace, oil and gas, power generation, medical, automotive, electronics, and railways. The ability to deposit clean metallic coatings is used in applications requiring corrosion/oxidation protection, erosion/wear protection, additive manufacturing, and fabricating free forms. This chapter discusses the function, advantages, and benefits of some of these applications.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 July 2009
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.bcp.t52230163
EISBN: 978-1-62708-298-3
... are not as strong as comparable boron-aluminum composite, but both show superior off-axis tensile properties. Figure 14.11 shows a comparison of tensile properties for beryllium-titanium, B-SiC-Ti, and boron-aluminum composites containing 50% composite filament. The extruded filamentary beryllium-titanium...
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 August 2005
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.mmfi.t69540319
EISBN: 978-1-62708-309-6
...-scale built-up structures. 8.1.2 Metal-Matrix Composites The matrix material for MMCs can be aluminum, titanium, or intermetallics. Reinforcements include: Continuous fibers made of aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, boron, or carbon Discontinuous fibers , mainly in the form...
This chapter discusses the failure mechanisms associated with fiber-reinforced composites. It begins with a review of fiber-matrix systems and the stress-strain response of unidirectional lamina and both notched and unnotched composite laminate specimens. It then explains how cyclic loading can lead to delamination, the primary failure mode of most composites, and describes some of the methods that have been developed to improve delamination resistance, assess damage tolerance, determine residual strength, and predict failure modes.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 March 2006
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.fdsm.t69870325
EISBN: 978-1-62708-344-7
... and ceramic fiber-reinforced metal-matrix composites. bone cyclic loading ceramics fatigue crack growth fatigue modeling fatigue properties fatigue test polymers Introduction In this chapter we consider several classes of materials that are of special interest: polymers, bone, ceramics...
This chapter discusses the effect of fatigue on polymers, ceramics, composites, and bone. It begins with a general comparison of polymers and metals, noting important differences in microstructure and cyclic loading response. It then presents the results of several studies that shed light on the fatigue behavior and crack growth mechanisms of common structural polymers and moves on from there to discuss the fatigue behavior of bone and how it compares to stable and cyclically softening metals. It also discusses the fatigue characteristics of engineered and composited ceramics and ceramic fiber-reinforced metal-matrix composites.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2015
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.tpmpa.t54480113
EISBN: 978-1-62708-318-8
..., and ductility as well as creep, fatigue strength, and fatigue crack growth rate. It also discusses the influence of other titanium phases and the properties of titanium-based intermetallic compounds, metal-matrix composites, and shape-memory alloys. alloy composition alpha titanium alloys alpha-beta...
This chapter discusses the factors that govern the mechanical properties of titanium, beginning with the morphology of the alpha phase. It explains that the shape of the alpha phase has a significant effect on many properties, including hardness, tensile strength, toughness, and ductility as well as creep, fatigue strength, and fatigue crack growth rate. It also discusses the influence of other titanium phases and the properties of titanium-based intermetallic compounds, metal-matrix composites, and shape-memory alloys.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 November 2012
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.ffub.t53610327
EISBN: 978-1-62708-303-4
... billets, which were formed by cold isostatic pressing. These two Si 3 N 4 materials exhibit rising R -curve behavior. An R -curve from double-cantilever beam tests on a SiC whisker-reinforced alumina-matrix composite is shown in Fig. 9 and also exhibits a rising R -curve behavior. Fig. 8 R...
This chapter covers the fatigue and fracture behaviors of ceramics and polymers. It discusses the benefits of transformation toughening, the use of ceramic-matrix composites, fracture mechanisms, and the relationship between fatigue and subcritical crack growth. In regard to polymers, it covers general characteristics, viscoelastic properties, and static strength. It also discusses fatigue life, impact strength, fracture toughness, and stress-rupture behaviors as well as environmental effects such as plasticization, solvation, swelling, stress cracking, degradation, and surface embrittlement.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2004
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aacppa.9781627083355
EISBN: 978-1-62708-335-5
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 November 2010
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.omfrc.t53030023
EISBN: 978-1-62708-349-2
... are commonly made from wrapping aluminum foil around a preset shape, such as previously molded samples or the end of a block of wood. This is followed by taping the mold to reinforce the structure. The object can then be removed from the aluminum foil mold. To ensure the best release from these types of molds...
Specimen preparation is the first step that determines the quality of the microstructural information that can be obtained using optical microscopy. This chapter describes the sample preparation methods that are applicable to most types of composite materials containing short discontinuous or continuous fibers. The sample preparation methods cover documentation and labeling of samples, sectioning the composite, clamp-mounting composite samples, mounting composite samples in casting resins, and the addition of contrast dyes to casting resins. Information on the molds used for mounting composite materials is provided. The steps recommended to achieve a good mounted specimen without voids or specimen pull-out are also described. The chapter discusses the processes for clamping mounted composite samples in automated polishing heads and mounting composite materials for hand polishing. A summary of the mounting technique is also included.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2004
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.aacppa.t51140069
EISBN: 978-1-62708-335-5
... composites. aluminum casting alloys aluminum castings cast aluminum matrix composites corrosion resistance fatigue strength mechanical properties notch toughness physical properties plane-strain fracture toughness subcritical crack growth tear resistance This chapter takes a detailed...
This chapter reviews and provides data tables for the wide range of properties and performance characteristics that are possible with specific aluminum casting alloys and tempers. Properties and performance attributes addressed include casting and finishing characteristics; typical physical properties; typical and minimum (design) mechanical properties; fatigue strength; fracture resistance, including subcritical crack growth; and resistance to general corrosion and to stress-corrosion cracking. The chapter concludes with information on the properties of cast aluminum matrix composites.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 October 2012
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.lmub.t53550511
EISBN: 978-1-62708-307-2
... The major advantage of ceramic armor lies in its significantly lower areal weight, which allows weight savings of more than 50% over conventional metallic solutions. The most important ceramic materials today (2012) for ballistic protection are alumina (Al 2 O 3 ), silicon carbide (SiC), and boron carbide...
Ceramics normally have high melting temperatures, excellent chemical stability and, due to the absence of conduction electrons, tend to be good electrical and thermal insulators. They are also inherently hard and brittle, and when loaded in tension, have almost no tolerance for flaws. This chapter describes the applications, properties, and behaviors of some of the more widely used structural ceramics, including alumina, aluminum titanate, silicon carbide, silicon nitride, zirconia, zirconia-toughened alumina (ZTA), magnesia-partially stabilized zirconia (Mg-PSZ), and yttria-tetragonal zirconia polycrystalline (Y-TZP). It also provides information on materials selection, design optimization, and joining methods, and covers every step of the ceramic production process.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 August 2005
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.mmfi.t69540297
EISBN: 978-1-62708-309-6
.... The grains are bonded to one another during processing at elevated temperature. Silicon carbide (SiC), silicon nitride (Si 3 N 4 ), alumina (Al 2 O 3 ), and silicon aluminum oxynitride (Sialon) belong to the advanced ceramics category. Intentionally or otherwise, the silicon nitrides and Sialons...
Structural and fracture mechanics-based tools for metals are believed to be applicable to nonmetals, as long as they are homogeneous and isotropic. This chapter discusses the essential aspects of the fatigue and fracture behaviors of nonmetallic materials with an emphasis on how they compare with metals. It begins by describing the fracture characteristics of ceramics and glasses along with typical properties and subcritical crack growth mechanisms. It then discusses the properties of engineering plastics and the factors affecting crack formation and growth, fracture toughness, fatigue life, and stress rupture failures.