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Magnetic particle testing

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Published: 01 July 1997
Fig. 2 Magnetic-particle testing of a weld with an electromagnet More
Published: 01 December 1995
Fig. 15-13 Preparation of a casting for magnetic particle testing by the prod and dry powder technique. Approximate casting weight is 20 tons. More
Published: 01 September 2008
Fig. 12 Examples of grinding cracks. (a) Two views of an S1 tool cutter die cracked and spalled after grinding. As-received (left) and after magnetic particle testing (right), accentuating the cracks Source: Ref 9 . (b) A D2 die that cracked due to incorrect grinding (arrow indicates grinding More
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 July 1997
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.wip.t65930085
EISBN: 978-1-62708-359-1
.... There are five principal test methods: penetrant testing, magnetic-particle testing, eddy-current testing, radiographic testing, and ultrasonic testing. Although visual inspection is not strictly a test method, it does have an important role in NDE procedures and is often the only inspection method used...
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 August 2015
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.piht2.t55050245
EISBN: 978-1-62708-311-9
... is accurate, timely, and germane. One of the greatest problems of nondestructive inspection has been misapplication, which usually means that the wrong information was supplied. Louis Cartz, in the ASM book Nondestructive Testing ( Ref 4 ), cites that liquid penetrant and magnetic particle inspection...
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1995
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.sch6.t68200197
EISBN: 978-1-62708-354-6
... to that for pattern equipment. Non-Destructive Testing Magnetic Particle Inspection Discontinuities, which are located either on or close to the surface of a ferritic steel casting, can be revealed by magnetic particle testing. This test method is based upon the attraction and adherence of fine...
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 April 2013
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.imub.t53720001
EISBN: 978-1-62708-305-8
... testing methods discussed are liquid penetrant inspection, magnetic particle inspection, eddy current inspection, radiographic inspection, and ultrasonic testing. chemical analysis coordinate measuring machines hardness testing machine vision metallography nondestructive testing tensile...
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1995
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.sch6.t68200065
EISBN: 978-1-62708-354-6
... vague or wide open will usually lead to the foundry supplying castings to a different quality level than that expected by the user. For example, consider the following nondestructive testing requirements: “The castings shall be magnetic-particle tested on all accessible surfaces in accordance...
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 October 2005
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.faesmch.t51270019
EISBN: 978-1-62708-301-0
... open to the surface, in metals and ceramics. This can be based either on a color dye or a fluorescent dye. Magnetic Particle Testing A magnetic field is created in the component by suitable magnetization. Any surface or subsurface discontinuity can be revealed by magnetic powder particles...
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 April 2013
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.imub.t53720183
EISBN: 978-1-62708-305-8
... particle inspection is used to locate surface and subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials. The method is based on the fact that when a material or part being tested is magnetized, discontinuities that lie in a direction generally transverse to the direction of the magnetic field cause...
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 April 2013
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.imub.t53720345
EISBN: 978-1-62708-305-8
..., magnetic particle inspection, liquid penetrant inspection, and radiographic inspection of resistance welded tubular products, seamless steel tubular products, and nonferrous tubular products. This chapter discusses the fundamental factors that should be considered in selecting a nondestructive inspection...
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 April 2013
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.imub.t53720393
EISBN: 978-1-62708-305-8
... evaluation methods to flaw detection in P/M parts. The nondestructive evaluation methods covered are mechanical proof testing, metallography, liquid penetrant crack detection, filtered particle crack detection, magnetic particle crack inspection, direct current resistivity testing, x-ray radiography...
Book Chapter

Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 April 2013
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.imub.t53720365
EISBN: 978-1-62708-305-8
... by the shape of the forging, when using this grid pattern. Fig. 12 Grid pattern and prod positions used in one plant for the magnetic particle inspection of forgings using prods and the dry powder technique. Dimensions are in inches. Source: Ref 1 Prods are placed on the surface to be tested...
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 October 2011
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.mnm2.t53060149
EISBN: 978-1-62708-261-7
... Abstract This chapter explains how metallography and hardness testing are used to evaluate the quality and condition of metal products. It also discusses the use of tensile testing, fracture toughness and impact testing, fatigue testing, and nondestructive test methods including ultrasonic, x...
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 July 1997
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.wip.t65930197
EISBN: 978-1-62708-359-1
.... Magnetic-particle testing can also create problems. In one instance, welds were being made successfully on a steel containing more than 0.35% C, but because the normal borderline weldability of this material made it susceptible to cracking, a magnetic-particle test was done to check for cracks. No cracks...
Book Chapter

Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 April 2013
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.imub.t53720293
EISBN: 978-1-62708-305-8
... inspection. Casting defects including porosity, oxide films, inclusions, hot tears, metal penetration, and surface defects are reviewed. Liquid penetrant inspection, magnetic particle inspection, eddy current inspection, radiographic inspection, ultrasonic inspection, and leak testing for castings...
Book Chapter

Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 1985
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.sagf.t63420043
EISBN: 978-1-62708-452-9
... Abstract This chapter discusses field, visual, physical, and metallurgical examinations of gear failures. Physical examinations reviewed include nondestructive testing, including magnetic-particle inspection, tooth characteristic studies, surface hardness testing, ultrasonic testing, nital...
Published: 01 September 2008
Fig. 68 Ultraviolet light photographs of magnetic particle indications for each bolt inspected. NDT, nondestructive testing More
Published: 01 December 2018
Fig. 6.141 (a) Multiple transverse indications on OD side. (b) Linear indication in transverse direction on ID surface of a tube in wet fluorescent magnetic particle inspection tested condition More
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 April 2013
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.imub.t53720321
EISBN: 978-1-62708-305-8
... Abstract This chapter focuses on the inspection of steel bars for the detection and evaluation of flaws. The principles involved also apply, for the most part, to the inspection of steel wire. The nondestructive inspection methods discussed include magnetic particle inspection, liquid penetrant...