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Corrosion problems can be divided into eight categories based on the appearance of the corrosion damage or the mechanism of attack: uniform or general corrosion; pitting corrosion; crevice corrosion, including corrosion under tubercles or deposits, filiform corrosion, and poultice corrosion; galvanic corrosion; erosion-corrosion, including cavitation erosion and fretting corrosion; intergranular corrosion, including sensitization and exfoliation; dealloying; environmentally assisted cracking, including stress-corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue, and hydrogen damage (including hydrogen embrittlement, hydrogen-induced blistering, high-temperature hydrogen attack, and hydride formation). All these forms are addressed in this chapter in the context of aqueous corrosion. For each form, a general description is provided along with information on the causes and the list of metals that can be affected, with particular emphasis on the recognition and prevention measures.

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