Chapter 13: Hot Tensile Testing
This chapter focuses on short-term tensile testing at high temperatures. It emphasizes one of the most important reasons for conducting hot tensile tests: the determination of the hot working characteristics of metallic materials. Two types of hot tensile tests are discussed in this chapter, namely, the Gleeble test and the conventional isothermal hot-tensile test. The discussion covers equipment used and testing procedures for the Gleeble test along with information on hot ductility and strength data from this test. The chapter describes the stress-strain curves, material coefficients, and flow behavior determined in the isothermal hot tensile test. It also describes three often-overlapping stages of cavitation during tensile deformation, namely, cavity nucleation, growth of individual cavities, and cavity coalescence.
Hot Tensile Testing, Tensile Testing, 2nd ed., Edited By J.R. Davis, ASM International, 2004, p 209–238,
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