Preface by G.R. Halford
This book and a planned second volume dealing with high-temperature durability represent the culmination of many years of collaborative research with my highly respected colleague, S.S. Manson. Few researchers have had the luxury of being able to work together continuously for as long as we have. And few colleagues have been able to work together as amicably as we have. We were fortunate to be involved in numerous advancements to the field through individual and joint publications spread over five decades. Our combined years of experience exceeds a century. This book provides a repository of the most significant of our contributions to the art and science of material and structural durability. Valuable contributions from other researchers are also included as appropriate.
I cannot sufficiently thank NASA for the rare opportunity provided me to have been allowed to work in this field for the duration of my employment. A prime advantage provided by a large government research organization was that we had valuable technical contacts with not only the aerospace industry, but also with many other industries, including electric power generation, off-highway and automotive manufacturing, metals producers, chemical and petroleum producers, and numerous other industries that faced serious material and structural durability issues. We were thus privileged to have exposure to countless durability issues of a diverse nature. From such a vantage point, it was possible to develop generic models having a broad range of applicability.
I would also like to thank the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, its Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and in particular, Professor JoDean Morrow. I could never have been in a position to participate in this work without their providing me with the appropriate educational background. Finally, my late parents, Herbert C. and Faye S. Halford, brother Donald W. Halford, my wife, Pat M. Halford and our children, Kirk, Gwen, and Shawn must be acknowledged for instilling me with balanced senses of patience, work ethic, responsibility, dedication, and respect—all interspersed with a tinge of humor.
December 2005
Preface by G.R. Halford, Fatigue and Durability of Structural Materials, By S.S. Manson, G.R. Halford, ASM International, 2006
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