Titanium: Physical Metallurgy, Processing, and Applications
Titanium: Physical Metallurgy, Processing, and Applications is a comprehensive reference on the science and technology of titanium and its alloys. It provides information on nearly every topic of engineering relevance including extractive metallurgy, melting and solidification, alloying, phase transformation, and the effect of deformation and recrystallization on grain size, properties, and behaviors. It covers strengthening and hardening mechanisms, mechanical properties and testing, metallographic techniques, and fabrication processes including melting and casting, primary and secondary working, forging, forming, joining, and machining. It also provides information on corrosion and the role of alloying in reducing its effect and presents detailed application examples showing where and how titanium is used. For information on the print version, ISBN: 978-1-62708-079-8, follow this link.
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