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Throughout the years, many books and articles have been written about induction heat treating. In the author’s opinion, Induction Heat Treatment of Steel, Lee Semiatin and Dave Stutz, 1986, was an excellent early source for induction heating and metallurgical theory. The First Edition of this book was published in 2001. Since then knowledge of the science and practice of induction heat treating has continued to grow. ASM Handbook Volume 4C, Induction Heating and Heat Treatment, was published in 2014 and is considered by the author to be the most complete and detailed handbook on induction heating and heat treatment published to date. Much of the material contained in this Second Edition was taken from this Handbook.

The author’s company has the experience of processing more than 20,000 orders a year in commercial induction heat treating. This book is written to complete the tie-in of the metallurgy, theory, and practice of induction heat treating from a hands-on explanation of what floor people need to know. Explanations contain language and terms that need to be understood. Operating information and a progression from process analysis to standards and quality control are presented.

The early chapters, 1 through 7, provide explanations of theory to the detail that the author feels is needed in order to understand induction and the metallurgy of induction. Chapters 8 to 10 deal with production aspects of induction. Chapter 11 reviews and presents a process for analysis of applications, including selection of frequency, power requirements, and the selection of different types of fixturing to meet production requirements. Chapter 12 discusses standards and inspection for induction, while Chapter 13 deals with identification and resolution of problems found with induction hardened parts. The final chapters discuss quality control and maintenance.

The appendixes are meant to help more with design information and include some charts and data to help with production including tempering curves and hardenability curves. References are given for texts and authors to help those who desire a more detailed understanding of the theoretical aspects.

The author appreciates the help and material given by Bill Stueht, Robert Fuffini, George Welch, and Fred Specht.

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