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This textbook, which covers the subject of materials science with very few equations, is designed for students who are interested in materials science. It is assumed they already have had a course in chemistry. A prior course in physics is not necessary, and the use of mathematics is limited to algebra. This text also will be useful to nontechnical professionals in the materials industry.

The book first introduces materials science through the discussion of the elements, bonding, crystal structures, and amorphous (noncrystalline) materials; then presents the properties of phase relations, mechanical behavior, electrical behavior, and magnetic behavior. There is one chapter each devoted to the following materials: nonferrous metals, ferrous metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, and wood. To round out this important basic volume on a growing interdisciplinary scientific field are chapters on corrosion, forming and shaping, and recycling. There are 14 chapters. Chapters 3 to 7, and 9 will likely require more time to cover than chapters 1, 2, 8, 10, and 12. Chapters 11, 13, and 14 can be covered in less time than the others. Chapters end with a Note of Interest and Exercises—all pertaining to the chapters’ topics of discussion. The Notes of Interest engage readers with fascinating bits of information about notable people, events, and developments; the Exercises allow students to explore the world of materials in a pragmatic, hands-on manner.

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