Effects of Metallurgical Variables on the Corrosion of High-Nickel Alloys[1]
This chapter is dedicated mostly to the metallurgical effects on the corrosion behavior of corrosion-resistant alloys. It begins with a section describing the importance of alloying elements on the corrosion behavior of nickel alloys. The chapter considers the metallurgical effects of alloy composition for heat-resistant alloys, nickel corrosion-resistant alloys, and nickel-base alloys. This chapter also discusses the corrosion implications of changing the alloy microstructure via solid-state transformation, second-phase precipitation, or cold work. It concludes with a comparison of corrosion behavior between cast and wrought product forms.
Effects of Metallurgical Variables on the Corrosion of High-Nickel Alloys, Corrosion in the Petrochemical Industry, 2nd ed., Edited By Victoria Burt, ASM International, 2015, p 74–81, https://doi.org/10.31399/asm.tb.cpi2.t55030074
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