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To Joan and Sandy for their enduring patience and encouragement.

The authors wish to acknowledge the reviewers of the various chapters who provided valuable insight for improvement. The list includes L.E. Samuels, Keith A. Taylor, Albert Brandemarte, Samuel Lawrence, Colin McCrindle, and Robert O’Reilly. Special thanks go to Samuel Lawrence, Metallographer at Bethlehem Steel’s Homer Research Laboratories, for his advice and assistance in the chapters on specimen preparation. A very special acknowledgment goes to metallographers Ernie Kozak (deceased) and George Ruyak (deceased) who nurtured and guided one of the authors (AOB) in his early years of metallography at Bethlehem Steel’s Homer Research Laboratories. The various students at Lehigh University who provided specimens and micrographs for this book are also acknowledged. Particular thanks go to the editors at ASM International: Timothy Gall who started this venture and Sunniva Collins, our first editor, who provided us with lots of help and support and who married, had children, and received her Doctorate degree while we were in the process of writing this book. Also, thanks go to Veronica Flint, who through diplomatic prodding and helpful encouragement brought us to the point of completing the book in a somewhat timely manner, and to Nancy Hrivnak for her help and guidance in preparing the book for publication.

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