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ASM Technical Books
Steels: Processing, Structure, and Performance (Second Edition)
ASM International
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Book Chapter
Chapter 1: Introduction—Purpose of Text, Microstructure and Analysis, Steel Definitions, and Specifications
Page range:
1 - 8
This chapter provides perspective on the physical dimensions associated with the microstructure of steel and the instruments that reveal grain size, morphology, phase distributions, crystal defects, and chemical composition, from which properties and behaviors derive. The chapter also reviews the definitions and classifications used to identify and differentiate commercial steels, including the AISI/SAE and UNS designation systems.
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Introduction—Purpose of Text, Microstructure and Analysis, Steel Definitions, and Specifications, Steels: Processing, Structure, and Performance, 2nd ed., By George Krauss, ASM International, 2015, p 1–8,
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