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Weld integrity is a key facet in the performance of many structural components and an important factor in the continued development of new structural alloys with improved strength and toughness.

Weld Integrity and Performance provides a selection of adapted articles from various ASM International publications in the general topic area of weld integrity and structural performance. Contents were selected for concise coverage on weld solidification and weldability, weld imperfections and cracking, weld failure analysis and prevention, and the general engineering properties of weldments. It is hoped that this collection provides a convenient reference and source book for design engineers, manufacturing engineers, students, and practitioners who are involved in the application, development, or assessment of welded structures.

Contents were adapted from several publications including:

  • “Principles of Joining Metallurgy,” J. Devletian and W. Wood, Metals Handbook, Volume 5,1983, p 22–49

  • “Principles of Weld Solidification and Microstructures,” S. David and J. Vitek, International Trends in Welding Science and Technology, 1993, p 147–157

  • Weldability Testing,” R. Campbell and D. Walsh, ASM Handbook, Volume 6, 1993

  • Characterization of Welds,” C. Dallam and B. Damkroger, ASM Handbook, Volume 6, 1993

  • Cracking Phenomena Associated with Welding,” M. Cieslak, ASM Handbook, Volume 6, 1993

  • Fatigue and Fracture Control of Weldments,” T. Jutla, ASM Handbook, Volume 19, 1996

  • Factors Influencing Weldment Fatigue,” F. Lawrence, S. Dimitrakis and W. Munse, ASM Handbook, Volume 19, 1996

  • “Aluminum Weldability and Hot Tearing Theory,” C. Cross, W. Tack, L. Loechel, and L. Kramer, Weldability of Materials, 1990

  • Fatigue Strength of Aluminum Alloy Welds,” J. Crompton, ASM Handbook, Volume 19, 1996

  • “Advances in the Arc Welding of Titanium Alloys,” J. Hartman and W. Baeslack III, Weldability of Materials, 1990

  • “Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics: Problems and Progress for Weldments,” J. Landes, International Trends in Welding Science and Technology, 1992

  • “Failure Analysis of Weldments,” ASM Handbook, Volume 11, Failure Analysis and Prevention, 1986

  • ASM Handbook, Volume 17, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 1989

  • ASM Specialty Handbook, Carbon and Alloy Steels, 1996

  • ASM Specialty Handbook, Stainless Steels, 1994

  • ASM Specialty Handbook, Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys, 1993

These contents form the basis of this book and are collected together into this volume.

S. Lampman

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