Chapter 1: Materials Testing Fundamentals
Product design requires an understanding of the mechanical properties of materials, much of which is based on tensile testing. This chapter describes how tensile tests are conducted and how to extract useful information from measurement data. It begins with a review of the different types of test equipment used and how they compare in terms of loading force, displacement rate, accuracy, and allowable sample sizes. It then discusses the various ways tensile measurements are plotted and presents examples of each method. It examines a typical load-displacement curve as well as engineering and true stress-strain curves, calling attention to certain points and features and what they reveal about the test sample and, in some cases, the cause of the behavior observed. It explains, for example, why some materials exhibit discontinuous yielding while others do not, and in such cases, how to determine when yielding begins. It also explains how to determine other properties via tensile tests, including ductility, toughness, and modulus of resilience.
Materials Testing Fundamentals, Mechanical Properties: Key Topics in Materials Science and Engineering, By Robert Tuttle, ASM International, 2021, p 1–18,
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