Chapter 15: Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Weldments in Boiling Water Reactor Service[1]
This chapter examines the stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) failure of stainless steel pipe welds in boiling water reactor (BWR) service. It explains where most of the failures have occurred and provides relevant details about the materials of construction, fabrication techniques, environmental factors, and cracking characteristics. It includes a model that accounts for the primary factors involved in intergranular SCC, namely, tensile stresses above the yield stress of the base material, a sensitized microstructure, and reactor cooling water. The chapter also provides proven remedies and mitigation techniques corresponding to a wide range of issues related to stress, sensitization, and operating conditions.
Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Weldments in Boiling Water Reactor Service, Stress-Corrosion Cracking: Materials Performance and Evaluation, 2nd ed., Edited By Russell H. Jones, ASM International, 2017, p 349–358,
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