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Kent Erington
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Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2022, ISTFA 2022: Conference Proceedings from the 48th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 144-152, October 30–November 3, 2022,
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Laser Voltage Probing (LVP) is an essential Failure Analysis (FA) technique that has been widely adopted by the industry. Waveforms that are collected allow for the analyst to understand various internal failure modes related to timing or abnormal circuit behavior. As technology nodes shrink to the point where multiple transistors reside within the diffraction-limited laser spot size, interpretation of the waveforms can become extremely difficult. In this paper we discuss some of the evolving challenges faced by LVP and propose a new technique known as Differential LVP (dLVP) that can be used to debug marginal failing devices that exhibit a pass/fail boundary in their shmoo plot. We demonstrate how separate pass and fail LVP waveforms can be collected simultaneously and compared to immediately identify whether logic is corrupted and when the corruption occurs. The benefits of this new technique are many. They include guarantees of equivalent pass vs. fail data independent of crosstalk, system noise, stage drift, probe placement, temperature effects, or the diffraction-limited resolution of the probe system. Implementing dLVP into existing tools could extend their effective lifetimes and improve their efficacy related to the demands posed by the debug of 5nm technologies and smaller geometries. We anticipate that fully integrated and evolved dLVP will complement workhorse FA applications such as Laser Assisted Device Alteration (LADA) and Soft Defect Localization (SDL) analysis. Wherein those techniques map timing marginalities propagating to, and observed by, a capture flop, dLVP can extend such capabilities by identifying the first instance of corrupted logic inside the flop and map the corruption all the way to the chip output pin.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2022, ISTFA 2022: Tutorial Presentations from the 48th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, c1-c104, October 30–November 3, 2022,
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This presentation is an application-oriented tutorial on laser-assisted device alteration (LADA) and soft defect localization (SDL) techniques and how they are used to analyze marginal digital failures and identify analog circuits that are sensitive to voltage perturbations. The presentation includes well-illustrated instructions for equipment setup and validation, guidelines for collecting and analyzing images, and examples of how to interpret pass/fail sites and assess the effect of laser interactions on circuit behaviors. It also includes a brief overview of time-resolved LADA and introduces the concept of laser-induced fault isolation (LIFA).
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2021, ISTFA 2021: Tutorial Presentations from the 47th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, e1-e99, October 31–November 4, 2021,
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This presentation is an application oriented tutorial on laser-assisted device alteration (LADA) and soft defect localization (SDL) techniques and how they are used to analyze marginal digital failures and identify analog circuits that are sensitive to voltage perturbations. The presentation includes well-illustrated instructions for equipment setup and validation, guidelines for collecting and analyzing images, and examples of how to interpret pass/fail sites and assess the effect of laser interactions on circuit behaviors. It also includes a brief overview of time-resolved LADA and introduces the concept of laser-induced fault isolation (LIFA).
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2019, ISTFA 2019: Conference Proceedings from the 45th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 381-387, November 10–14, 2019,
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As advanced silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology becomes a more widespread technology offering, failure analysis approaches should be adapted to new device structures. We review two nanoprobing case studies of advanced SOI technology, detailing the electrical characterization of a compound gate-to-drain defect as well as the characterization of unexpected SOI source-to-well leakage.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 November 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.mfadr7.t91110228
EISBN: 978-1-62708-247-1
Diagnosing the root cause of a failure is particularly challenging if the symptom of the failure is not consistently observable. This article focuses on Laser Assisted Device Alteration/Soft Defect Localization (LADA/SDL), a global fault isolation technique, for detecting such failures. The discussion begins with a section describing the three steps in LADA/SDL analysis setup: create the test loop with the fail flag and loop trigger, select the laser dwell time, and select the shmoo bias point. An overview of LADA/SDL workflow is then presented followed by a brief section on time-resolved LADA. The closing pages of the article consider in detail SDL laser interaction physics and LADA laser interaction physics.
Series: ASM Technical Books
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 November 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.tb.mfadr7.t91110285
EISBN: 978-1-62708-247-1
This article addresses the ancillary issues regarding the nanoprobing and characterization of transistors, probing copper metallization layers, and the various imaging techniques. The discussion includes several characterization examples of known transistor failure types, namely four probe transistor characterization, two probe transistor characterization, and probing and characterizing metallization issues. The imaging techniques discussed are those that are specific to atomic force nanoprober or scanning electron microscope based tools. They are current contrast imaging, scanning capacitance imaging, e-beam absorbed current imaging, e-beam induced current imaging, e-beam induced resistance change imaging, and active voltage contrast imaging.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2018, ISTFA 2018: Conference Proceedings from the 44th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 93-103, October 28–November 1, 2018,
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We present the first experimental demonstration of stuck-at scan chain fault isolation through the exploitation of Single Event Upsets (SEU) in a Laser-Induced Fault Analysis (LIFA) system. By observing a pass/fail flag, we can spatially map all flops after a defect in a failing scan chain through induced SEU sites produced by a fiber-amplified 25 ps 1064 nm diode laser. In addition, a custom fault isolation methodology is presented in which the result highlights only the first working flop immediately after the defect mechanism causing the stuck-at chain failure. This work demonstrates a novel method for rapid scan chain fault isolation that significantly improves localization efficacy over conventional best-known methods (BKM) based on frequency mapping. Moreover, experimental results are presented to demonstrate that LIFA can be extended to interrogate the data state of flip flops in a scan chain. Results are also presented to establish that LIFA can be configured as a hardware-based diagnostics platform.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2018, ISTFA 2018: Conference Proceedings from the 44th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 309-314, October 28–November 1, 2018,
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Low power mode current is a very important parameter of most microcontrollers. A non-production prototype microcontroller had high current issues with certain SRAM modules which were produced using a new memory compiler. All devices were measuring 100’s μA of low power mode current which was an order of magnitude higher than the requirement. Many failure analysis (FA) techniques had to be used to determine the root cause: Optical Beam Induced Resistance Change (OBIRCh), photo emission microscopy (PEM), microprobing, and nanoprobe device characterization. Transistor models and measurements of probe structures from the effected lots both predicted that the device low power mode current would meet expectations; however, all first silicon samples had elevated low power mode current. A knowledge of low power design methodology was needed to ensure all issues were discovered.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2017, ISTFA 2017: Conference Proceedings from the 43rd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 228-237, November 5–9, 2017,
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We present an upgraded time-resolved LADA system, with a 25ps pulsed laser, integrated into a commercial laser scanning microscope used in failure analysis. We demonstrate the use of this system on 14nm/16nm finfet devices.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2016, ISTFA 2016: Conference Proceedings from the 42nd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 76-81, November 6–10, 2016,
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An asynchronous Low Voltage Detect (LVD) interrupt during the self-test portion of the reset sequence of a microcontroller randomly caused a corrupted clock state that was not recoverable except through a power on reset, or POR. This paper discusses the techniques used to overcome the many obstacles encountered to determine the root cause of the race condition that corrupted the clock state machine registers.
Journal Articles
Journal: EDFA Technical Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2015) 17 (2): 10–17.
Published: 01 May 2015
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Laser-assisted device alteration (LADA) is an effective tool for identifying speed-limiting paths in ICs. When implemented with a continuous wave laser, it can reveal where the speed-limiting path resides but not when the slow (or fast) logic transition is occurring. To overcome this limitation, an enhanced version of the technique has been developed. This article discusses the capabilities of the new method, called picosecond time-resolved LADA, and explains how it complements the existing failure analysis toolset, facilitating faster resolution of issues and root-cause identification.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2014, ISTFA 2014: Conference Proceedings from the 40th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 73-81, November 9–13, 2014,
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Laser-assisted device alteration (LADA) is an established technique used to identify critical speed paths in integrated circuit. In this paper, the characterization of continuous wave 1340nm laser induced currents and the LADA failure rate show that a two photon absorption explanation for the LADA effect is not plausible. The following sections confirm the results of a 28nm-node nMOS transistor using a 2.45NA solid immersion lens. The effects of global heating to that of local laser heating are then compared. The paper shows that the LADA response time to approximately 1300nm irradiation is << 100ns. It explains LADA at approximately 1300nm, free carrier absorption in the silicon and in the local silicide layers, and presents selected 1320nm LADA images on 28nm-node devices. Finally, it shows 1064nm LADA images on the same structure that indicate that 1064nm interaction with transistors is related to free carrier absorption, rather than electron-hole pair creation.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2014, ISTFA 2014: Conference Proceedings from the 40th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 82-86, November 9–13, 2014,
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Laser-assisted device alteration (LADA) is an established technique used to identify critical speed paths in integrated circuits. LADA can reveal the physical location of a speed path, but not the timing of the speed path. This paper describes the root cause analysis benefits of 1064nm time resolved LADA (TR-LADA) with a picosecond laser. It shows several examples of how picosecond TR-LADA has complemented the existing fault isolation toolset and has allowed for quicker resolution of design and manufacturing issues. The paper explains how TR-LADA increases the LADA localization resolution by eliminating the well interaction, provides the timing of the event detected by LADA, indicates the propagation direction of the critical signals detected by LADA, allows the analyst to infer the logic values of the critical signals, and separates multiple interactions occurring at the same site for better understanding of the critical signals.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2012, ISTFA 2012: Conference Proceedings from the 38th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 183-189, November 11–15, 2012,
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In this paper, we describe improved hardware to connect a semiconductor tester or applications board to a laser scanning microscope (LSM) for performing dynamic laser stimulation (DLS). The hardware, called DXGlue, simplifies the DLS workflow and enables new applications. We describe its precise monitoring of the fail rate and fail mode, its use for time resolved DLS and the enabling of long test loops with short laser dwell times.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2012, ISTFA 2012: Conference Proceedings from the 38th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 417-421, November 11–15, 2012,
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As semiconductor geometries decrease, the size of a defect that leads to circuit failure also decreases. While many defects will cause photoemission or observable leakage paths, occasionally a defect will occur in an area that cannot be easily analyzed. In this analysis, a yield issue in nickel-silicide (NiSi) piping is investigated. The failure had characteristics that fell into areas that avoided detection. A planar transmission electron microscope of the substrate at the defect site was performed to look for evidence of crystalline defects that would allow a conduction path across the channel. This analysis found that NiSi encroachment was the root cause of the yield issue. All analyzed units had the defect between stacked nFET transistors. Because the defect was between stacked nFET gates, the results show that the failure characterization required control of multiple gates to measure the transistor off-state drain to source current.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2010, ISTFA 2010: Conference Proceedings from the 36th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 409-412, November 14–18, 2010,
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Advanced technologies with higher gate leakage due to oxide tunneling current enable detection of high resistance faults to gate nodes using a straight forward resistance measurement.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2009, ISTFA 2009: Conference Proceedings from the 35th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 43-51, November 15–19, 2009,
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We describe a technique that is used to obtain timing information from laser assisted device alteration (LADA). The technique uses a non-pulsed laser scanning microscope to obtain timing information with a temporal resolution on the order of microseconds. Custom software is used to extract the timing information from the LADA images.