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Keita Hashimoto
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 355-364, October 15–18, 2024,
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In order to comprehensively assess creep damage of 18Cr-9Ni-3Cu-Nb-N steel (ASME SA-213 S30432), which is widely used in critical high-temperature regions of heat transfer tubes of ultrasupercritical (USC) boilers, our investigation centered on the σ phase. This phase undergoes formation and coarsening during prolonged thermal exposure. We developed a technique to estimate operational heating metal temperatures by analyzing average particle size of the σ phase (MLAS-EX). By extracting a certain number of σ phase from the largest particle size, it is possible to select the σ phase that nucleated and grew in the early stage of heating. The correlation between the average particle size and the Hollomon-Jaffe Parameter (HJP), a parameter of heating temperature and time, allows precise estimation of the heating metal temperature. Our validation demonstrates that the replica method, which is a nondestructive method and effective for evaluating actual plants, is also applicable. Using our newly developed technique for estimating heating metal temperature, it is possible to predict the remaining creep life of heat transfer tubes based on data related to creep rupture characteristics, working stress and operating time. The developed method has already been successfully applied to evaluate the creep life of several actual boilers.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 461-472, October 15–18, 2024,
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This study aims to elucidate the chemical compositions and microstructural factors that affect longterm creep rupture strength and creep rupture ductility using multiple heats of Gr.92 steel. Evaluating the reduction behavior in long-term creep rupture strength, we propose a relative creep rupture strength value, which is expressed as the logarithmic ratio of the estimated creep strength for each rupture time exceeding 10,000 hours, with 10,000 hours as the reference. Higher initial hardness correlates with greater pronounced strength reduction in the long-term regime. While smaller prior austenite grain sizes lead to greater reductions in creep rupture strength, this effect diminishes above 30 μm. However, no clear correlation was observed between Cr content and creep strength reduction in this study. Brittle creep ruptures with smooth test specimens were observed just below the extensometer ridge in the parallel section of test specimen, indicating notch weakening. Even in heats with excellent creep ductility, the amount of inclusions tended to be higher than in heats with lower creep ductility. Factors other than inclusions also seem to influence long-term creep ductility.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 655-664, October 21–24, 2019,
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18Cr-9Ni-3Cu-Nb-N steel is widely used for heat exchanger tubes such as super-heaters and reheaters of ultra-super critical power generation boilers. In this study, long-term creep rupture tests were carried out on 18Cr-9Ni-3Cu-Nb-N seamless steel tubes of 7 heat materials, and the specimens of 2 heat materials with different creep rupture strengths were observed by ultra-low voltage scanning electron microscope after creep rupture tests. The results of the investigation of the creep rupture specimens and the coverage ratios of M 23 C 6 on grain boundary were different. The cause of this was estimated to be the difference in B content between the 2 heat materials. Creep rupture tests with different final ST temperatures were also carried out using the same heat material, and it was revealed that the higher final ST temperature, the higher the creep rupture strength. As the final ST temperature is higher, the amount of Nb(C, N) solid solution in the matrix increases, and the amount of precipitation of NbCrN and M 23 C 6 increases during creep, therefore it is assumed that the creep rupture strength increases.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1048-1059, October 21–24, 2019,
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The susceptibilities of hot cracking and reheat cracking of A-USC candidate Ni-based alloys were evaluated relatively by Trans-Varestraint testing and Slow Strain Rate Tensile (SSRT) testing. In addition, semi-quantitative evaluation of the stress relaxation cracking susceptibility of Alloy 617 was conducted, because stress relaxation cracking in the heat affected zone (HAZ) has actually been reported for repair welds in Alloy 617 steam piping in European A-USC field-testing. Solidification cracking susceptibilities of Alloy 617 were the highest; followed by HR35, Alloy 740 and Alloy 141, which were all high; and then by HR6W and Alloy 263, which were relatively low. In addition, liquation cracking was observed in the HAZ of Alloy 617. The reheat cracking susceptibilities of Alloy 617, Alloy 263, Alloy 740 and Alloy 141 were somewhat higher than those of HR6W and HR35 which have good creep ductility due to the absence of γ’ phase precipitates. A method to evaluate stress relaxation cracking susceptibility was developed by applying a three-point bending test using a specimen with a V-notch and finite element analysis (FEA), and it was shown that stress relaxation cracking of aged Alloy 617 can be experimentally replicated. It was proposed that a larger magnitude of creep strain occurs via stress relaxation during the three-point bending test due to a higher yield strength caused by γ’ phase strengthening, and that low ductility due to grain boundary carbides promoted stress relaxation cracking. The critical creep strain curve of cracking can be created by means of the relationship between the initial strain and the creep strain during the three-point bending tests, which were calculated by FEA. Therefore, the critical conditions to cause cracking could be estimated from the stress relaxation cracking boundary from of the relationship between the initial strain and the creep strain during the three-point bending test.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1487-1499, October 21–24, 2019,
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CO 2 emission reduction from coal power plants is still a serious issue to mitigate the impact of global warming and resulting climate change, though renewables are growing today. As one of the solutions, we developed A-USC (Advanced Ultra Super Critical steam condition) technology to raise the thermal efficiency of coal power plants by using high steam temperatures of up to 700℃ between 2008 and 2017 with the support of METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) and NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization). The temperature is 100℃ higher than that of the current USC technology. Materials and manufacturing technology for boilers, turbines and valves were developed. Boiler components, such as super heaters, a thick wall pipe, valves, and a turbine casing were successfully tested in a 700℃-boiler component test facility. Turbine rotors were tested successfully, as well, in a turbine rotating test facility under 700℃ and at actual speed. The tested components were removed from the facilities and inspected. In 2017, following the component tests, we started a new project to develop the maintenance technology of the A-USC power plants with the support of NEDO. A pressurized thick wall pipe is being tested in a 700℃ furnace to check the material degradation of an actual sized component.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 418-428, October 11–14, 2016,
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Seeking to reduce CO 2 emissions and improve power generation efficiency, a project to develop a 700°C A-USC (advanced ultra super critical) power plant has been under way in Japan since 2008. HR6W (44Ni-23Cr-7W) is a candidate material for application in the maximum temperature areas of A-USC boilers. In this study, the creep rupture properties of plastic deformed material were investigated in comparison with those of solution treated material, in order to clarify the capability of HR6W as a material for use in A-USC plants. The creep strength of 20% pre-strained HR6W was found to increase substantially as compared with the solution treated material. 20% pre-strained material is in a state where high dislocation density has been introduced by plastic forming strain, with M 23 C 6 and Laves phase precipitating preferentially by dislocation diffusion from the early stages of creep. In particular, since high dislocation density is accumulated in connection with creep deformation near the grain boundaries, precipitation is accelerated and the grain boundaries are covered with M 23 C 6 from the early stages of creep. Then, even though the intragranular precipitate density decreases, given that the fraction of grain boundaries affected by precipitation is maintained in a high state, it is presumed that a high density of dislocation is maintained in the long-term region. This was considered to be the reason why the creep rupture strength of the 20% pre-strained material increased so remarkably in comparison with the solution treated material.