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G. Zhang
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Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2017, Thermal Spray 2017: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 1008-1012, June 7–9, 2017,
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NiCrBSi is a material generally used in wear-resistant coatings. In order to improve the tribological properties of atmospheric plasma-sprayed NiCrBSi coatings, Molybdenum (Mo) was incorporated into the NiCrBSi coatings to reduce the friction coefficient and wear rate under dry and oil-lubricated conditions. In this paper, Mo-NiCrBSi composite coatings with Mo content of 5, 10, 20 and 30 wt.% were deposited on stainless steel substrates respectively by atmospheric plasma spray. X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy were utilized to investigate the phase structure and surface morphology of the composite coatings. Reciprocating friction tests were conducted to measure the friction coefficients and 3D optical microscopy was used to depict the wear track profiles. The results showed that the 30 wt.% Mo-NiCrBSi coating exhibits the best tribological performance. In addition, MoO 2 and MoS 2 films were formed in the friction process under dry condition and oil-lubricated condition respectively.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2016, Thermal Spray 2016: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 49-55, May 10–12, 2016,
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In this work, a three-dimensional coating build-up model is developed to investigate the effect of torch speed, spray angle, and step size on plasma-sprayed coatings. In-flight particle locations and status prior to impact are measured and the data obtained are fed into the model. The model is used to predict the thickness, roughness, and porosity of plasma-sprayed coatings for different spray angles, torch scanning speeds, and scanning steps. Simulation results are presented and discussed along with several rules that govern splat deformation, splat overlap, and pore formation.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2009, Thermal Spray 2009: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 779-785, May 4–7, 2009,
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In this investigation, flame spraying is used to deposit polyether ether ketone (PEEK) layers on stainless steel substrates and CO 2 and Nd:YAG laser remelting treatments are performed to densify the deposited material. Microstructural analysis of the as-sprayed and remelted coatings shows that both lasers are suitable for densifying PEEK polymer layers on stainless steel and that the resulting crystalline structure depends on laser processing parameters. Hardness measurements and tribological and scratch tests are also carried out and the results are correlated with microstructure.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2008, Thermal Spray 2008: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 1251-1256, June 2–4, 2008,
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In this paper, tin-bronze/TiN and tin-bronze/quasicrystal (AlCuFeB) composite coatings were fabricated by cold spray process. Microstructures and microhardness of coatings were characterized. Ball-on-disc dry sliding wear tests were conducted in an ambient condition to examine the tribological performance of the composite coatings. The results show that the microhardness and densities of composite coatings increase significantly compared to those of the pure tin-bronze coating. The friction coefficients of coatings decrease with the introduction of reinforces. Furthermore, the tin-bronze/quasicrystal composite coating yields a lower friction coefficient and wear rate compared to the bronze/TiN coating. The tribological mechanisms were discussed.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2007, Thermal Spray 2007: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 965-970, May 14–16, 2007,
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The development of High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) process shows a clear trend toward the design of new gun in which high pressure and large power are expected in order to obtain a stable flame and a high powder feed rate for industrial applications. In this work, a new HVOF gun, AMT-200, was used to prepare NiCrAlY and WC-Co-Cr coatings. To optimise the spraying parameters, i.e., flux rates of oxygen and fuel gas and spraying distance, the on line control system AMT Spraying Xplorer was used. The results show that the spraying parameters play significant roles on the properties of NiCrAlY coatings. Employing optimized parameters, a dense NiCrAlY coating, with a high coating/substrate bonding strength and low oxygen content, could be obtained by this system. Moreover, thermal treatment could reduce significantly the coating porosity and increase greatly coating/substrate bonding strength. The preliminary tests on WC-Co-Cr coating indicate that dense cermet based coatings could be deposited with this system.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2006, Thermal Spray 2006: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 259-264, May 15–18, 2006,
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A convergent-barrel (CB) cold spray nozzle was designed through numerical simulation. It was found that the main factors influencing significantly the particle velocity and temperature include the length and diameter of the barrel section, the nature of the accelerating gas and the operating gas pressure and temperature, and the particle size. Particles can achieve a relatively low velocity but a high temperature under the same gas pressure using a CB nozzle compared to a convergent-divergent (CD) nozzle. The experiment results with Cu powder using the designed CB nozzle confirmed that the deposition can be realized under a lower gas pressure with a CB nozzle.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2006, Thermal Spray 2006: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 923-928, May 15–18, 2006,
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Flame sprayed PEEK (poly-ether-ether-ketone) coatings, with an amorphous structure, were subjected to isothermal treatments with annealing temperatures from 180 to 300 °C and holding time from 1 to 30 min. The coating structures were studied by means of DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) analyses. All annealed coatings exhibit semi-crystalline structures. Coexistence of thick and thin lamellae in the spherulites of annealed coatings can be deduced from the analysis results. The Knoop hardness and the interfacial adhesion of the coatings were examined. The annealed coatings exhibit higher hardness than the amorphous ones. The formation of the thick lamellae is the determinant factor for improving the coating hardness. However, the annealed coatings exhibit a weak adherence to the substrate. Some fissures or spherical porosities could be observed, in certain zones, on the coating/substrate interface. The formation of these fissures and porosities could be ascribed to the coating residual stress and the big volume contraction during the crystallisation that occurred under the annealing condition.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2005, Thermal Spray 2005: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 732-737, May 2–4, 2005,
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Amorphous PEEK coating was prepared on Al substrate, employing flame spraying technology. The amorphous coating was subjected to annealing treatments under different conditions. Both differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) analysis revealed that the isothermally treated coating exhibited semi-crystalline structure. Coexistence of double crystal entities in semi-crystalline PEEK coating was deduced from the results obtained by DSC and WAXD measurements. Annealing temperature and holding time under this temperature affect the morphology of the minor crystal entity which is metastable. The mechanical properties of the isothermally treated coating were investigated considering coating microhardness and friction and wear properties. The variations of the coating mechanical properties were correlated with the modifications in the coating structure induced by the different annealing conditions.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC1998, Thermal Spray 1998: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 837-842, May 25–29, 1998,
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Microscopic fracture mechanisms of thermal spray coatings under bending stress are investigated. Samples of thermally sprayed coatings were made using three distances. The sprayed powder was pure molybdenum. Vertical microcracks occur in lamellae and subsequently, these cracks join together and form vertical macrocracks in the samples sprayed with a short spraying distance. On the other hand, horizontal microcracks occur at the lamellae interfaces, and these cracks link together in the samples sprayed with a long spraying distance. These tendencies can be explained in terms of the hardness of the lamella and the bonding strength between each lamella. It is clarified that the bonding strength between each lamella corresponds to the applied strain at the point of rapid increase of the acoustic emission (AE) event. The amplitude and rate of AE beyond the point of rapid increase are high in the coatings which formed macrocracks. It is concluded that the coating which has high resistance to crack formation has a high point of AE increase, low AE amplitude and low AE increasing rate.