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Fujimitsu Masuyama
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 282-293, October 21–24, 2019,
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For last half century the development of creep strength enhanced ferritic steels has been continued and presently ASME grades 91, 92 and 122 extremely stronger than conventional low alloy steels have extensively been used worldwide in high efficient power plants. However the use of these creep strength enhanced 9-12%Cr steels is limited to around 630°C or 650°C at maximum in terms of high temperature strength and oxidation resistance. Consequently the appearance of ferritic steels standing up to higher temperature of around 700°C to substitute of high strength austenitic steels is strongly desired. Under the state, the addition of high nitrogen to ferritic steels is attracting considerable attention because of improving high temperature strength and oxidation resistance of them. This work was done to evaluate the oxidation resistance of high nitrogen steels and to investigate the effect nitrogen and microstructure on oxidation resistance using 9-15%Cr steels with about 0.3% nitrogen manufactured by means of Pressurized Electro- Slag Remelting (PESR) method in comparison with ASME grades 91 and 122. As a result, high nitrogen ferritic steels showed excellent oxidation resistance comparing with nitrogen-free steels and ASME grades 91 and 122. The oxidation resistance of 9%Cr ferritic steels depends on the nitrogen content in the each steel. That is, the weight gain decreases with an increase in nitrogen content. Moreover, the oxide scale of high nitrogen steel contained a high concentration of Cr. It is conjectured that, in high temperature oxidation, nitrogen plays a key role in promoting the formation of the oxide scale which has high concentration of Cr, inhibiting oxidation from proceeding. And also it was found that the oxidation resistance of the high nitrogen steels does not depend greatly on Cr content but on their microstructure. The oxidation resistance of high nitrogen ferritic heat-resistant steels increased as the fraction of martensite structure increased. These results indicate for high nitrogen steels Cr diffusion along grain boundaries is further promoted resulting in the formation of protective oxide scale having high Cr concentration. Furthermore as new findings it was confirmed that the Cr diffusion in substrate of steels to form Cr concentrated oxide scale on the metal surface is accelerated by nitrogen while suppressed by carbon in matrix of steel.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 137-148, October 11–14, 2016,
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The creep degradation/life assessment for high temperature critical component materials is absolutely needed to assure the long-term service operation and there is little experience with the service exposure of the high temperature components made of newly developed Ni-based alloys. In this study, therefore, the creep degradation assessment study on the Ni-based alloys, Alloy 617 and HR6W was conducted based on the hardness method, because the hardness measurement is a useful and simple technique for the materials characterization for any kind of high temperature-serviced steels and alloys. As the result, it was found that the hardness was increased by not only precipitation due to thermal aging but also creep stress/strain, and there existed linear relationship between the applied stress and creep-induced hardness increase. Also the hardness scatter measured was increased along with the progress of creep hardening and damage progressing in terms of creep life consumed. Those findings suggested that the creep life assessment of Ni-based alloys would be possible by means of hardness measurement. The paper also deals with the role and perspective development of non destructive damage detecting techniques, and life assessment issues on Ni-based alloys for A-USC power applications.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 960-972, October 22–25, 2013,
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In order to improve thermal efficiency of fossil-fired power plants through increasing steam temperature and pressure high strength martensitic 9-12%Cr steels have extensively been used, and some power plants have experienced creep failure in high temperature welds after several years operations. The creep failure and degradation in welds of longitudinally seam-welded Cr- Mo steel pipes and Cr-Mo steel tubes of dissimilar metal welded joint after long-term service are also well known. The creep degradation in welds initiates as creep cavity formation under the multi-axial stress conditions. For the safety use of high temperature welds in power plant components, the complete understanding of the creep degradation and establishment of creep life assessment for the welds is essential. In this paper creep degradation and initiation mechanism in welds of Cr-Mo steels and high strength martensitic 9-12%Cr steels are reviewed and compared. And also since the non-destructive creep life assessment techniques for the Type IV creep degradation and failure in high strength martensitic 9-12%Cr steel welds are not yet practically established and applied, a candidate way based on the hardness creep life model developed by the authors would be demonstrated as well as the investigation results on the creep cavity formation behavior in the welds. Additionally from the aspect of safety issues on welds design an experimental approach to consider the weld joint influence factors (WJIF) would also be presented based on the creep rupture data of the large size cross-weld specimens and component welds.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 11-29, August 31–September 3, 2010,
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Recently advanced ultra-super critical (A-USC) pressure power plants with 700°C class steam parameters have been under development worldwide. Japanese material R&D program for A- USC beside the plant R&D program started in 2008, launched in 2007 under the METI/NEDO foundation includes not only alloy design explores and novel ideas for developing new steels and alloys that can fill critical needs in building 700°C class advanced power plants, but also fundamental studies on creep strength and degradation assessment, which are absolutely needed to assure the long-term safe use of newly developed steels and alloys at critical temperature conditions, for instance, 650°C for ferritic steels, 700°C for austenitic steels and 750°C for Ni- based alloys. This program concept has been based on the lessons from materials issues recently experienced in the creep strength enhanced ferritic steels used for 600°C class ultra-super critical power plants. Particular outputs from the program up to now are recognized as the ferritic steel having the creep strength of 100MPa at 650°C beyond 30,000h without any Type IV degradation and as the austenitic steel developed by means of inter-metallic compounds precipitation strengthening of grain boundary which should be strongest in creep ever found. Concurrently great progresses have been seen in the research works with positron annihilation life monitoring method applicable to various kinds of defects, structural free energy values, small punch creep test data for very limited interest area, crystallographic analyses, optimum time-temperature parameter regional creep rupture curve fitting method, hardness model, etc. which would highly contribute to find out and establish the structural parameters affecting to creep strength and degradation resulting in accurately estimating the 100,000h creep strength.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 35-50, October 25–28, 2004,
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In the later half of the last century great progress in alloy development for power applications was seen to improve thermal efficiency with increasing steam temperature. Meanwhile, many material-related troubles have been experienced due to rising temperature and uncertainty in the properties of fabricated metal. For further improvement in the thermal efficiency of fossil-fired power plants with ultra supercritical steam parameter conditions aiming at temperatures above 700°C, alloy development concepts and material issues with increasing steam temperature must be reviewed and discussed. In this paper new findings in the areas of alloy developments, creep failure in base metal and weldments, thermal fatigue failure and steam oxidation/hot corrosion are presented and discussed, as well as the economical aspect of material development, which is essential to realize unprecedented ultra supercritical steam conditions.