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Eiji Saito
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1487-1499, October 21–24, 2019,
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CO 2 emission reduction from coal power plants is still a serious issue to mitigate the impact of global warming and resulting climate change, though renewables are growing today. As one of the solutions, we developed A-USC (Advanced Ultra Super Critical steam condition) technology to raise the thermal efficiency of coal power plants by using high steam temperatures of up to 700℃ between 2008 and 2017 with the support of METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) and NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization). The temperature is 100℃ higher than that of the current USC technology. Materials and manufacturing technology for boilers, turbines and valves were developed. Boiler components, such as super heaters, a thick wall pipe, valves, and a turbine casing were successfully tested in a 700℃-boiler component test facility. Turbine rotors were tested successfully, as well, in a turbine rotating test facility under 700℃ and at actual speed. The tested components were removed from the facilities and inspected. In 2017, following the component tests, we started a new project to develop the maintenance technology of the A-USC power plants with the support of NEDO. A pressurized thick wall pipe is being tested in a 700℃ furnace to check the material degradation of an actual sized component.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 24-40, October 22–25, 2013,
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We have reported on the effort being done to develop the A-USC technology in Japan, which features the 700 deg-C steam condition, since the 2007 EPRI conference. Our 9 year project began in 2008. There have been some major changes in the electricity power market in the world recently. At first, the earthquake changed the power system violently in Japan. Almost all nuclear power plants have been shut down and natural gas, oil and coal power plants are working fully to satisfy the market's demands. In the USA, the so called ‘Shale gas revolution’ is going on. In Europe, they are working toward the target of reducing CO 2 emissions by the significant use of renewables with the backup of the fossil fuel power systems and enhancing power grids. A very rapid increase in power generation by coal is being observed in some countries. Despite some major changes in the electric sector in the world and the CO 2 problem, the global need for coal power generation is still high. We can reconfirm that the improvement of the thermal efficiency of coal power plants should be the most fundamental and important measure for the issues we are confronting today, and that continuous effort should be put towards it. Based on the study we showed at the 2007 conference, we developed 700 deg-C class technology mainly focusing on the material and manufacturing technology development and verification tests for key components such as boilers, turbines and valves. Fundamental technology developments have been done during the first half of the project term. Long term material tests such as creep rupture of base materials and welds will be conducted for 100,000hrs continuing after the end of the project with the joint effort of each participating company. Today, we are preparing the plan for the second half of the project, which is made up of boiler components test and the turbine rotating tests. Some boiler superheater panels, large diameter pipes and valves will be tested in a commercially operating boiler from 2015 to 2017. The turbine rotor materials which have the same diameter as commercial rotors will be tested at 700 deg-C and at actual speed.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1283-1291, October 22–25, 2013,
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The trial production of FENIX-700 turbine rotors for advanced-ultra super critical (A-USC) power generation was conducted, and their microstructure, tensile, impact, and creep properties were evaluated. Two 10-ton class trial forgings were successfully produced through double melting of VIM and ESR and free forging with a 14,000 ton hydraulic press. For examining the effect of the forging condition on the microstructure of the rotors, we adopted lower finish temperatures and an increased forging ratio on the last forging for the second trial. The grains of the second trial forging were refined by changing the forging condition. In particular, the grain size of the center of the rotor was remarkably decreased from the grain size number 0.5 to 2.8. Grain refinement improved the permeability of the ultrasonic wave in the ultrasonic inspection test, resulting in decreasing the minimum detectable flaw size (MDFS). The ductility and toughness were also improved by grain refinement. Although the grain size was decreased, the time to rupture in the creep test at 700 °C was comparable to the previous results of FENIX-700, and the estimated 105 h rupture stress at 700 °C was sufficiently higher than 100 MPa. However, it was clarified that the particles of gamma-prime in the center of the rotor had been coarsened due to the mass effect. The slight decrease of 0.2% proof stress and shortening of creep rupture time at 700 °C were attributed to the coarse gamma-prime particles. The results of the present trial expressly demonstrated that it is possible to manufacture 10-ton class A-USC turbine rotors of FENIX-700 with excellent mechanical properties and good permeability of the ultrasonic wave.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 325-341, August 31–September 3, 2010,
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The “Cool Earth-Innovative Energy Technology Program,” launched by the Japanese government in March 2008, aims to significantly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Among the 21 selected technologies is the Advanced Ultra Super Critical (A-USC) pressure power generation, which targets the commercialization of a 700°C class pulverized coal power system with a power generation efficiency of 46% by around 2015. As of 2004, Japan's pulverized coal power plant capacity reached 35 GW, with the latest plants achieving a steam temperature of 600°C and a net thermal efficiency of approximately 42% (HHV). Older plants from the 1970s and early 1980s, with steam temperatures of 538°C or 566°C, are nearing the need for refurbishment or rebuilding. A case study on retrofitting these older plants with A-USC technology, which uses a 700°C class steam temperature, demonstrated that this technology is suitable for such upgrades and can reduce CO 2 emissions by about 15%. Following this study, a large-scale development of A-USC technology began in August 2008, focusing on developing 700°C class boiler, turbine, and valve technologies, including high-temperature material technology. Candidate materials for boilers and turbine rotor and casing materials are being developed and tested. Two years into the project, useful test results regarding these candidate materials have been obtained, contributing to the advancement of A-USC technology.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 361-372, August 31–September 3, 2010,
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The effect of grain size after solution treatment on the mechanical properties of FENIX-700, including its cooling rate, was investigated. In addition, the dependance of precipitation observed at grain boundaries on the heat treatment conditions was also discussed on the basis of the results of microstructure observations. It was confirmed that the tensile ductility, the creep rupture ductility, and the absorbed energy decreased as the grain size increased. The creep rupture strength, in contrast, increased remarkably as the grain size increased. The tensile strength increased as the cooling rate increased. Experimental results showed that satisfactory mechanical properties would be obtained for a grain size of ASTM G.S.No. 1.0-3.0.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 423-435, August 31–September 3, 2010,
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A modified version of Alloy 706, designated FENIX-700, was developed using the CALPHAD method to improve high-temperature stability above 700°C. The new alloy features reduced Nb and increased Al content, relying on γ' (Ni 3 Al) strengthening while eliminating γ'' (Ni 3 Nb), δ, and η phases. This modification improved both creep temperature capability (from 650°C to 700°C) and segregation properties. Successful manufacturing trials included a 760 mm² forging shaft using triple melt processing and a 1050 mm ESR ingot, demonstrating industrial viability. The study also explores compatible Ni-base welding materials for joining FENIX-700 to 12% Cr ferritic steel in 700°C class steam turbine applications.