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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 111-112, October 15–18, 2024,
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Diode laser cladding (DLC) surfaces, valued in the nuclear industry for their wear resistance, corrosion protection, and oxidation resistance, present unique challenges in surface characterization compared to conventionally machined surfaces. While traditional machined surfaces exhibit predictable, periodic topographies that can be validated through simple linear profile measurements, DLC surfaces feature distinctive metal tracks with central peaks and inter-track troughs, creating a wave-like structure with randomly distributed spherical asperities. This complex topography cannot be adequately characterized by traditional single-trace sampling methods due to significant variations in localized features at peaks and troughs. To address this challenge, this study examines DLC surfaces produced under varying control parameters (laser power, head travel speed, powder feed rate, and track offset) using laser confocal microscopy. Both profile and areal surface measurements are compared to identify the most effective method for characterizing DLC surface structure and quality, providing a foundation for standardized quality assessment in industrial applications.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 517-527, October 15–18, 2024,
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High-performance Ferritic (HiperFer) steels represent a promising materials innovation for next-generation thermal energy conversion systems, particularly in cyclically operating applications like concentrating solar thermal plants and heat storage power plants (Carnot batteries), where current market adoption is hindered by the lack of cost-effective, high-performance materials. HiperFer steels demonstrate superior fatigue resistance, creep strength, and corrosion resistance compared to conventional ferritic-martensitic 9-12 Cr steels and some austenitic stainless steels, making them potentially transformative for future energy technologies. This paper examines the microstructural mechanisms underlying HiperFer’s enhanced fatigue resistance in both short and long crack propagation, while also presenting current findings on salt corrosion properties and exploring potential alloying improvements for fusion reactor applications, highlighting the broad technical relevance of these innovative materials.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2024, Thermal Spray 2024: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 213-220, April 29–May 1, 2024,
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The H-class turbine, introduced nearly a decade ago, has reached a significant milestone with its 100th global sale. With 108 units sold and 91 in operation across four continents, accumulating over 3.2 million fired hours, the SGT5-8000H has established itself as a market leader, setting industry benchmarks for performance. Since its launch, the SGT5-8000H's output has increased from 375 MW to 450 MW, and combined cycle efficiency has surpassed 62%. To maintain optimal performance, the platform combustion system (PCS) of the SGT5-8000H has undergone refurbishment in Berlin since 2017. Beginning with a PCS from Samsun, Turkey, the process involves a detailed inspection, repair, recoating, and final assembly. Advanced technologies, such as blue light scanning, enhance efficiency and enable lifecycle assessments. Innovative repair methods, including 3D printed patch repairs using laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), reduce costs. Laser-based cutting and welding automation further minimizes heat input and distortion, ensuring the PCS's reliability and longevity. These technological advancements contribute to the SGT5-8000H's stable and dependable operation.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2023, Thermal Spray 2023: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 717-723, May 22–25, 2023,
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In the current work, typical thermal-sprayed copper-based alloys are investigated to reduce the spread of pathogenic germs in broiler farming. Compressed air and nitrogen are used as process gas, while the coating torches and the alloys were varied. The results demonstrate a significant reduction in pathogenic load due to the coatings. This accounts especially for the bacterial strain E.ceocurm, which is the predominant bacteria in broiler farming. Further investigations regarded the microstructure and the electrical conductivity of the coatings.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1-10, October 21–24, 2019,
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Future, flexible thermal energy conversion systems require new, demand-optimized high-performance materials. In order to provide a basis for the targeted development of fatigue-resistant, cost-effective steel grades, the microstructural damage to materials and the failure of conventional and novel steels were investigated in thermo-mechanical fatigue and fatigue crack propagation experiments. Based on the results, improved, ferritic “HiperFer” (High performance Ferrite) steels were designed, produced and characterized. A brief description of the current state of development is given.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 360-369, October 21–24, 2019,
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This work deals with the potential of microstructurally based modeling of the creep deformation of martensitic steels. The motivation for the work stems from the ever increasing demand for higher efficiency and better reliability of modern thermal power plants. Service temperatures of 600°C and stress levels up to 100 MPa are currently the typical requirements on critical components. High creep and oxidation resistance are the main challenges for a lifetime 10+ years in steam atmosphere. New materials may fulfill these requirements; however, the save prediction of the creep resistance is a difficult challenge. The model presented in this work takes into consideration the initial microstructure of the material, its evolution during thermal and mechanical exposure and the link between microstructural evolution and creep deformation rate. The model includes the interaction between the relevant microstructural constituents such as precipitates, grain- lath- and subgrain boundaries and dislocations. In addition, the material damage is included into the model. The applicability of the model is then demonstrated on standard creep resistant alloys. Contrary to phenomenological models, this approach can be tested against microstructural data of creep loaded samples and thus provides higher reliability. Nevertheless, potential improvements are discussed and future developments are outlined.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2019, Thermal Spray 2019: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 441-449, May 26–29, 2019,
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In this paper, the principles of computational fluid dynamics are used to simulate the complex gas flows in the cylinder bore of an automotive engine during internal-diameter twin-wire arc spraying. A number of experiments are conducted as well and the results are presented and analyzed in order to optimize the properties of the coating. The combination of simulation and experiments led to the development of a process that achieves uniform layer adhesion strength over the length of the cylinder bore.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2017, ISTFA 2017: Conference Proceedings from the 43rd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 279-284, November 5–9, 2017,
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Modern integrated circuits (ICs) are in permanent risk of hardware attacks on sensitive data. But, proper and affordable protection of the IC backside against Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and optical fault injection attacks is missing. In this work, we investigate a patent [1] that uses p-n junctions as light emitters (forward bias) and detectors. We improved the backside detection mechanism presented in the patent by developing a test structure and adding an optically active layer on the backside as protective element to detect an attacked backside with electrical signals in the IC. The angle dependent reflection provided by the layer acts as the protective function. We demonstrate how the light emission and detection concept is quantitatively working and how the active layer produces a backside layer integrity related signal in the IC which can act as attack indicator. We also show that, due to the weak light emission intensity of silicon and the high excitation current, influences such as multi-angle reflection and stray current are reducing the angle-dependent effect on the signal and have to be taken into account in practical use.
Proceedings Papers
Role of Thermal Processing in Tailored Forming Technology for Manufacturing Multimaterial Components
HT2017, Heat Treat 2017: Proceedings from the 29th Heat Treating Society Conference and Exposition, 172-179, October 24–26, 2017,
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The demand for lightweight, high performance components continues to grow in the transportation industry. However, the inevitable trade-off between strength, weight and cost is a limiting factor in design and implementation of many technologies. Load adapted tailored components with locally varying properties offer a potential solution to this problem. In sheet forming industry, use of tailored blanks has increased notably in the last two decades, whereas utilization of such concept is relatively new to bulk metal forming industry. The researchers have been exploring new possibilities for suitable process chains to manufacture massive hybrid components. The process chain involves manufacturing processes of joining, forming, heat treatment and machining. The interface characteristics between the two materials are decisive in the performance of the manufactured component. In this study, manufacturing of a bi-material shaft by tailored forming is covered. First of all, an overview of the tailored forming technology is given with an emphasis on the joining zone treatment by thermal and thermomechanical processing. In the following, a numerical and experimental analysis of induction heating of bi-material workpieces is presented.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 1027-1035, October 11–14, 2016,
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In the present study a creep resistant, ferritic steel, based on the chemical composition of Crofer 22 H, was analysed regarding microstructure and particle evolution. Because of the preceding hot-rolling process formation of sub-grain structures was observed, which disappears over time. Additionally formation of particle-free zones close to high angle grain boundaries was observed. These zones are considered to be responsible for long-term material failure by lacking particle hardening and thus a concentration of deformation. Therefore in-depth analyses by transmission and scanning electron microscopy were performed to investigate dislocation behaviour in these areas
Journal Articles
Journal: AM&P Technical Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2015) 173 (3): 24–27.
Published: 01 March 2015
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The 10th Liège Conference on Materials for Advanced Power Engineering was held in September 2014. This article presents conference highlights, including the current state of European materials research for advanced power engineering applications; European multinational programs in this area; and critical research topics including creep-fatigue, new alloy development, and materials developments for gas turbines.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2014, ISTFA 2014: Conference Proceedings from the 40th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 125-129, November 9–13, 2014,
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Contour milling by high precision CNC-milling offers the possibility to delayer precisely into warped and tilted package interfaces e.g. to expose the die backside. The needed data about the warpage of the surface of interest is in this case derived from SAM time of flight- measurements. The combination of these two approaches solves emerging challenges for backside preparation process.
Journal Articles
Journal: EDFA Technical Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2006) 8 (4): 16–24.
Published: 01 November 2006
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The susceptibility of ICs to electromagnetic interference is a growing concern for both designers and failure analysts. This article discusses the causes and effects of transient electromagnetic interference and the factors that influence electromagnetic susceptibility. It explains how to determine susceptibility based on transient pulse testing and presents and interprets the test results of three automotive ICs.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2006, ISTFA 2006: Conference Proceedings from the 32nd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 147-152, November 12–16, 2006,
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This paper reports on a setup and a method that enables automated analysis of mechanical stress impact on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). In this setup both electrical and optical inspection are available. Reliability testing is possible on a single chip as well as on the wafer level. Mechanical stress is applied to the tested structure with programmable static forces up to 3.6 N and dynamic loads at frequencies up to 20 Hz. The applications of the presented system include the postmanufacturing test, characterization and stress screens as well as reliability studies. We report preliminary results of long-term reliability testing obtained for a CMOS-based stress sensor.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2004, ISTFA 2004: Conference Proceedings from the 30th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 521-526, November 14–18, 2004,
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This paper describes and shows some anticipated application examples for an integrated logical/physical analysis environment that utilizes the public-domain OpenAccess database as a key infrastructure element. Using an electronic design automation (EDA) database makes it possible to enrich the failure analysis and debug environment with useful EDA-type utilities and applications. The article introduces the industry-standard OpenAccess data base and illustrates how this database can be used for better integration of a more comprehensive postsilicon debug, diagnostics, and characterization environment. It provides a summary of OpenAccess and highlights the possible role for OpenAccess/Unified Data Model as a complementary technology that captures the more static information about a product's design, design analysis, and design intent information. An initial integrated logical/physical analysis environment for logic diagnostics has been established for prototyping purposes. The article also presents examples of logical/physical analysis: signal interaction analysis and probing and circuit edit.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2002, ISTFA 2002: Conference Proceedings from the 28th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 295-303, November 3–7, 2002,
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A new imaging technique called Wavefront Coding allows real-time imaging of three-dimensional structures over a very large depth. Wavefront Coding systems combine aspheric optics and signal processing to achieve depth of fields ten or more times greater than that possible with traditional imaging systems. Understanding the relationships between traditional and modern imaging system design through Wavefront Coding is very challenging. In high performance imaging systems nearly all aspects of the system that could reduce image quality are carefully controlled. Modifying the optics and using signal processing can increase the amount of image information that can be recorded by microscopes. For a number of applications this increase in information can allow a single image to be used where a number of images taken at different object planes had been used before. Having very large depth of field and real-time imaging capability means that very deep structures such as surface micromachined MEMS can be clearly imaged with one image, greatly simplifying defect and failure analysis.
Proceedings Papers
ISTFA2000, ISTFA 2000: Conference Proceedings from the 26th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 511-519, November 12–16, 2000,
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In this work, we introduce Conducting Atomic Force Microscopy (C-AFM) as a novel technique for the determination of the local effective electrical oxide thickness with a lateral resolution of a few nanometers and a thickness resolution in the sub ångström range. In this technique the conductive tip of an AFM, which is in mechanical contact with the bare oxide surface, is used as metal electrode to define a local MOS structure with nanometer lateral extension. Oxide thickness determination is done by fitting the local I-V curves to the well known Fowler Nordheim tunneling equation with a thickness sensitivity in the sub-ångström range. In addition, tunneling current images at constant applied voltage can be obtained simultaneously to the oxide surface topography. We present a scheme which allows the conversion of the tunneling current images into maps of the local electrical oxide thickness. Several examples demonstrate the versatile and far-reaching application of C-AFM to R&D and failure analysis.