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B. A. Pint
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 930-938, October 21–24, 2019,
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Direct-fired supercritical CO 2 (sCO 2 ) cycles are expected to result in sCO 2 with higher impurity levels compared to indirect-fired cycles. Prior work at ambient pressure showed minimal effects of O 2 and H 2 O additions, however, a new experimental rig has been built to have flowing controlled impurity levels at supercritical pressures at ≤800°C. Based on industry input, the first experiment was conducted at 750°C/300 bar in CO 2 +1%O 2 -0.25%H 2 O using 500-h cycles for up to 5,000 h. Compared to research grade sCO 2 , the results indicate faster reaction rates for Fe-based alloys like 310HN and smaller increases for Ni-based alloys like alloys 617B and 282. It is difficult to quantify the 310HN rate increase because of scale spallation. Characterization of the 5,000 h specimens indicated a thicker reaction product formed, which has not been observed in previous impurity studies at ambient pressure. These results suggest that more studies of impurity effects are needed at supercritical pressures including steels at lower temperatures.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 939-947, October 21–24, 2019,
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Traditional laboratory steam experiments are conducted at ambient pressure with water of variable chemistry. In order to better understand the effect of steam pressure and water chemistry, a new recirculating, controlled chemistry water loop with a 650°C autoclave was constructed. The initial experiments included two different water chemistries at 550° and 650°C. Two 500-h cycles were performed using oxygenated (OT, pH ~9 and ~100 ppb O 2 ) or all-volatile treated (AVT, pH ~9 and <10 ppb O 2 ) water conditions at each temperature. Coupons exposed included Fe-(9-11)%Cr and conventional and advanced austenitic steels as well as shot peened type 304H stainless steel. Compared to ambient steam exposures, the oxides formed after 1,000 h were similar in thickness for each of the alloy classes but appeared to have a different microstructure, particularly for the outer Fe-rich layer. An initial attempt was made to quantify the scale adhesion in the two environments.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 953-966, October 21–24, 2019,
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Long-term performance of high temperature alloys is critically linked to the oxidation behavior in power generation applications in wet air and steam. As power generation systems move towards higher efficiency operation, nextgeneration fossil, nuclear and concentrating solar power plants are considering supercritical CO 2 cycle above 700°C. Wrought solid solution strengthened and precipitations strengthened alloys are leading candidates for both steam and Supercritical CO 2 power cycles. This study evaluates the cyclic oxidation behavior of HAYNES 230, 282, and 625 alloys in wet air, flowing laboratory air, steam and in 1 and 300 bar Supercritical CO 2 at ~750°C for duration of 1000 -10,000h. Test samples were thermally cycled for various times at temperature followed by cooling to room temperature. Alloy performances were assessed by analyzing the weight change behavior and extent of attack. The results clearly demonstrated the effects of alloy composition and environment on the long-term cyclic oxidation resistance. The extents of attack varied from alloy to alloy but none of the alloys underwent catastrophic corrosion and no significant internal carburization was observed in supercritical CO 2 . The performance of these alloys indicates that these materials are compatible not only in oxidizing environments, but also in Supercritical CO 2 environments for extended service operation.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 813-822, October 11–14, 2016,
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Because of the problems experienced with steam-side oxidation in commercial power plants, there has been continuing interest in better understanding the steam oxidation behavior of creep strength enhanced ferritic steels such as grades 23, 24 and 91 as well as 300-series stainless steels such as 347H and 304H. Analysis of field-exposed tubes has provided information on the oxidation reaction products but relatively few specimens are available and there is limited information about the kinetics. Specimens have included tube sections with a shot peened surface, a treatment that is now widely used for austenitic boiler tubes. To complement this information, additional laboratory studies have been conducted in 1bar steam at 600°-650°C on coupons cut from conventional and shot-peened tubing. Exposures of 1-15 kh provide some information on the steam oxidation kinetics for the various alloys classes. While shot-peened type 304H retained its beneficial effect on oxidation resistance past 10,000 h at 600° and 625°C, the benefit appeared to decline after similar exposures at 650°C.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 844-854, October 11–14, 2016,
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In both direct- and indirect-fired supercritical CO 2 (sCO 2 ) cycles, there is considerable interest in increasing the size and efficiency of such systems, perhaps by increasing the peak temperature to >700°C. However, relatively little experimental data are available under these conditions with pressures of 200-300 bar. Furthermore, impurities such as O 2 and H 2 O in the CO 2 may greatly alter the compatibility of structural alloys in these environments. While an experimental rig is being constructed that can measure and control the impurity levels in sCO 2 at 200-300 bar, initial 1 bar experiments at 700°-800°C for 500 h have been conducted in high-purity and industrial grade CO 2 , CO 2 +0.15O 2 and CO 2 +10%H 2 O and compared to exposures in dry air and 200 bar sCO 2 . These results, focusing on Fe- and Ni-base structural alloys and commercial chromia- and alumina-forming alloys, indicate that modifications in the environment did not strongly affect the reaction products at 700°-800°C.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 912-923, October 11–14, 2016,
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The Advanced Ultrasupercritical (A-USC) power plants are aimed to operate at steam inlet temperatures greater than 700°C; consequently, a complete materials overhaul is needed for the next-generation power plants. HAYNES 282, a gamma-prime strengthened alloy, is among the leading candidates because of its unique combination of properties, superior creep and LCF strength, fabricability and thermal stability. It is currently being evaluated in wrought and cast forms for A-USC turbine rotors, casings, boiler tubings, header, and valves. The candidate materials for A-USC applications not only require oxidation resistance for steam cycles but fireside corrosion resistance to coal ash is also of an extreme importance. In order to study the effect of both environments on the performance of 282 alloy, the alloy was exposed for extended periods in various oxidizing environments, such as air, air plus water vapor (10%), and 17bar steam up to 900°C. The fireside corrosion resistance of 282 alloy was evaluated at 700°C in synthetic coal ash and at 843°C in alkali salt deposits in a controlled gaseous environment.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 360-370, October 22–25, 2013,
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While the water vapor content of the combustion gas in natural gas-fired land based turbines is ~10%, it can be 20-85% with coal-derived (syngas or H 2 ) fuels or innovative turbine concepts for more efficient carbon capture. Additional concepts envisage working fluids with high CO 2 contents to facilitate carbon capture and sequestration. To investigate the effects of changes in the gas composition on thermal barrier coating (TBC) lifetime, furnace cycling tests (1h cycles) were performed in air with 10, 50 and 90 vol.% water vapor and in CO 2 -10%H 2 O and compared to prior results in dry air or O 2 . Two types of TBCs were investigated: (1) diffusion bond coatings (Pt diffusion or simple or Pt-modified aluminide) with commercially vapor-deposited yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) top coatings on second-generation superalloy N5 and N515 substrates and (2) high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) sprayed MCrAlYHfSi bond coatings with air-plasma sprayed YSZ top coatings on superalloy X4 or 1483 substrates. In both cases, a 20-50% decrease in coating lifetime was observed with the addition of water vapor for all but the Pt diffusion coatings which were unaffected by the environment. However, the higher water vapor contents in air did not further decrease the coating lifetime. Initial results for similar diffusion bond coatings in CO 2 -10%H 2 O do not show a significant decrease in lifetime due to the addition of CO 2 . Characterization of the failed coating microstructures showed only minor effects of water vapor and CO 2 additions that do not appear to account for the observed changes in lifetime. The current 50°-100°C de-rating of syngas-fired turbines is unlikely to be related to the presence of higher water vapor in the exhaust.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 803-814, October 22–25, 2013,
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Because of the problems experienced with steam-side oxide scale exfoliation in commercial power plants, there has been increased interest in understanding the steam oxidation resistance of 300- series stainless steels such as 347H and 304H. Model alloys were used in an attempt to understand the effect of varying Ni (9-12%) and Cr (16-20%) on steam oxidation resistance at 650°C. However, the model alloys generally showed superior oxidation resistance than commercial alloys of similar composition. Several surface engineering solutions also were investigated. The commercially favored solution is shot peening. Laboratory steam testing at 650°C found that annealing temperatures of ≥850°C eliminated the benefit of shot peening and a correlation was observed with starting hardness in the peened region. This effect of annealing has implications for the fabrication of shot peened tubing. Another route to improving oxidation resistance is the use of oxidation resistant diffusion coatings, which can be deposited inexpensively by a vapor slurry process. Uniform coatings were deposited on short tube sections and annealed at 1065°C to retain good 650°C creep properties. The coating was thicker than has been investigated in laboratory processes resulting in increased brittleness when the coating was assessed using 4-point bending.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 243-253, August 31–September 3, 2010,
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In order to assist in developing mechanistic and computational models for understanding the performance of current Fe-base waterwall tubing, characterization has been performed on three field-exposed low alloy steel waterwall tubes. The waterside oxide thickness was characterized using standard metallographic techniques. Alloy and oxide chemical composition was characterized using electron microprobe analysis. Waterside scale thickness was measured as a function of location. Agreement between the measured and predicted values based on likely rate constants was poor.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 839-849, August 31–September 3, 2010,
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Diffusion aluminide coatings have been evaluated as a strategy for improving the oxidation resistance of austenitic and ferritic-martensitic (FM) steels, particularly in the presence of steam or water vapor. The objective was to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these coatings and quantify their performance and lifetime. Long-term diffusion and oxidation experiments were conducted to study the behavior of various model diffusion coatings and produce a better data set for lifetime predictions. The key findings are that (1) thin coatings (<50μm) with relatively low Al contents appear to be more effective because they avoid high thermal expansion intermetallic phases and have less strain energy to nucleate a crack; and (2) the low Al reservoir in a thin coating and the loss of Al due to interdiffusion are not problematic because the low service temperatures of FM steels (<600°C) and, for austenitic steels at higher temperatures, the phase boundary between the ferritic coating-austenitic substrate inhibits Al interdiffusion. Unresolved issues center on the effect of the coating on the mechanical properties of the substrate including the reaction of N in the alloy with Al.