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Modeling tools and methods
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Proceedings Papers
ITSC2024, Thermal Spray 2024: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 130-137, April 29–May 1, 2024,
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Restoring the damaged shaft parts to extend their service life is an economical and environmentally friendly solution. In recent years, the laser metal deposition (LMD) process has received increasing attention in component restoration. However, the residual stress and deformation inevitably occur due to the heat input, leading to the deflection of the repaired shafts. Therefore, this study aims to minimize the deflection of LMD-repaired shaft parts through parameter optimization. The width and height of the LMD deposit as a function of the laser power and traverse speed were achieved by fitting a series of one-pass experimental results. Based on it, the finite element analysis was conducted to clarify the effect of the repairing conditions (e.g., laser power, traverse speed, and initial substrate temperature) on the deflection and residual stress distribution of the shaft parts after LMD repairing. A 304 stainless steel round bar with a diameter of 6 mm was served as the component to be repaired. The deposit was 316L stainless steel, whose deposition process was realized by the element birth and death technique. The results indicated that the free-end of the specimen experienced complicated deformation during the LMD and cooling process. After cooling off, the substrate presents a residual compressive stress along the axial direction. Moreover, the substrate deflection can be reduced by improving the initial substrate temperature. This study provided an important reference for optimizing the process parameters in repairing the shaft parts.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2024, Thermal Spray 2024: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 452-458, April 29–May 1, 2024,
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Plasma spraying is a key industrial coating process that exhibits intricate nonlinear interactions among process parameters. This complexity makes accurate predictions of particle properties, which greatly affect process behavior, very challenging. Specifically, particle velocities and temperatures profoundly impact coating quality and process efficiency. Conventional methods often require empirical correlations and extensive parameter tuning due to their limited ability to capture the underlying physics within this intricate system. This study introduces Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) as a solution. By seamlessly integrating known physical laws and constraints directly into the model architecture, PINNs offer the potential to learn the underlying physics of the system. For comparison, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are also developed. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of a plasma generator and plasma jet model provide data to train both ANN and PINN models. The study reveals an improvement in particle velocity prediction through the proposed PINN model, demonstrating its capability to handle complex relationships. However, challenges arise in predicting particle temperature, warranting further investigation. The developed models can aid in optimizing the plasma spraying process by predicting essential particle properties and guiding necessary process adjustments to enhance coating quality.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2024, Thermal Spray 2024: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 495-507, April 29–May 1, 2024,
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Thermal spray (TS) technology has attracted the attention of numerous industrial sectors due to its apparent simplicity and versatility. It has been used across the world for over 80 years in the conservation and creation of art. Despite the creativity involved in the creation of an art piece, the TS artistic endeavors are limited and insufficiently explored. Unique material combinations, usually not observed in conventional engineering applications, can be achieved with TS technology. Although the material amalgamation possibilities are infinite, their combined deposited characteristics, interfacial compatibility and color palette require further study. In this work, the fields of photography, image processing and TS are combined to produce a large art-piece using the cold gas dynamic spray (CGDS) process. Aluminum, zinc, nickel, alumina, steel and titanium alloy powders are sprayed to replicate in three-dimensions a photograph of a crinoid from the Silurian period found on the Anticosti Island, located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Canada. The numerous steps required to produce the artistic 3D piece, namely numerical segmentation of the photograph, conversion to a computer-assisted design (CAD), manufacturing of steel masks and CGDS deposition of the selected powders to reach the sought color palette are described. Powder deposition efficiency, material compatibility and microstructural characteristics are analyzed. and the resulting art piece is presented.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2024, Thermal Spray 2024: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 580-593, April 29–May 1, 2024,
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Thermally sprayed wear resistant coatings have proven their effectiveness in many applications. Their benefit is unquestionable in the case of mutual sliding contact or abrasive stress caused by hard particles. However, for the case of dynamic impact loading, either single or cyclic, the lifetime of different types of coatings is rarely described, probably due to the complex influence of many parameters. The paper deals with the evaluation of resistance to dynamic impact loading of two types of HVOF-sprayed Cr3C2-rich binary hardmetal coatings (Cr3C2-42%WC-16%Ni and Cr3C2-37%WC-18%NiCoCr) with respect to the variation of their deposition parameters and compares them to a well established Cr3C2-25%NiCr coating. For each coating, a Wohler-like curve was constructed based on a failure criterion of sudden increase in impact crater volume. Besides, coatings deposition rate, residual stress, microstructure and hardness were evaluated. Differences in the coatings dynamic impact wear resistance was found, related to their residual stress. The failure mechanism and crack propagation mode are analyzed using SEM of impact surface and cross-sections. Deformation and related stress changes in coated systems during dynamic impact loading are described using FEA analyzes.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2024, Thermal Spray 2024: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 712-723, April 29–May 1, 2024,
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Cobalt chromium (CoCr), a well-known biocompatible material, was additively manufactured using direct energy deposition (DED) technology in this study. Since DED is a relatively new addition to additive manufacturing (AM) processes, there is not enough information about important properties of fabricated parts and components using this technology. This study investigates some important mechanical characteristics of the additively manufactured CoCr using a variety of numerical simulation methods in addition to mechanical tests and experiments. Mechanical experiments such as hardness, wear, and flexural bending test were conducted on DED processed samples. All experiments were also conducted on conventionally processed CoCr specimens for comparison purposes. This study attempts to explain mechanical properties in terms of microstructural characteristics of each sample. DED processed CoCr samples exhibited a complex microstructure with a variety of features such as cellular, columnar, and equiaxed grains within their melt pools. While the DED processed sample had a lower hardness compared to the conventionally processed one, it exhibited a higher wear resistance. These results were discussed in terms of microstructural characteristics and metallurgical bonding knowing that porosity level was negligible in both samples. The out-of-plane mechanical strength of CoCr samples was measured by conducting flexural bending test, and the conventional sample showed a higher flexural modulus than the DED sample. The bend tests were also numerically simulated using two different finite element analysis (FEA) procedures. The FEA results for the DED and conventionally processed samples follow the same trend as the results obtained from the experimental flexural bending test. The layer structure and interfacial bonding of the DED sample could have contributed to the lower flexural modulus compared to the conventional sample.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2024, Thermal Spray 2024: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 751-758, April 29–May 1, 2024,
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In cold spray, optimum process conditions to accelerate particles vary with different densities and melting temperatures of the materials. Therefore, material-specific nozzle designs are required. In the present study, a nozzle geometry optimization concept based on 3D-CFD simulations was developed to provide a specific nozzle design for a given material. Al6061 and pure copper with mean particle diameters of 40 μm were taken as examples. Together with a design of experiments (DoE) approach, the model seeks for the optimal nozzle geometry. In order to reach the highest particle velocity prior to impact upon the substrate, different geometry parameters were varied, such as the nozzle throat cross section, the aspect ratio, and the nozzle divergent section length. The process gas was nitrogen with set stagnation pressure and temperature of 50 bars and 500 °C. For both materials, the simulation identified nozzle divergent section length as the most influential parameter, followed by the throat cross-section. The aspect ratio must be tuned to avoid over expansion of the gas in the nozzle.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2024, Thermal Spray 2024: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 768-772, April 29–May 1, 2024,
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The Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS in Dresden has developed “Lightblast,” a laser ablation technology for creating clean, structured surfaces. Lasers offer precision, reproducibility, cost-effectiveness, and environmental friendliness, opening new possibilities in surface treatment. Traditional blasting processes employ compressed air to propel abrasive particles at high speed onto a substrate. This method often results in embedded abrasive particles, surface contamination, and rapid abrasive wear, compromising process consistency. Additionally, the abrasive waste poses environmental and disposal challenges. Lightblast utilizes a continuous wave single-mode laser and a dynamic galvanometer scanner to precisely vaporize the substrate without abrasives. Adjustable parameters control the resulting surface roughness with high reproducibility. Unlike pulsed laser ablation, the continuous wave laser enables higher productivity due to increased power. Furthermore, Lightblast allows for selective surface structuring based on CAD designs without additional masking. Target applications include surface preparation for coating, bonding, and joining processes.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2023, Thermal Spray 2023: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 155-160, May 22–25, 2023,
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As an emerging additive manufacturing method, cold spray additive manufacturing (CSAM) has attracted more and more researchers’ attention due to its unique advantages. However, only a few researchers have studied the fabrication of complex structural components. Therefore, it is important to develop a general CSAM framework that is suitable for the fabrication of different shapes of workpieces. In particular, the choice for the optimal kinematic spraying parameters, the prediction of deposit evolution and the planning of spraying trajectory are the most basic and crucial. Different sub-modules are integrated in the proposed framework to solve these problems. In detail, the modeling methodology is used to obtain the optimal kinematic spraying parameters and to predict the deposit evolution in the simulation. Based on the feasible parameters, the trajectory planification methodology is used to generate the spraying trajectory for the workpiece being manufactured, especially the workpiece with complex structure. Finally, the simulation and experimental results of a fabrication for a workpiece with complex structure provide the developed system is reliable and effective. The framework developed in this paper can considered as a general tool for additive manufacturing of with complex structural workpieces in the CSAM.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2023, Thermal Spray 2023: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 222-228, May 22–25, 2023,
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Metallization of polymers and fiber-reinforced polymer composites is gaining attention due to the widespread application of these components in various industries, such as wind energy, aerospace, and automotive industries. Cold spray is a promising new technique to achieve the metallization of polymer and fiber-reinforced polymer composites. This work investigates the deposition mechanisms of polymer-coated metallic particles on polymer-based substrates by finite element analyses. Impact mechanics of PEEK-coated nickel particles impacting PEEK and carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK substrates are modeled. Results show the prominence of mechanical interlocking of metallic particles in the substrate, which occurs due to their entrapment inside the substrate, caused by the high energy impact-induced welding of scraped PEEK coating. The PEEK coating acts as a cushioning component, effectively mitigating the impact energy of the metallic component. The scraped PEEK coating also accumulates on the upper half of the particle, forming a cap welded to the substrate and sealing the metallic particle inside. It is observed that the depth of the carbon fiber mat in the substrate affects the mechanism and the success of deposition.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2023, Thermal Spray 2023: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 538-546, May 22–25, 2023,
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The formation of Nickel coatings on stainless steel substrates and YSZ (Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia) on NiCrAlY in the Atmospheric Plasma Spray (APS) process is investigated. Coating formation over a substrate with an arbitrary shape (an inclined step in this paper) is considered. The topography of the coatings, as well as their microstructure, e.g., porosity, average thickness, and average roughness, are evaluated. An algorithm, which is based on the Monte-Carlo stochastic model, is employed. The significant difference between the coating temperature and that of the substrate leads to the formation of residual thermal stresses. These stresses are analyzed using Object Oriented Finite-element software (OOF) developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). An image of the cross-section of the coating is imported into the code, which utilizes an adaptive meshing technique and Finite- Element Method to calculate residual thermal stresses. The maximum stress in the coatings occurs at the interface between the coating and the substrate. The coatings' topography and microstructure are compared with those of the experiments.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2023, Thermal Spray 2023: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 547-552, May 22–25, 2023,
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In our laboratory, we have developed a method to simultaneously inject different powders from the central axis direction and radial direction of the cold spray nozzle and are producing a composite coating by this method. In the previous research of our laboratory, an Al-12Si alloy coating with excellent wear resistance was produced by micro-forging assisted cold spray using the simultaneous nozzle injection method of powder in the axial and radial directions. Here, Al- 12Si alloy, which has excellent wear resistance, was used for the coating-formed particles, and stainless steel was used for the micro-forging particles. However, because the micro-forging particles were hollow, they remained in the coating. In this paper, we evaluated the influence of increasing the mixing ratio of micro-forging particles instead of solid (no holes) micro-forging particles on the coating structure. At the same time, the behaviors of particles by computational fluid dynamics are also investigated.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2022, Thermal Spray 2022: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 364-368, May 4–6, 2022,
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During the thermal cycling process in MCrAlY-YSZ thermal barrier coating system, stresses are produced at bondcoat (BC)-topcoat (TC) interface due to the mismatch of the thermal expansion coefficients of the two coating layers. The stresses at the interface are not a single value and can be affected by the coatings’ microstructure. In this paper, finite element (FE) modeling method was used to study the behavior of the stress distribution at the coatings’ interface. The influence of the pore structure in the ceramic TC and the micro bulge structure at the metal BC surface was investigated. The results showed that both structures can change the stress distribution. The pores played a “stone-in-river” role, which trapped higher stress around them and simultaneously reduced the size of the macro stress zones in TC. The micro bulges at the TC/BC interface also trapped high stresses which could cause more interaction between TC cracks and BC roughness.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2022, Thermal Spray 2022: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 369-376, May 4–6, 2022,
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Thermal spraying is a complex physical process consisting of three main sub-systems: flame/plume generation, powder/flame/plume interaction and coating build-up. While mathematical and CFD models provide valuable insight about the individual modules of a thermal spray process, it is very difficult to gain overall insight of the whole process and dependencies between different inputs and outputs using mathematical and CFD analysis, due to very complex and interconnected nature of the thermal spray process. In this work, a sophisticated experiment has been conducted to collect enough data for the sake of developing data-driven model of a plasma spray process. Metco 204 powder feedstock material and F4 gun have been used. An optimized number of data samples has been chosen by applying common industrial input parameters in the experiment. The developed neural network model is able to predict the coating quality parameters with acceptable average accuracy of above 90% on test data by considering all relevant measurement error deviations of the process analysis methods. A sophisticated user-interface has been developed to enable the use of the model for coating parameter development as well as the designing recipe for target coating characteristics. The developed model can be used for different purposes: parameter development, off-line coating quality control, and eventually adaptive coating control.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2022, Thermal Spray 2022: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 395-412, May 4–6, 2022,
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In a DC plasma spray torch, the plasma-forming gas is the most intensively heated and accelerated at the cathode arc attachment due to the very high electric current density at this location. A proper prediction of the cathode arc attachment is, therefore, essential for understanding the plasma jet formation and cathode operation. However, numerical studies of the cathode arc attachment mostly deal with transferred arcs or conventional plasma torches with tapered cathodes. In this study, a 3-D time-dependent and two-temperature model of electric arc combined with a cathode sheath model is applied to the commercial cascaded-anode plasma torch SinplexPro. The model is used to investigate the effect of the cathode sheath model and bidirectional cathode-plasma coupling on the predicted cathode arc attachment and plasma flow. The model of the plasma-cathode interface takes into account the non-equilibrium spacecharge sheath to establish the thermal and electric current balance at the interface. The radial profiles of cathode sheath parameters (voltage drop, electron temperature at the interface, Schottky reduction of the work function) were computed on the surface of the cathode tip and used at the cathode-plasma interface in the model of plasma torch operation. The latter is developed in the open-source CFD software Code_Saturne. It makes it possible to calculate the flow fields inside and outside the plasma torch as well as the enthalpy and electromagnetic fields in the gas phase and electrodes. This study shows that the cathode sheath model results in a higher constriction of the cathode arc attachment, more plausible cathode surface temperature distribution, more reliable prediction of the torch voltage, cooling loss, and more consistent thermal balance in the torch.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2022, Thermal Spray 2022: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 928-938, May 4–6, 2022,
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In recent years, laser-based post-processing of thermally sprayed coatings has gained significant attention as an alternative post-processing route; to mitigate the microstructural defects such as pores, microcracks, and splat boundaries associated with thermally sprayed coatings. Optimisation of the parameters for the laser post-processing is of paramount importance to maintain the required properties of these coatings. The current thermo-mechanical model simulates the impact of laser heat treatment on thermally sprayed Tungsten Carbide Cobalt (WC-17Co) coating and AISI 316L as substrate. A sequentially coupled transient thermal and structural analysis is performed. Transient temperature field from thermal analysis due to laser source will become input loads for the subsequent stress-strain analysis with appropriate boundary conditions. Both the coating and substrate are given temperature-dependent material properties. A gaussian heat flux distribution is used to model the laser source. The finite element analysis results underline the importance of temperature gradients and the presence of thermally induced stress-strain fields responsible for promoting coating degradation. The obtained results also revealed that heat input and dimensional characteristics play a vital role in the annealing treatment's efficacy. Three separate test cases were considered wherein the hatch spacing was varied, keeping the other parameters (scan speed, laser power, and laser spot diameter) constant. The impact of hatch spacing on the temperature and residual stress distribution across the coating was assessed by this simulation. Residual compressive stress was observed in the coating for two out of the three test cases, which further improved the durability of the coating.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2022, Thermal Spray 2022: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 984-989, May 4–6, 2022,
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A computational fluid dynamics model for understanding the HVAF process and the influence of the process parameters on the particle flight properties is investigated. Achieving this objective involves a novel approach to modeling the HVAF process with pressure inlet boundary conditions and integration of the mixing chamber. The study comprises the prediction of the flow fields described by a set of equations consisting of continuity, momentum, energy, and species transport. These equations are then solved with realizable k-ε turbulence model, a two-step chemistry model and eddy dissipation model to simulate the combustion reaction. Consequently, the interaction between the CoNiCrAlY alloy particles and the flow is modeled using a Lagrangian approach considering the forces acting on the particles and the heat transfer. The results show that the combustion chamber pressure is mainly affected by the compressed air and propane parameters. Furthermore, the flight behavior of the smaller particles is significantly influenced by the gas flow, while the larger particles tend to maintain their momentum and energy. Through the simulation model, an in-depth process understanding of the HVAF process can be achieved. More importantly, the model can be used as a tool for efficient process development.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2022, Thermal Spray 2022: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 990-999, May 4–6, 2022,
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Cold spray is a well-established thermal spray process for metal coatings, but it is unsuitable for depositing ceramics. However, cold spray has been used to spray a thin layer of ceramics to improve surface properties. This paper aims to find the spraying parameters to deposit alumina particles onto an aluminum substrate, investigating the retention phenomenon through computational modelling. We used the finite element analysis in the coupled Eulerian Lagrange formulation to predict the particle-substrate interaction. The Johnson-Cook plasticity model and Mie-Gruneisen equation of state were employed to describe the substrate behaviour. Alumina particles were assumed to be elastic. To assess the retention phenomenon, we varied spraying parameters such as particle speed, substrate temperature, and deposition angle. The findings showed that initial velocity and the substrate temperature facilitate penetration of the ceramic particles into the substrate; thus, the penetration increases the chance of retention into the substrate. The deposition angle affects the jet shape, and specific deposition angles cause erosion. Overall, the findings denote that certain cold spraying parameters may improve the retention of ceramic particles into metal substrates.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2021, Thermal Spray 2021: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 23-30, May 24–28, 2021,
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The growth kinetics of thermally grown oxide (TGO) silica in Yb-disilicate (YbDS) environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) significantly affects the durability of EBCs. The oxygen permeability can control the TGO growth kinetics and thus could play an essential role in determining EBCs life. Therefore, the oxygen permeability constant of YbDS and TGO is systematically evaluated and quantified in terms of thermodynamics using defect reactions and the parabolic rate constant (kp), respectively. Dry oxygen and wet oxygen conditions as well as different temperatures, partial pressures and top coat modifiers are investigated. The results offer evidence that the oxygen permeability constant for the YbDS top coat is an order of magnitude higher than for the TGO. As such, the TGO hinders the oxidant diffusion stronger, proving to be the diffusion rate controlling layer. Moreover, water vapor strongly increases the oxygen permeability with defect reactions playing a key role. It is suggested that the mass transfer through the top coat is primarily by outward ytterbium ion diffusion and inward oxygen ion movement, with the latter being dominant, particularly in wet environments. The effect of top coat modifiers on oxidant permeation is composition sensitive and seems to be related to their interaction with oxygen ions and their mobility.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2021, Thermal Spray 2021: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 31-35, May 24–28, 2021,
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The abradable coatings had significantly enhanced turbomachinery performance by acting as a sacrificial seal between rotating blades and stationary casing. Further improvement in seal design to meet the higher energy demand and increase the service time has been the key challenges to solve in the gas turbine industry. Honeycomb seals have become the industry standard clearance seal technique due to their unique design and high structural strength with minimum weight. The present study proposes a concept to form a thermal shock resistance structure to achieve higher temperature capability and improve the reliability of abradable seal structures. A cavity layer of honeycomb seal structure made of SS 321 alloy was coated with advanced high-temperature ZrO 2 +7.5%Y 2 O 3 +4% polyester seal material using TriplexPro-210 plasma spray system. The integrity of a seal structure was assessed by a cross-sectional analysis and evaluation of the coating microstructure. Additionally, the microhardness test was performed to estimate coating fracture toughness, and Object-Oriented Finite Element analysis was used to assess its thermo-mechanical performance. The concept proposed in this study should be further validated to develop the most capable innovative technology for advanced gas turbine abradable seal structures.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2021, Thermal Spray 2021: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 36-43, May 24–28, 2021,
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MCrAlX powder compositions (M=Ni, Co and X=Y, Hf, Si or combination) are often thermally sprayed (TS) via vacuum plasma spray (VPS), low pressure plasma spray (LPPS) or high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) to produce high temperature oxidation and hot corrosion resistant bond coats (BC) for thermal barrier coatings (TBCs). Cold spray (CS) technology is currently considered as a promising alternative to the traditional TS solutions having the advantage of delivering oxide-free and very dense metallic coatings at relatively lower costs compared to VPS and LPPS. Here, we first present high-pressure CS deposition of NiCoCrAlY and NiCoCrAlYHfSi and discuss the influence of feedstock properties on the deposited BCs. CFD numerical simulation is employed to tailor the spray conditions based on the feedstock characteristics. Secondly, we present the laser assisted cold spray (LACS) deposition of NiCoCrAlYHfSi BCs using a low-pressure CS system. We show that LACS can be successfully used to deposit this particular powder while eliminating nozzle erosion and low deposition efficiency disadvantages observed during conventional CS. Lastly, high temperature isothermal oxidation of a TBC architecture having LACS BC is presented.