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Molybdenum powder
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Proceedings Papers
ITSC2023, Thermal Spray 2023: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 344-350, May 22–25, 2023,
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The metallic bond coat is generally utilized to increase the coating adhesion and the adhesion of thermal spray bond coat is of essential importance to applications. However, it usually depends on mechanical bonding with a low adhesive strength. In this study, a novel metal bond coat with high cohesion strength is proposed by plasma-spraying Mo-clad Ni-based or Fe-based spherical powder particles. Mo-cladding ensures the heating of spray particles to a high temperature higher than the melting point of Mo and prevents metal core from oxidation during spraying. Theoretical analysis on the splatsubstrate/ splat interface temperature and experimental examination into coating-substrate interface microstructure were performed to reveal the metallurgical bonding formation mechanism. The local melting of substrate surface and resultant bond coating by impacting high temperature droplets creates metallurgical bonding throughout the interfaces between substrate and bond coat, and within bond coat. The experiments were conducted with different substrates in different surface processing conditions including Ni-based alloy, stainless steel and low carbon steel. All pull-off tests yielded strong adhesion higher than the adhesives strength of 80 MPa. The present results revealed that Mo-clad metal powders can be used as new bond coat materials and high performance bond coat can be deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2019, Thermal Spray 2019: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 65-70, May 26–29, 2019,
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The purpose of this work is to study the effect of laser radiation on powder particles transported by gas during laser cladding. The temperature and velocity of particles entering the light field of a CO 2 laser were determined by measuring particle radiation as well as the scattered radiation of the diode laser, two independent methods. It is shown that under the action of laser radiation, the particles acquire additional acceleration due to the vapor pressure from the irradiated part of the particle surface. This sonic recoil vapor pressure can significantly affect the in-flight characteristics of powder particles in a gas jet. Particle velocities due to laser acceleration exceeded 100 m/s in a carrier gas with a flow rate less than 30 m/s. Particle temperature depends on several factors and was found to vary from ambient temperature to the boiling point of the powder.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2016, Thermal Spray 2016: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 802-805, May 10–12, 2016,
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This work investigates the effects of sulfidation on plasma-sprayed Al-Mo and Mo coatings. Pure Mo powder and Al-Mo powder mixtures were sprayed on Inconel substrates with either a NiCrAlY or Mo bond coat. Oxidation and sulfidation tests were carried out in air and Ar-S 2 atmospheres, respectively, at temperatures of 973, 1073, and 1173 K. Coating samples were evaluated before and after testing via SEM and XRD analysis and weight measurements. The results show that Al-Mo coatings with a Mo bond layer provided the best protection against high-temperature oxidation and sulfidation corrosion.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2012, Thermal Spray 2012: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 851-857, May 21–24, 2012,
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In this study, porous molybdenum (Mo) materials were prepared by flame spraying semi-molten particles to low velocity levels. The influence of spray particle state, including particle velocity and melting degree, on microstructure and porosity was investigated to understand the formation mechanism of the pore structure and connection between particles. The results showed that Mo sprayed particles at low velocities (<20 m/s) and limited semi-molten state can be generated by flame spraying. The annealed Mo deposits with the porosity ranged from 39% to 61% were deposited. High porosity in the deposit was achieved through the shielding effect of deposited particles, bonded by the settled melt in the particle/particle interface. Moreover, the porosity generally decreased with the increase of melting degree of spray particles prior to impact.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2009, Thermal Spray 2009: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 326-330, May 4–7, 2009,
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Molybdenum disulfide (MoS 2 ) films are widely used to improve friction performance, but they are difficult to fabricate using conventional thermal spray processes due to thermal decomposition of the feedstock powder. In this study, Cu-MoS 2 composite coatings are fabricated by cold spraying using mechanically milled powders containing different concentrations of MoS 2 . Investigators found that increasing the concentration of MoS 2 in the powder improved some coating properties while degrading others. Through testing it was determined that the ideal concentration of MoS 2 is 5wt%. Increasing the milling time of the powder mixture also provided benefits in terms of hardness and wear resistance.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2009, Thermal Spray 2009: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 585-588, May 4–7, 2009,
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Bead blasting and thermal spray coatings are often applied on process kits used in vacuum deposition chambers to improve adhesion between kit surfaces and deposited films. This study shows that in order to maximize chamber service time and reduce processing defects, thermal expansion mismatches must be considered between chamber components, sprayed coatings, and vacuum deposited films. When a titanium sheet coated with arc sprayed aluminum was placed in a titanium nitride deposition chamber, significant particle spiking was observed. However, during the same period of chamber service time, particle performance was stable for titanium coated with arc sprayed molybdenum. It should be noted that the thermal expansion coefficients of Ti and Mo are much closer than those of Ti and Al. By further optimizing the cohesion strength of the arc-sprayed Mo coating, even lower particle counts have been achieved, corresponding to fewer processing defects and prolonged chamber kit lifetime.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2008, Thermal Spray 2008: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 905-910, June 2–4, 2008,
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Plasma-sprayed, molten molybdenum particles (~55 µm diameter) were photographed during impact on grit-blasted glass surfaces that were maintained at either room temperature or at 350°C. Droplets approaching the surface were sensed using a photodetector and after a known delay, a fast charge-coupled device (CCD) camera was triggered to capture time-integrated images of the spreading splat from behind the glass. A rapid two-color pyrometer was used to collect the thermal radiation from the spreading droplets to follow the evolution of their temperature and calculate the splat cooling rates. It was found that as the surface roughness increased, the maximum spread diameters of the molten molybdenum droplets decreased, while the splat cooling rates increased. Impact on non-heated and heated roughened glass with similar roughness values produced splats with approximately the same maximum spread diameters, skewed morphologies, and cooling rates. On smooth glass, the splat morphologies were circular, with larger maximum spread diameters and smaller cooling rates on non-heated smooth glass. An established model was used to estimate the splat-substrate thermal contact resistances. On highly roughened glass, the thermal contact resistance decreased as the glass roughness increased, suggesting that splat-substrate contact was improved as the molten metal penetrated the spaces between the large asperities.
Proceedings Papers
Examination of Substrate Surface Melting-Induced Splashing During Splat Formation in Plasma Spraying
ITSC 2006, Thermal Spray 2006: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 877-882, May 15–18, 2006,
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Impacting of a molten droplet with melting point much higher than substrate results in melting of substrate around the impact area. The melting of the substrate surface to certain depth alters the flow direction of droplet fluid. The significant change of fluid flow direction leads to detaching of fluid from contact with the substrate. Consequently, splashing occurs during droplet spreading process. In the present study, Mo splats were formed on stainless steel substrate under different plasma spraying conditions. For comparison, Mo splats were also deposited on Mo surface. The substrate surface was polished prior to deposition. The powders used have a narrow particle size distribution. The results show that the morphology of splats depends significantly on the thermal interaction between the molten particle and the substrate. The splat observed was only a central part of an ideal disk-like complete splat. The typical pattern of Mo splats was the split type presenting a small split structure on stainless steel substrate surface. With Mo particles, the preheating of steel substrate has no effect on splat morphology. On the other hand, disk-like type Mo splat with a reduced diameter of a dimple-like structure at the central area of the splat was formed on Mo substrate and splashing can be suppressed through substrate preheating. Based on the experimental results, a surface-melting- induced splashing model was proposed to explain the formation mechanism of Mo splat on steel surface.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2006, Thermal Spray 2006: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 883-888, May 15–18, 2006,
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Plasma-sprayed, molten molybdenum particles (~40 µm diameter) were photographed during impact (with velocity ~110 m/s) on Inconel surfaces that were preheated or maintained at room temperature or 400oC. A droplet approaching the surface was sensed using a photodetector and after a known delay, a fast CCD camera was triggered to capture images of the spreading splat from the substrate front surface. A rapid two-color pyrometer was used to collect the thermal radiation from the impacting particles to follow the evolution of their temperature and size after impact. Molten molybdenum particles impacting on surfaces at room temperature disintegrated and splashed, after achieving a maximum diameter larger than 400 µm. Impact on preheated and heated Inconel produced splats with maximum diameters between 200 µm and 300 µm and with less splashing. The cooling rate of splats on the preheated Inconel was larger than that of splats on non-heated Inconel, suggesting that the splat-substrate contact was improved.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2006, Thermal Spray 2006: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 895-900, May 15–18, 2006,
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The impact of plasma-sprayed molybdenum particles on glass surfaces held at 25 and 400°C was photographed. A two-color pyrometer was used to collect thermal radiation from the particles to follow their temperature evolution and to calculate the splat cooling rate. Significant fragmentation of the splat on the surface at 25°C was observed. A 3D model of droplet impact and solidification was used to estimate the thermal contact resistances between the splat and glass. It was found that the thermal contact resistance was approximately two orders of magnitude smaller on the surface at 400°C, indicating faster solidification, which reduced splashing. The larger thermal contact resistance between the non-heated glass and splat was attributed to the presence of a gas barrier at the surface.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2005, Thermal Spray 2005: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 1192-1197, May 2–4, 2005,
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Plasma-sprayed, molten molybdenum particles (~50 µm diameter) were photographed during impact (with velocity ~135 m/s) on a glass surface that was maintained at either room temperature or 400°C. A droplet approaching the surface was sensed using a photodetector and after a known delay, a laser was triggered to illuminate the spreading splat and photograph it with a CCD camera. A rapid two-color pyrometer was used to collect the thermal radiation from the impacting particles to follow the evolution of their temperature and size after impact. Molten molybdenum particles impacting on a surface at room temperature splashed and broke up after impact leaving only a small portion adhering to the substrate. On a surface held at 400°C, there was no splashing and a circular splat remained on the surface. Splats on a glass surface held at room temperature had a large maximum spread diameter, approximately 2.7 times that on a hot surface. The cooling rate on a cold surface was an order-of-magnitude lower than that on a hot surface, suggesting that thermal contact resistance was much greater.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2005, Thermal Spray 2005: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 1337-1344, May 2–4, 2005,
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The mathematical model intended for modeling of the acceleration, heating, and melting of alloyed cast iron particles into plasma jet is presented. Comparison of mathematical modelling and experimental measurement results showed fairly good agreement.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2004, Thermal Spray 2004: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 478-481, May 10–12, 2004,
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Molybdenum disilicide (MoSi 2 ) is a suitable material for high temperature applications especially because of its excellent high temperature oxidation resistance. For several high temperature applications MoSi 2 shows high potential to be used as a protective coating. The oxidation behaviour of HVOF sprayed MoSi 2 coatings is studied at 1500 °C. The oxidation tests are carried out in a simultaneous thermogravimetric device and the mass change is measured in dependence on the oxidation time. The microstructure of the coatings before and after oxidation is examined by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXS). The mass of the coating increases according to a parabolic function. During the oxidation test the microstructure changes significantly from a typical thermal spray coating microstructure with lamellae, pores and a phase mixture of MoSi 2 and Mo 5 Si 3 to a two phase system with sharply separated grain boundaries. On the surface of the coating a silicon dioxide layer with a thickness of less than 10 µm is formed.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2004, Thermal Spray 2004: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 625-631, May 10–12, 2004,
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A microplasma spraying torch with a hollow cathode electrode is designed to melt completely the refractory materials and deposit coatings at plasma power level up to several kilowatts. The designed torch permits spray material to be fed into plasma arc jet through axial powder injection. In the present study, molybdenum is used as a typical refractory spray material. The effects of the main processing parameters including plasma arc power, plasma gas flow and spray distance on the particle velocity during spraying, and the microstructure and properties of the coatings are investigated. The microstructure of coating is characterized with optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The properties of the coating are characterized by microhardness and abrasive wear tests. The particle velocity during in-flight is carried out using a particle velocity/temperature measurement system based on thermal radiation. The comparison of the microstructure and property of micro-plasma sprayed Mo coatings with those of the coating deposited by the conventional plasma spraying operated at a power of 42 kW is performed. The results show that the abrasive wear loss of the Mo coatings deposited by the micro-plasma spray torch is comparable to that of the coating deposited by the conventional plasma spraying disregarding the one order difference in the plasma operating power.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2003, Thermal Spray 2003: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 1041-1046, May 5–8, 2003,
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Molybdenum powder has been plasma sprayed on stainless steel, brass and aluminum substrates. The substrate melting phenomenon is observed and investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and scanning white light interferometery (SWLI). It is found that the flower-shape splat morphology is typical for molybdenum on all three substrate materials when the substrate is at room temperature. Notable substrate melting is manifested through the energy dispersion analysis of X-ray (EDAX) map and Robinson back-scattered image of cross-sections of splats. It has been shown that the substrate material plays an important role in substrate melting phenomenon. The lift angle of the petals of splats and the maximum crater depth have been characterized and compared. Both of these increase in the sequence, from stainless steel, brass to aluminum. A ‘volume of fluid’ (VOF) based model coupled with rapid solidification has been used to simulate splat deformation, solidification, substrate melting and resolidification. The numerical & analytical results agree quite well with the experimental data. A substrate melting mechanism is proposed based on the time scales of the droplet solidification and substrate melting to explain the formation of flower like splat morphologies.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2002, Thermal Spray 2002: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 335-338, March 4–6, 2002,
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Microplasma spraying has the potential to expand the range of applications for plasma spraying, particularly for the production of functional coatings. The low heat input on the substrate material allows small and thin-walled components to be coated without risk of overheating or deformation and with less powder loss due to the small plasma jet. This paper investigates the influence of various process parameters on the spraying of molybdenum, stainless steel, WC-Co, zirconium dioxide, and aluminum oxide using a microplasma system. Material consumption, plasma jet size, and layer structure are measured along with various aspects of particle behavior in the plasma jet. Paper includes a German-language abstract.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2002, Thermal Spray 2002: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 534-538, March 4–6, 2002,
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This paper describes a coating process, called internal centrifugal projection coating, in which rotating additive materials and substrate surfaces are melted by an electron beam to facilitate adhesion. It explains that the process was developed mainly to apply coatings inside engine bores and examines the microstructure of a molybdenum coating centrifugally projected onto an aluminum substrate. Paper includes a German-language abstract.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2002, Thermal Spray 2002: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 793-796, March 4–6, 2002,
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In this paper, atmospheric plasma spraying is used to produce metal-insulator-metal structures that emit ultraviolet light via electrical discharge when sufficient voltage is applied. The metal layers are sprayed with molybdenum alloy powders and the insulator, a 50 to 100 μm dielectric layer, is sprayed with zirconia powder. The authors describe the fabrication process, assess the characteristics of the layers, and present test results that quantify the radiant power of the emitted UV light. Output power and efficiency of the plasma-sprayed structures are compared with that of commercial excimer lamps and the effects of coating erosion due to electrical discharge are discussed. Paper includes a German-language abstract.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2001, Thermal Spray 2001: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 883-888, May 28–30, 2001,
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A numerical study was realized in order to simulate the plasma spraying of a Mo/NiCrBSi powder mixture under atmospheric conditions. The influence of the spray parameters on particles' in-flight characteristics was investigated numerically. The PHOENICS CFD code was used for the computation of the plasma jets and an in-house code was developed for the modeling of plasma/particles interactions. In view of the high melting temperature of Molybdenum and the presence of a self fluxing alloy like NiCrBSi, the state of the Mo particles prior to their impact on the substrate (velocity, temperature) was regarded as one of the major element influencing the quality of the produced coatings. Different spray parameters were considered: the plasma gas was an argon/hydrogen mixture with two different total flow rates and three different hydrogen fractions. Corresponding experiments are presented and appear to be consistent with numerical results.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC 2001, Thermal Spray 2001: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 1093-1098, May 28–30, 2001,
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To improve wear resistance of the atmospheric thermal plasma sprayed molybdenum coating, diamond deposition on the molybdenum plate and the atmospheric plasma sprayed molybdenum coating by the combustion flame chemical vapor deposition (CVD) was carried out. Diamond has excellent properties such as low surface energy, hardness, chemical corrosion resistance ability and so on. Besides, since the combustion flame CVD is the process carried out in the air, diamond/ molybdenum complex coating can be deposited without any vacuum facilities by using this technique if molybdenum coating is deposited by atmospheric thermal spray. In this study, acetylene welding torch was used as diamond synthesis apparatus and mass flow ratio C 2 H 2 /O 2 was varied from 0.9 to 1.3. Consequently, many diamond particles which were 10 micrometer in diameter respectively were deposited on the molybdenum plate by only 20 minutes combustion flame irradiation in the case of 1.2 in mass flow ratio of C 2 H 2 /O 2 . Especially, the molybdenum coating was covered with diamond films consists of 10 micrometer diameter particles in the case of over 1373K in deposition temperature. Besides, according to the results of wear testing, wear mass loss of diamond deposited coatings were much lower than that of original thermal sprayed molybdenum coatings. From these results, this process was found to have a high potential in order to improve wear resistance of thermal sprayed coating.