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Diagnostics and Torch Design
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Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 71-77, May 8–11, 2000,
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Air entrainment in the first 30 mm of a dc Ar/ H 2 plasma jet has been studied by emission spectroscopy. The tests were conducted using 6, 7 and 10-mm diameter nozzles and plasma arc currents of 400 and 600 A. Oxygen, nitrogen, and argon spectral lines were recorded 20 and 30 mm downstream of the nozzle exit during spraying, and the corresponding atom density ratios were estimated based on plasma population temperature and volumetric emission coefficients. The results indicate that at 20 mm air entrainment is mainly due to piston flow for the 10-mm nozzle and both piston flow and engulfment for the 7-mm nozzle. At 30 mm, the engulfment process is found to have 4 to 6 times the impact that it does at 20 mm and is directly linked to the jet velocity. At both locations, the atom density ratios differ from that observed in air due to the time required to dissociate N 2 .
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 79-83, May 8–11, 2000,
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A novel technique and an instrument for on-line, quantitative imaging diagnostics and process control in thermal spraying have been developed and tested in laboratory and industrial conditions. In-flight spray particles are imaged by their natural luminosity with a short-exposure, digital CCD camera system. Particle images are processed using digital image processing techniques in a PC computer. The number of particles per frame and the spatially resolved particle velocities are calculated from the images. Spectrally resolved image information is further used to determine pyrometric two-color particle temperature. A number of different modes of data presentation have been developed. The developed instrument can be used to determine particle number, velocity and temperature distributions of individual in-flight particles from the imaged region of interest of the plume. Dividing the imaged area into smaller sections, spatial distributions of these parameters can be studied. SprayWatch system provides a technically simple, easy to operate, single imaging instrument, which can provide a visual overview of the spray plume in combination with quantitative evaluation of the most important spray particle parameters. In this paper examples of using the monitoring system with plasma and HVOF spraying are presented. Preliminary test results of using a semiconductor laser generated light sheet to detect cold particles is also demonstrated.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 85-89, May 8–11, 2000,
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A powder velocity diagnostic system in ElectroThermal Chemical Spray (ETCS) coating technology has been developed. The powder velocity is a crucial variable that influences the coating quality. However, non-of the existing methods is suitable for the velocity measurement in the special conditions of the ETCS technology. The proposed diagnostic system is based on a familiar technique called Double Rotating Disk. It measures the powder particle time-of-flight between two parallel disks. The disks are rotated by a high-speed motor. The front disk has holes distributed on its circumference. Particles passing a hole are deposited on the second disk. The displacement between the position of the deposited particles spot center and projection of the hole center on the second disk is inversely proportional to the velocity. The method allows the measurement of particle velocity with accuracy better than 10%. The results are in a good agreement with theoretical model predictions. The method is able, also, to observe the powder deposition rate and the particles spatial distribution inside the powder cloud according to their dimensions as a function of time during the coating process.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 91-98, May 8–11, 2000,
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A new thermal spray technology has been proposed. Called Electrical Chemical Thermal Spray (ETCS), it combines plasma energy with the combustion gases of solid propellants to heat and accelerate particulate materials. The hybrid technology promises new degrees of freedom in materials processing over the conventional thermal spray processes by allowing thermal energy transfer to the particles and particle accelerations to be optimized separately. Experimental coatings were formed using a prototype system made from a converted ½” plasma gun fueled with double-base solid propellants to explore this novel concept. The prototype test-facility equipment was limited to single-shot mode. Examination of the coatings formed, and conceptual analysis by analogy to conventional technologies was used to assess the capabilities and limitations of the hybrid process. Impressive in-flight powder velocities of 1100 m/s were reached, with deposition yield efficiencies of 60 - 85% achieved for WC-Co coatings after first round of optimization. However despite the ability to deposit single-shot carbide and metallic coatings with thickness exceeding 200 µm. chemical degradation and extensive cracking combined to limit attractiveness of coatings as compared to those produced using commercial technologies. Unlike the oxidation effects with atmospheric plasma spray and the various low-velocity flame-spraying technologies, chemical degradation in the prototype ETCS was the result of interaction between the gases produced from the combustion of the propellant and the coating material. It is seen that the organic, nitrocellulose based solid propellants are inherently unsuitable for spraying reactive material. With suitable fuels however, it is believed that the inherent advantages of high throughput, versatility and low labour requirements are such that ETCS will have commercial advantages for the coating of large structures.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 99-104, May 8–11, 2000,
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Since plasma jets, which have been used as heat sources of thermal plasma spraying process, expand adiabatically under a low pressure environment, the plasma temperatures drastically fell down to 2000K at the nozzle out let at 30Pa chamber pressure. However, the plasma jets still had enough reactivity to form hard nitride layer on the surface of the titanium samples by only a few minutes treatment. In this study, in order to obtain useful information for the practical applications of this plasma as low temperature and high rate surface modification processes, nitriding of nitriding steel and carbon steel using supersonic expanding hydrogen/ nitrogen mixture plasma jets were carried out. Consequently, though surface hardening was occurred slightly in the case of carbon steel, surface hardening was obviously promoted in the case of nitriding steel. In both cases, surface hardening was promoted with increasing hydrogen flow rate and thermal damages of the samples due to heat transfer from plasma jets weren't observed. Besides, according to the results of wear testing, wear mass loss of nitrided samples were much lower than that of non-nitrided samples. From these results, this process was found to have a high potential even in the case of surface modification of steel materials.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 1-7, May 8–11, 2000,
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The control over coating quality in plasma spraying is partly dependent on the arc and jet instabilities of the plasma torch. Different forms of instabilities have been observed with different effects on the coating quality. We report on an investigation of these instabilities based on high-speed end-on observation of the arc. The framing rate of 40,500 frames per second has allowed the visualization of the anode attachment movement and the determination of the thickness of the cold gas boundary layer surrounding the arc. The images have been synchronized with voltage traces. Data have been obtained for a range of arc currents, mass flow rates, for different gas injectors and for anodes displaying different amounts of wear. The analysis of the data has led to quantitative correlations between the cold gas boundary layer thickness and the instability mode for the range of operating parameters. The arc instabilities can be seen to enhance the plasma jet instabilities and the cold gas entrainment. These results are particular useful for guiding plasma torch design and operation to minimize the influence of plasma jet instabilities on coating properties.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 9-14, May 8–11, 2000,
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Recently it has been suggested that the carrier gas jet interaction with the plasma can have a large effect on the resulting particle temperature. The postulated interaction is through deflection of the main plasma jet and by delaying the heating of particles by the formation of a "cold" gas bubble. We have examined the effect of the gas jet itself on the temperature of the particles by attempting to artificially form a cold gas bubble using a separate, closely oriented gas jet. The effect of the "twin" co-flowing jet was evaluated by measuring its effect on the mean and standard deviation of the particle injection velocity and the resulting spray pattern and particle temperature. Additionally we have used alternative carrier gases with similar density but with specific heats that are higher than argon by a factor of two. A measurable but minor effect on particle temperature is observed.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 15-20, May 8–11, 2000,
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Conventional DC plasma torch designs lead to a circular cross-section of the emanating plasma jet. Consequently in surface treatment applications the plasma jet hits the substrate within a limited circular working area. Large scale workpieces therefore have to be scanned resulting in a time-consuming procedure. The innovative DC plasma torch system LARGE is characterized by the arrangement of the anode and the cathode opposite to each other on a common axis with a variable distance. The central body of the torch between the electrodes is divided into electrically insulated cascade plates. The plasma gas is injected perpendicular to the torch axis. Passing through the arc, the gas is transferred to the plasma state and leaves the torch laterally through a slit as a plasma jet with extended stripe width. The plasma torch LARGE is investigated by electrical, optical and enthalpy probe diagnostics. Shrouding the electrodes with an inert gas and feeding reactive gas mixtures as main plasma gas allow the torch to be used for plasma chemical reactions, too. Preliminary applications focus on preheating, surface modification of paper and plastic materials as well as on sterilization of nutrition packaging. The capability of plasma enhanced CVD is examined experimentally.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 21-28, May 8–11, 2000,
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Spectroscopic and electrostatic probe measurements were carried out to understand the plasma feature inside and outside a 10-kW-class direct-current arc plasma jet generator with a supersonic expansion nozzle. Ammonia and a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen were used as the working gas. The NH3 and N2+3H2 plasmas in the throat were expected to be nearly in a temperature-equilibrium condition, although the plasmas in the expansion nozzle and in the downstream plume without substrate plates were in thermodynamical nonequilibrium states. As a result, the H-atom excitation temperature and the N2 rotational excitation temperature decreased from 7000-11000 K in the throat to about 4000 K and to 1000-1500 K, respectively, on the nozzle exit at 0.1-0.2 g/s, although the NH rotational temperature did not show an axial decrease even in the nozzle. On the other hand, each temperature was almost kept a small range in the downstream plume without substrate plates under an ambient pressure of 130 Pa except for the NH rotational temperature for NH, working gas, although in the case with a titanium plate the nonequilibrium plasma came to a temperature-equilibrium one as approaching the plate.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 29-36, May 8–11, 2000,
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The influence of plasma spraying parameters on the mechanical properties of coatings has been studied. ZrO2-Y2O3 coatings were sprayed onto stainless steel and aluminium substrates at temperatures of about 75°C and 225°C. An original set of samples, facilitating the measurement of substrate deflection, was used to evaluate the effect of thermal cycling under different spraying conditions. In order to correlate thermal cycling values and mechanical properties to coating microstructure, the coatings were impregnated with low-viscosity resin and examined under a confocal microscope. The results reveal the influence of spraying temperature, substrate properties, and torch-substrate velocity on coating damage.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 37-43, May 8–11, 2000,
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Plasma spray coating has achieved outstanding technological and commercial progress. However the underlying fundamentals still require a better understanding to overcome some limitations coming from, in particular, the instabilities of the arc and the strong erosion of the electrodes. In this paper we present experimental investigations of the fluctuating behavior of a Sulzer Metco F4 gun operated at atmosphere. The temporal evolution of the torch voltage and current, and of the plasma jet emission have been measured, hi addition, an optical fiber inserted inside the gun allows to measure fluctuations of the arc emission directly. Depending on the external parameters, different modes of operation have been identified. In the "restrike" mode which prevails for spraying-relevant operation conditions, detailed analysis of the voltage signals and corresponding arc and jet light emission reveals different categories of voltage drops corresponding to arc interruptions or reconnections. Spectral analysis of the different fluctuation signals shows clearly-defined peaks in the frequency range 3-30 kHz which are attributed to the arc motion and restrike inside the torch. The dependence of these peaks on operation conditions in terms of gas flows and composition, and gas injection geometry is presented. In addition a study of the effect of electrode aging on the torch fluctuations is reported.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 45-50, May 8–11, 2000,
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In this paper, we describe a new sensor for monitoring inflight particles in thermal spray processes. The sensor can measure simultaneously and in real-time, the mean velocity and mean temperature of the particle jet for a very broad range of powder feed rates. The thermal radiation emitted by the hot particles is collected by a lens and focused on two optical fibers. Knowing the distance between the optical fibers and the magnification of the optics, the mean particle velocity is computed by measuring the time delay between the signals collected in the two fibers by cross-correlation. The signals are band-pass filtered to prevent spurious reflection, equipment movement and noise from disturbing the measurement. Using the same signals filtered at two specific wavelengths, the mean temperature of the particle jet is obtained by the two-color pyrometry technique. In this technique, the temperature is computed from the ratio of the light intensity detected at two different wavelengths.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 51-56, May 8–11, 2000,
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A two-wavelength particle imaging pyrometer has been developed to measure temperature, velocity and size of individual particles within a field of view and a depth of field that spans the entire particle stream in most thermal spray devices. The pyrometer provides continuous updates to particle condition profiles, histograms and correlations. The software locates particle streaks, determines the intensity ratio and dimensions of each streak, and calculates the particle temperature, velocity and size. Many forms of advanced materials processing technologies, such as thermal spray, spray-forming and atomization processes, have considerable need of process control sensor technology. These measurements provide the basis for application of the pyrometer to many of these processes. Particle temperature measurements of plasma-sprayed ceramic powder were obtained using a spectrometer and the pyrometer. Comparisons of the measurements show that the vision-based pyrometer has excellent accuracy. The standard deviation of the measurements was 40 K or about 1.3 %. Additional pyrometer measurements were used to determine its minimum detectable temperature and velocity change, which were 12.4 K and 2.77 m/s, or 0.4 % and 1.5 %, respectively. The vision-based particle sensor can now be applied to high performance control strategies to provide stable particle temperatures and velocities over long duration plasma spray processes.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 57-61, May 8–11, 2000,
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In this paper, the authors evaluate the effect of different laser parameters on the adhesion of coatings produced by the Protal method. The process incorporates an atmospheric thermal spray torch and a pulsed Nd:YAG laser, achieving surface preparation (comparable to grit blasting) and coating deposition in a single step. Coating adhesion was measured via tensile testing and an indentation method, and the rupture areas (along with some of the coating-substrate interfaces) were examined using SEM techniques. The results show that with the new process chemical and metallurgical bonding can be achieved between the substrate and coating by spraying in air.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 63-66, May 8–11, 2000,
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This paper presents a low-cost in situ diagnostic method that monitors and controls thermal spray processes using a CCD camera and a PC. The method, called particle flux imaging (PFI), records light emitted by thermal spray particles and the hot propellent carrier-medium in which they are conveyed. Brightness distributions corresponding to temperature and density profiles are represented by sets of ellipses that are compared in real time to a reference image. An image analysis algorithm adjusts relevant spray parameters based on the comparisons, maintaining a constant and unchanged spraying process.
Proceedings Papers
ITSC2000, Thermal Spray 2000: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 67-70, May 8–11, 2000,
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In the thermal spraying process the quality of the produced coating is determined by the state of the particles before they impact on the substrate[l]. For the spray particle diagnostics a new method is offered by the development of the Particle-Shape-Imaging (PSI) technique. This method is intended for the analysis of size and shape of individual particles within the plasma jet. The method is based on telemicroscopic imaging of the particle shades. Similar to the Laser-Doppler-Anemometry a cw laser beam is split into two beams of equal intensity, which are superimposed in the focal plane of a Long-Distance-Microscope. The detection system consists of a CCD camera with a Micro-Channel-Plate intensifier allowing exposure times of few nanoseconds. When a particle passes the measuring volume exactly in the focal plane, the two laser beams generate individual shades, which congruently superimpose on the CCD Chip in the image plane of the telemicroscope. If a particle passes the measuring volume not exactly in the focal plane, the two generated shades are separated in the image plane. By this effect the position of the particle relatively to the focal plane can be measured. From the area and the contours of the shades, particles can be classified regarding size and form. Corresponding distributions of the particles within the plasma jet as well as changes of the particle form in the melting process can be determined.