This work focuses on the laser cladding process and the behavior or interaction between the powder particles and the laser beam, specifically examining how various process parameters might affect the creation of melt pool formations. The experiment focused on examining the influence of laser intensity and other important factors on the amount of metal in the substrate of 316L stainless steel, particularly while utilizing Inconel 625 powder. The study was conducted by utilizing cross-sectional images and quantifying the ratio of areas of the melted substrate material across a sliced cross-sectional area. The study also investigated the influence of recirculation patterns resulting from the Marangoni convection force on the formation of the melt region. The study's results indicate that a low powder feed rate is preferable, which in this study was 5 g/min, and provides better results with a symmetrical and profound melt profile. The melt shifts to asymmetrical profiles when the feed rate increases significantly over this value. The primary cause of this phenomenon is attributed to the Marangoni forces and the momentum transfer generated by the powder jets. The investigation also emphasizes the complex interplay among the process factors and highlights the crucial role of laser source power in triggering a fast escalation in the volume of melted material. In addition, the study supports the idea that maintaining the laser energy input as a constant helps to create a consistency in the total melt area even when the cladding speed is increased.

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