In Laser Cladding, a differentiation must be made between cladding by brazing and cladding by welding regarding process parameters and the resulting material properties. Results of investigations of bronze cladding on steel parts produced by Laser Deposition Brazing will be presented. This means that a strong metallurgical bond is realized by diffusion processes by Laser Deposition Brazing, but the steel base material is not molten. The coatings were characterized by hardness distribution measurements from the bronze cladding to the steel substrate, by measuring the size of the heat-affected zone and by porosity measurements. This combination of a steel substrate and a local bronze coating is used industrially in many tribological applications, such as plain bearings or hydraulic pumps etc. The bronze offers excellent tribological properties. In some cases, the bronze is used as a complete solid part. However, applying the bronze locally to a steel base body instead of using a complete solid bronze component, offers the advantage of the higher modulus of elasticity of the steel, which provides greater stability of shape with regard to possible elastic deformations as these coated parts are exposed to high mechanical loads, it is essential that a high coating quality is achieved by laser cladding and that the properties are extensively and purposefully characterized. The production technology, the characterization and the industrial applications of such bronze coated steel parts are presented and explained in this contribution.