Alloys with high amount of chromium are used for protection of power plant boilers against high temperature corrosion, especially heat exchanger surfaces, such as superheaters. Thermal spray coatings can be applied to low alloyed steel in order to enhance the lifetime of the cheap substrate material. In this study NiCr (50Ni49Cr1Fe) powder was sprayed with DJ Hybrid and CJS HVOF techniques, and the spraying process was optimized with process map methodology, including SprayWatch for measuring the temperature and velocity of the spray stream, and ICP (In-situ coating property measurement) for measuring the stress state. Different spraying parameters were applied in order to attain the best suitable coating characteristics for high temperature applications, such as high density and low oxidation stage. The coatings were analyzed e.g. by microscopic means and mechanical testing. The use of process optimization, process-structure- properties methodology, and following coating characteristics are presented.

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