Very low pressure plasma spraying (VLPPS) is an emerging process allowing manufacturing oxide and metallic coatings by condensation of vapors generated by feedstock powder vaporization. This process operates at unusually low pressures, typically between 100 and 1000 Pa. This paper aims at presenting recent developments for manufacturing Ti,Al,N coatings via a reactive mode. At first, nitrogen was used as the primary plasma forming gas to enrich spraying surrounding with nitriding species. Plasma jet mass enthalpy and substrate surface temperature were varied to evidence nitride phase formation during spraying. Then, a secondary nitrogen injection was implemented and located close to the surface to be covered in view of creating a continuous nitrogen supply to promote the nitriding mechanisms on the surface. SEM, XRD, GDOES and NHT were implemented to characterize coatings structure. This study highlights the nitrides formation versus spray operating conditions. The microstructural and mechanical features as well as the chemical composition are presented.

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