Casting molds in the aluminium industry show a short lifespan due to the high corrosiveness of aluminium melts and alternating thermal and mechanical loads. By using new materials, in example pseudoalloys containing tungsten, the lifetime of casting molds can be elongated up to hundredfold. Today, casting molds made of steel are state of the art. In spite of the advantages of pseudoalloys, high manufacturing cost and the increasing commodity price of tungsten prohibit the use of molds consisting of these progressive materials. By coating the standard steel molds with a FeNiW-layer, the excellent thermal and corrosive resistance of the pseudoalloy surface can be combined with minimal manufacturing costs. For present work steel substrates had been coated with FeNiW-pseudoalloys. Therefore, arc spraying and different deposit-welding methods (Laser, Plasma, TIG) had been compared. By modifying the machine parameter set, a smooth transition between substrate and coating was realized. Thermal and chemical resistance of the samples will be tested. In this paper first results are presented.

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