Plasma-sprayed, molten nickel particles (60 µm diameter) were photographed during impact on oxidized 304L stainless steel surfaces that were maintained at room temperature or at 350oC. The steel samples were oxidized at different temperatures. Droplets approaching the surface were sensed using a photo detector and after a known delay, a fast charge-coupled device (CCD) camera was triggered to capture time-integrated images of the spreading splat from the substrate front surface. A two-color pyrometer was used to collect the thermal radiation from the particles to follow the evolution of their temperature after impact. Molten nickel particles impacting on oxidized steel at room temperature fragmented significantly, while heating the surfaces produced splats with disk-like morphologies. Impact on steel that was highly oxidized induced the formation of finger-like splash projections at the splat periphery. The splat cooling rate and thermal contact resistance between the splat and non-heated oxidized steel varied significantly as the degree of oxidation increased; heating the oxidized steel greatly reduced the variations. It was suggested that the large variations in splat cooling rates and thermal contact resistances on the non-heated oxidized steel was due primarily to the presence of adsorbates on the steel surface.

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