Thermal spray particulate presents unique challenges for in-plant dust collection. Regulations about particulate level emissions are becoming increasingly stringent. This paper will discuss the thermal spray environment and technologies that can be useful in the mitigation of airborne particulate. First, a discussion of basic filtration concepts - The many methods that are used to collect particulate (diffusion, inertial impaction, interception, and sieving) and an explanation of each with an understanding of when each methodology is used. We will also explore the properties of the typical thermal spray particulate - particle size analysis of typical resultant thermal overspray process dust including actual test data and scanning electron microscope photos. The structure of the filter media is vital to achieve superior filtration performance. A unique filter media technology for this application will be discussed, including media construction and characteristics of its use. Finally, the filter media must function within a system. A brief discussion of dust collection technology and the dust collection system will describe a solution to the problems of thermal spray particulate.

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