The Hitachi MaxJet II is a unique multi-purpose combustion gun. It can be used for spraying wire but it also has the capability to spray multiple materials via-powder and powder cord form. The equipment operates using commonly available gases: compressed air, Oxygen and Propane or Mapp gas. It requires no major facility cost since it uses only a 35 cfm air compressor and 115 volt power supply. Safety is assured with a safety purge system, separation of electrical and gases systems and flash back arresters. The small compact system weighs less than two hundred pounds, which makes it easily movable for on site work. It’s low capital investment and high quality coatings with low porosity and excellent bond strengths. The electronic pusher type wire feed provides consistent feed rates for a large variety of wires and wire sizes (1/16”, 1/8”, and 3/16”). The spray gun weighs only three pounds and can be mounted on a robot or used for hand spray applications. It functions well in a shop environment or onsite spraying of bridge components.

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