The paper will describe a collaboration of the DoD Propulsion Environmental Working Group (PEWG), Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center (OC-ALC), Pratt & Whitney and Engelhard Corporation to qualify and transition High Velocity Oxy Fuel (HVOF) thermal spray of tungsten carbide coatings to replace electrolytic chrome plating for the repair of Pratt and Whitney (PWA) engines at the OC-ALC. This depot is the primary location for engine repair for the US Air Force. The paper details the engineering effort to qualify the HVOF tungsten carbide coating on PWA TF33 engine components as an precursor to qualifying the coatings for other military PWA engines. The paper also provides details of the transition of HVOF thermal spray technology into a new state-of-the-art production facility at the OC-ALC depot. The paper highlights a notably successful industry and government partnership to rapidly transition a world-class thermal spray capability into OC-ALC. The PEWG is a special management group that works with US military propulsion managers to educate/apprises government and industry collaborations of mature advanced pollutant free technologies and then facilitate the transition to full-scale production. Pratt and Whitney is the original equipment manufacturer of the TF33 engine and supplies other gas turbine engines to the Air Force and other military services. Engelhard Corporation is a surface and science company that develops technologies to improve customers’ products and processes. A Fortune 500 company, Engelhard is a world-leading provider of technologies for environmental, process, appearance, performance application and engineering solutions. Engelhard led the technology transition effort under contract to the PEWG. [This effort, as will be described in the paper, encompasses process engineering, coating qualification, spray parameter definition, tooling concepts, accelerated mission engine test support, inspection techniques, and production bed-down at the OCALC depot.]