Titanium oxide is established as an oxide material for thermally sprayed coating solutions and has received increasing interest over the last few years. Scientific and technological research focuses on electrical conductivity, solid lubrication and photocatalytic properties of titanium oxide (TiOx) coatings of differing stoichiometry. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of oxygen loss by reduction with hydrogen occurring in the conditions of vacuum plasma spraying (VPS) from commercial titanium oxide feedstock on coating microstructure, hardness, phase composition, abrasion wear resistance and electrical resistivity. The X-ray diffraction pattern showed the presence of rutile, with peaks decreasing in intensity with increasing hydrogen content in the plasma-forming gas. The intensities of the peaks showed significant deviations from those of the standard. An increase in hydrogen flow rate did not influence the coating microstructure, hardness or abrasion wear resistance, but it caused the electrical resistivity to decrease. VPS coatings prepared from commercial fused and crushed powder show a resistivity in the range of 0.01-0.1 Ohm*cm, which corresponds exactly to the range published in the literature. Comparison with results for APS- and HVOFsprayed coatings reveals that VPS coatings yield the best combination of abrasion wear resistance and electrical resistivity when commercial titanium oxide spray powder is used.