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Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2016, ISTFA 2016: Conference Proceedings from the 42nd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 402-405, November 6–10, 2016,
... Abstract This paper offers an alternative solution in dealing with Focused Ion Beam (FIB) circuit edit debug of RF products that often required soldering the device onto a test board to enable sensitive RF characterization. Performing FIB circuit edit while the device is soldered on a test...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2017, ISTFA 2017: Conference Proceedings from the 43rd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 635-642, November 5–9, 2017,
... Abstract Multiple, independent, system level test failures that occurred around the same time were traced back to a short circuit on the same type of printed circuit board (PCB). The PCBs were removed from the application and sent to the authors' lab for analysis. This paper reviews...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2018, ISTFA 2018: Conference Proceedings from the 44th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 47-50, October 28–November 1, 2018,
... Abstract This paper is focused on the de-soldering process on VSON package which was mounted on FR4 substrate board after being subjected to environmental stress. Abnormalities were found at package level during Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SAM) inspection which is considered to be one...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2003, ISTFA 2003: Conference Proceedings from the 29th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 125-130, November 2–6, 2003,
... in Asia, the push for global competitiveness to achieve high volume and reduced costs can result in insufficient plating finishes being applied to the contact fingers. Compounding this problem is the fact the many companies use multiple raw board suppliers to meet these volume requirements. Many times...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2004, ISTFA 2004: Conference Proceedings from the 30th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 267-276, November 14–18, 2004,
... Abstract The continuing evolution of semiconductor packages to finer solder ball pitches, shrinking solder ball volume, and new solder materials, mandates the availability of methods to accurately assess solder joint reliability both at the component and at the board level. Many tests in use...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2004, ISTFA 2004: Conference Proceedings from the 30th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 436-440, November 14–18, 2004,
... Abstract This paper is a review of propagating faults in printed circuit boards (PCBs) from the perspective of using the resulting burn and melted copper patterns to identify likely locations of fault initiation. Visual examination and x-ray imaging are the main techniques for examining PCB...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2011, ISTFA 2011: Conference Proceedings from the 37th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 439-442, November 13–17, 2011,
... prevent the recurrence of same-type errors. automatic test equipment failure analysis method laser voltage probing product quality New Failure Analysis Method for Laser Voltage Probing (LVP) Utilizing System Evaluation Board and Software. Suk Ho Lee, Yun Woo Lee, Moo Jong Hong, Sung Jun Yun...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2012, ISTFA 2012: Conference Proceedings from the 38th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 365-369, November 11–15, 2012,
... initiation, followed by fatigue failure that ultimately led to full fracture. A FIB section of a second failure reinforced the finding that the fundamental cracking mechanism was fatigue. crack initiation cracking etching fatigue failure focused ion beam fracture analysis printed circuit boards...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2023, ISTFA 2023: Conference Proceedings from the 49th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 28-33, November 12–16, 2023,
... Abstract Board level semiconductor reliability testing (BLTT) is a crucial step in the product development life cycle of modern electronics. While the primary focus of semiconductor reliability historically has been to understand the robustness of the solder joint, there are other aspects...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2001, ISTFA 2001: Conference Proceedings from the 27th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 253-257, November 11–15, 2001,
... Abstract This article outlines an optimal approach for board level CSP failure analysis, where the chip and printed circuit board are analyzed as a single unit to determine the root cause of the board level failures. A technique using a combination of cross-section and parallel polishing...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2002, ISTFA 2002: Conference Proceedings from the 28th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 333-338, November 3–7, 2002,
... Abstract In situ decapsulation of plastic devices can be used to avoid the removal or alteration of failure mechanisms caused by exposure to desoldering temperatures. This paper describes techniques to decapsulate devices mounted to a printed circuit board using materials that are readily...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2002, ISTFA 2002: Conference Proceedings from the 28th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 377-384, November 3–7, 2002,
... Abstract The package to board interconnection shear strength (PBISS) test method yields an amalgamated measure of pad peel strength, solder/pad interfacial strength and bulk solder shear strength. This measure mirrors the reliability of the actual product better than any single component...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2021, ISTFA 2021: Conference Proceedings from the 47th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 330-333, October 31–November 4, 2021,
... Universal Application of Load Board (L/B) and Socket with Direct Current Tester (DCT) for Various Packages Yi-Sheng Lin*, Yu-Hsiang Hsiao, Pei-Yu Tseng, Yu-Jen Chang, Cheng-Hsin Liu, and Yu-Ting Lin Product Characterization, Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc., Kaohsiung, Taiwan Email: EasonYS_Lin...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2016, ISTFA 2016: Conference Proceedings from the 42nd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 362-372, November 6–10, 2016,
... Abstract The standard requirement for FA Engineers needing to remove components from a board, prior to decapsulation or sample preparation, is shown to be greatly reduced, by the methods discussed here. By using a mechanical selected area preparation system with an open-design it is possible...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2016, ISTFA 2016: Conference Proceedings from the 42nd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 605-608, November 6–10, 2016,
... Abstract Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are easy target for reverse engineering and counterfeiting attacks due to the distributed supply chain. The integrated circuits (ICs) authentication techniques such as Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) are not easily extendible to PCBs. In this paper...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2017, ISTFA 2017: Conference Proceedings from the 43rd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 59-66, November 5–9, 2017,
... Abstract This paper describes the failure analysis methods used to characterize micro cracks that resulted in laser vias of printed circuit boards (PCBs) through case studies of destructive failure analysis. Defects such as cracks in laser vias of PCBs can cause open or low leakage failure mode...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2020, ISTFA 2020: Papers Accepted for the Planned 46th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 314-316, November 15–19, 2020,
... Abstract In this paper, we demonstrate a case for non-destructive detection of submicron wide via-crack in printed circuit boards (PCBs) by using in-situ thermal chamber 3D x-ray computed tomography. The defect location is verified by a PFA (Physical Failure Analysis), and good agreement...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2006, ISTFA 2006: Conference Proceedings from the 32nd International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 469-473, November 12–16, 2006,
... Abstract Accelerated corrosion leading to system failure has been observed on printed circuit boards present in industrial environments that contain abnormal levels of reduced sulfur gasses, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and elemental sulfur. The problem is compounded by the fact...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2009, ISTFA 2009: Conference Proceedings from the 35th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 301-308, November 15–19, 2009,
... Abstract Failures in printed circuit boards account for a significant percentage of field returns in electronic products and systems. Conductive filament formation is an electrochemical process that requires the transport of a metal through or across a nonmetallic medium under the influence...
Proceedings Papers

ISTFA2004, ISTFA 2004: Conference Proceedings from the 30th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 82-87, November 14–18, 2004,
... a power and ground plane. This article presents a case study in which the customer was experiencing ignition of a 20-layer printed circuit board after approximately 1000 to 4000 operating hours in an indoor-controlled environment. High currents on the board resulted in extensive damage, effectively...