The failure localization on analog & mixed mode ICs in functional mode (AC signals) has become more and more challenging in the last few years. Due to an increasing integration and complexity of these devices, the number of defects, especially those named “soft”, raised considerably. The classical Dynamic Laser Stimulation (DLS) techniques showed some limitations when applied to analog & mixedmode ICs. The SDL (Soft Defect Localization) technique [1] based on binary output signal allows us to localize only the most sensitive areas. The defect in this type of circuits, which are very sensitive to the laser beam [2], is often characterized by a weaker sensitivity than that of “healthy” regions. Hence, xVM (Variation Mapping) techniques were introduced to map some parameters in an analog way (the different sensitivity levels are visualized). To date, the T-LSIM technique [3], the Delay and the Phase Variation Mapping techniques were published [4, 5]. We have already had some interesting results by using these techniques [6] but not every “soft” defect case study could be resolved in that way. In this paper we propose to look at some different parameters which characterize an analog signal and can be used as an input for laser mapping. By applying a simple setup, without any additional sophisticated tool, we show on a “golden” commercial IC the added value of this analysis. We also deal with amplifying the weak signal variations induced by the laser beam scan which often are hidden by the high signal variations in analog or mixed-mode ICs.