In the current generations of devices the die and its package are closely integrated to achieve desired performance and form factor. As a result, localization of continuity failures to either the die or the package is a challenging step in failure analysis of such devices. Time Domain Reflectometry [1] (TDR) is used to localize continuity failures. However the accuracy of measurement with TDR is inadequate for effective localization of the failsite. Additionally, this technique does not provide direct 3-Dimenstional information about the location of the defect. Super-conducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) Microscope is useful in localizing shorts in packages [2]. SQUID microscope can localize defects to within 5um in the X and Y directions and 35um in the Z direction. This accuracy is valuable in precise localization of the failsite within the die, package or the interfacial region in flipchip assemblies.

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