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neutron irradiation
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neutron irradiation
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Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 1
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1990
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v01.a0001036
EISBN: 978-1-62708-161-0
... Abstract Damage to steels from neutron irradiation affects the properties of steels and is an important factor in the design of safe and economical components for fission and fusion reactors. This article discusses the effects of high-energy neutrons on steels. The effects of damage caused...
Damage to steels from neutron irradiation affects the properties of steels and is an important factor in the design of safe and economical components for fission and fusion reactors. This article discusses the effects of high-energy neutrons on steels. The effects of damage caused by neutron irradiation include swelling (volume increase), irradiation hardening, and irradiation embrittlement (the influence of irradiation hardening on fracture toughness). These effects are primarily associated with high-energy (greater than 0.1 MeV) neutrons. Consequently, irradiation damage from neutrons is of considerable importance in fast reactors, which produce a significant flux of high-energy neutrons during operation. Irradiation embrittlement must also be considered in the development of ferritic steels for fast reactors and fusion reactors. Although ferritic steels are more resistant to swelling than austenitic steels, irradiation may have a more critical effect on the mechanical properties of ferritic steels.
Published: 01 January 1987
Fig. 823 Effect of neutron irradiation on fracture mode and fracture toughness of the iron-nickel-base superalloy A-286 (UNS S66286). The plot of fracture toughness versus neutron exposure charts the degradation of K Ic with increased irradiation. Note the fracture-mode transition from
Published: 01 January 1986
Fig. 1 γ-ray spectrum of a neutron-irradiated ore sample from the Jemez mountains, New Mexico, recorded using a Ge(Li) detector five days after irradiation. The lower figure is an expanded view of Detail A in the upper figure. The necessity of high resolution is evident from the proximity
Published: 01 January 1986
Fig. 2 γ-ray spectra of a neutron-irradiated NBS fly ash sample showing the change that occurs as a function of time. The upper spectrum was recorded in the time interval 18 to 27 min after irradiation; the lower spectrum is a 2-h count recorded after 20 days of decay. None of the peaks
Published: 01 January 1986
Fig. 3 γ-ray spectrum of a neutron-irradiated high-purity nickel sample. The spectrum, recorded in the time interval 3 to 8 min after a 20-s irradiation, shows the presence of titanium, manganese, and vanadium in the sample.
Published: 01 January 1986
Fig. 5 Comparison of γ-ray spectrums. Upper spectrum shows a neutron-irradiated rock sample that contains 3 ppb iridium (26 days decay). Lower spectrum shows the chemically isolated iridium fraction (pure 74.2-d 192 Ir).
in Effect of Irradiation on Stress-Corrosion Cracking and Corrosion in Light Water Reactors
> Corrosion: Environments and Industries
Published: 01 January 2006
Fig. 3 Dependence of cracking in neutron-irradiated high-purity type 304 stainless steel (SS) on accumulated high-energy neutron fluence. IGSCC, intergranular stress-corrosion cracking
Published: 01 December 2004
Fig. 33 Atom map of the solute distribution in a neutron-irradiated pressure vessel steel in which each sphere represents the position of an individual atom. The iron atoms are omitted for clarity. Three nanometer-sized copper-enriched precipitates are visible on either side of a lath boundary
Published: 15 December 2019
Fig. 1 Gamma-ray spectrum of a neutron-irradiated ore sample from the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, recorded using a high-resolution detector five days after irradiation. The lower figure is an expanded view of detail A in the upper figure. The necessity of high resolution is evident from
Published: 15 December 2019
Fig. 2 Gamma-ray spectra of a neutron-irradiated National Institute of Standards and Technology standard reference material 1633a fly ash sample showing the change that occurs as a function of time. The upper spectrum was recorded in the time interval 18 to 27 min after irradiation; the lower
Published: 15 December 2019
Fig. 3 Gamma-ray spectrum of a neutron-irradiated high-purity nickel sample. The spectrum, recorded in the time interval 3 to 8 min after a 20 s irradiation, shows the presence of titanium, manganese, and vanadium in the sample.
Published: 15 December 2019
Fig. 5 Comparison of γ-ray spectra. Upper spectrum shows a neutron-irradiated rock sample that contains 3 ng · g −1 iridium (26 d decay). Lower spectrum shows the chemically isolated iridium fraction ( 192 Ir, t 1/2 = 74.2 d)
in Effect of Irradiation on Stress-Corrosion Cracking and Corrosion in Light Water Reactors
> Corrosion: Environments and Industries
Published: 01 January 2006
Fig. 1 Neutron fluence effects on irradiation-assisted stress-corrosion cracking susceptibility of type 304 stainless steel in boiling water reactor (BWR) environments. PWR, pressurized water reactor; IASCC, irradiation-assisted stress-corrosion cracking; dpa, displacements per atom. Source
Book Chapter
Book: Fractography
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 12
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v12.a0000615
EISBN: 978-1-62708-181-8
... Abstract This article is an atlas of fractographs that helps in understanding the causes and mechanisms of fracture of iron-base superalloys and in identifying and interpreting the morphology of fracture surfaces. The fractographs illustrate the neutron irradiation effect, fracture mode...
This article is an atlas of fractographs that helps in understanding the causes and mechanisms of fracture of iron-base superalloys and in identifying and interpreting the morphology of fracture surfaces. The fractographs illustrate the neutron irradiation effect, fracture mode, fracture toughness, sulfidation corrosion failure, and interdendritic attack of gas sampling line couplings of coal-gasification pilot plants of these superalloys.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 1
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1990
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v01.a0001039
EISBN: 978-1-62708-161-0
... embrittlement, strain-age and aluminum nitride embrittlement, thermal embrittlement, quench cracking, 475 deg C and sigma phase embrittlement (in FeCr alloys), temper embrittlement, and embrittlement caused by neutron irradiation. In addition, the article covers stress-corrosion cracking along with properties...
This article examines the embrittlement of iron and carbon steels. It describes compositional, processing, and service conditions that contribute to the problem and presents examples of how embrittlement influences mechanical properties. Embrittlement due to hydrogen is the most common form of embrittlement and influences the behavior and properties of nearly all ferrous alloys and many metals. The article explains why hydrogen embrittlement is so widespread and reviews the many types of damage it can cause. It also explores other forms of embrittlement, including metal-induced embrittlement, strain-age and aluminum nitride embrittlement, thermal embrittlement, quench cracking, 475 deg C and sigma phase embrittlement (in FeCr alloys), temper embrittlement, and embrittlement caused by neutron irradiation. In addition, the article covers stress-corrosion cracking along with properties and conditions that affect it, and the procedures to detect and evaluate it.
Book: Fatigue and Fracture
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 19
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1996
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v19.a0002404
EISBN: 978-1-62708-193-1
... orientation, strain rate, thermal aging, and neutron irradiation on base metal and weld toughness. It discusses the effect of cold-work-induced strengthening on fracture toughness. The article examines the fracture toughness behavior of aged base metal and welding-induced heat-affected zones. It concludes...
This article describes the fracture toughness behavior of austenitic stainless steels and their welds at ambient, elevated, and cryogenic temperatures. Minimum expected toughness values are provided for use in fracture mechanics evaluations. The article explains the effect of crack orientation, strain rate, thermal aging, and neutron irradiation on base metal and weld toughness. It discusses the effect of cold-work-induced strengthening on fracture toughness. The article examines the fracture toughness behavior of aged base metal and welding-induced heat-affected zones. It concludes with a discussion on the Charpy energy correlations for aged stainless steels.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 10
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 December 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v10.a0006642
EISBN: 978-1-62708-213-6
... the interiors of samples weighing several grams. The NAA method most commonly used involves irradiation of a sample using low-energy neutrons in a nuclear reactor, to produce radioactive isotopes via the capture of neutrons by stable isotopes of the sample elements. Neutron irradiation is followed...
This article provides a detailed account of the concepts and applications of neutron activation analysis (NAA), covering the basic principles and neutron reactions of NAA as well as calibration methods used for NAA. The discussion also covers the factors pertinent to analytical sensitivity achievable with NAA, common neutron sources, sample-handling technique, and automated systems of NAA. The categories of NAA covered are instrumental neutron activation analysis, epithermal neutron activation analysis, radiochemical neutron activation analysis, 14 MeV fast neutron activation analysis, delayed neutron activation analysis, and prompt gamma activation analysis.
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 10
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1986
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v10.a0001748
EISBN: 978-1-62708-178-8
... the radioactivity induced in the major elements of the sample (see the section “Nondestructive TNAA” in this article). In destructive (radiochemical) NAA, the detection limits for some elements are below 1 ppt The NAA method most commonly used involves irradiation of the sample using slow neutrons...
Neutron activation analysis (NAA) is a highly sensitive and accurate method of assaying bulk materials for trace levels of many elements. This article provides a detailed account on several types of NAA, namely, nondestructive and radiochemical thermal neutron activation, delayed neutron counting, epithermal and 14-MeV fast neutron activation, and prompt gamma activation analysis. It also includes application examples, explaining where and how each method is used and the types of elements on which they are effective.
Published: 01 January 1997
for the indicated conductivities. The numbered data points were obtained at the Harwell variable-energy cyclotron. The circled numbers were with the proton irradiation turned on, and the uncircled numbers were with the irradiation off. Similarly the data point [1] was obtained under fast neutron irradiation
Published: 01 January 2006
Fig. 14 Summary of irradiation-assisted stress-corrosion cracking (IASCC) in light water reactors and associated metallurgical changes in austenitic stainless steels as a function of neutron irradiation in n/cm 2 ( E ≥1 MeV) or displacements per atom (dpa). EFPY, effective full power year