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dimpled intergranular fracture
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dimpled intergranular fracture
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Published: 01 June 2024
Fig. 54 Mixed ductile intergranular and transgranular (dimpled rupture) fracture in a 6105-T5 extrusion. Large grains at the surface of the extrusion are visible, because they exhibit intergranular fracture, likely from surface recrystallization during extrusion. SEM; original magnification
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006777
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
... a case history on IG fracture of steam generator tubes, where a lowering of the operating temperature was proposed to reduce failures. dimpled intergranular fracture grain boundaries hydrogen embrittlement intergranular brittle cracking intergranular fatigue intergranular stress-corrosion...
This article briefly reviews the factors that influence the occurrence of intergranular (IG) fractures. Because the appearance of IG fractures is often very similar, the principal focus is placed on the various metallurgical or environmental factors that cause grain boundaries to become the preferred path of crack growth. The article describes in more detail some typical mechanisms that cause IG fracture. It discusses the causes and effects of IG brittle cracking, dimpled IG fracture, IG fatigue, hydrogen embrittlement, and IG stress-corrosion cracking. The article presents a case history on IG fracture of steam generator tubes, where a lowering of the operating temperature was proposed to reduce failures.
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2002
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0003540
EISBN: 978-1-62708-180-1
... Abstract This article briefly reviews the various metallurgical or environmental factors that cause a weakening of the grain boundaries and, in turn, influence the occurrence of intergranular (IG) fractures. It discusses the mechanisms of IG fractures, including the dimpled IG fracture, the IG...
This article briefly reviews the various metallurgical or environmental factors that cause a weakening of the grain boundaries and, in turn, influence the occurrence of intergranular (IG) fractures. It discusses the mechanisms of IG fractures, including the dimpled IG fracture, the IG brittle fracture, and the IG fatigue fracture. The article describes some typical embrittlement mechanisms that cause the IG fracture of steels.
Published: 01 June 2024
Fig. 36 Mixture of dimples and intergranular fracture surfaces in a grade 3340 steel specimen fracture that underwent incomplete reverse temper embrittlement. (a) SEM image. Original magnification: 90×. (b) Higher-magnification view of the outlined region at “A” in fractograph (a). It displays
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 1A
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 31 August 2017
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v01a.a0006323
EISBN: 978-1-62708-179-5
... of the main fracture modes and their characteristic fractographic features. It discusses the four principal fracture modes: dimple rupture (or fracture), cleavage, fatigue, and intergranular fracture. The article provides information on special cases of environmentally assisted fracture. It concludes...
As cast iron parts are extensively applied, fracture events will eventually take place. Consequently, it becomes essential to carry out failure analyses to identify the cause of fracture and to provide corrective actions that allow safe operation. This article presents a description of the main fracture modes and their characteristic fractographic features. It discusses the four principal fracture modes: dimple rupture (or fracture), cleavage, fatigue, and intergranular fracture. The article provides information on special cases of environmentally assisted fracture. It concludes with a description of fractographic analyses for identifying the direction of propagation of a crack.
Book: Fatigue and Fracture
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 19
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1996
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v19.a0002349
EISBN: 978-1-62708-193-1
... or quasicleavage, and intergranular failure. Certain fundamental characteristics of fracture observed in precipitation-hardening alloys, ferrous alloys, titanium alloys are also discussed. cleavage fracture crack growth cracking creep dimpled rupture ductile striation formation failure analysis...
The cracking process occurs slowly over the service life from various crack growth mechanisms such as fatigue, stress-corrosion cracking, creep, and hydrogen-induced cracking. Each of these mechanisms has certain characteristic features that are used in failure analysis to determine the cause of cracking or crack growth. This article discusses the macroscopic and microscopic basis of understanding and modeling fracture resistance of metals. It describes the four major types of failure modes in engineering alloys, namely, dimpled rupture, ductile striation formation, cleavage or quasicleavage, and intergranular failure. Certain fundamental characteristics of fracture observed in precipitation-hardening alloys, ferrous alloys, titanium alloys are also discussed.
Book: Fractography
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 12
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2024
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v12.a0006874
EISBN: 978-1-62708-387-4
... reaction scale coatings Fracture after limited dimensional change Scanning electron microscopy, 20–10,000× (fracture surface) Microvoids (dimples) elongated in direction of loading Single crack with no branching Surface slip band emergence Cleavage or intergranular fracture...
Identification of the fracture mechanism is one of the principal responsibilities of a failure analyst and is an important component of any root-cause analysis. This article explores the varied mechanisms responsible for metal fracture, particularly regarding fractography. The behavior of engineering materials at fracture is based on a large number of interrelated characteristics from the atomic level to the component level. These characteristics range from ductile to brittle at the microscale and macroscale levels. Fundamental relative ductility results from the type of electronic bonding, the crystal structure, and the broader long-range degree of order. It provides detailed discussion on ductile fracture, brittle fracture, mixed fracture, embrittlement, stress-corrosion cracking.
Book Chapter
Book: Fractography
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 12
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v12.a0000623
EISBN: 978-1-62708-181-8
... ( da / dN ) and stress-intensity factor (Δ K ) increased, the fracture surface changed from one characterized by large transgranular facets to one exhibiting intergranular facets and dimples. Crack growth direction is from left to right. Fig. 1103 , 1104 and 1105 : Fracture surface at low Δ K...
This article is an atlas of fractographs that helps in understanding the causes and mechanisms of fracture of titanium alloys and in identifying and interpreting the morphology of fracture surfaces. The fractographs illustrate the fracture surface, fatigue crack growth, intergranular fracture, crack propagation, ductile overload fracture, dimpled rupture, microvoid coalescence, and quasi-cleavage fracture of these alloys.
Book Chapter
Book: Fractography
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 12
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v12.a0000617
EISBN: 978-1-62708-181-8
... fracture, grain boundaries, notch and fatigue precrack, dimpled rupture, and fatigue striations of these alloys. fractograph intergranular fracture nickel alloys Fig. 867 Surface of a fracture in a bend-test specimen of Nickel 201 containing 0.02% C, 0.35% Mn, 0.01% S, 0.35% Si, 0.25% Cu...
This article is an atlas of fractographs that helps in understanding the causes and mechanisms of fracture of nickel alloys and in identifying and interpreting the morphology of fracture surfaces. The fractographs illustrate the fatigue crack, transgranular cleavage, intergranular fracture, grain boundaries, notch and fatigue precrack, dimpled rupture, and fatigue striations of these alloys.
Book: Fractography
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 12
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2024
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v12.a0007031
EISBN: 978-1-62708-387-4
... Abstract This article focuses on the following common fracture mechanisms observed in copper alloys: dimple overload, corrosion-related fractures such as corrosion fatigue and stress-corrosion cracking, and intergranular fracture. The effects of loading conditions and temperature on copper...
This article focuses on the following common fracture mechanisms observed in copper alloys: dimple overload, corrosion-related fractures such as corrosion fatigue and stress-corrosion cracking, and intergranular fracture. The effects of loading conditions and temperature on copper and copper alloys are discussed.
Book: Fractography
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 12
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v12.a0000612
EISBN: 978-1-62708-181-8
... view of a region of the fracture surface shown in Fig. 732 , revealing none of the intergranular rupture characteristic of hydrogen embrittlement, but showing the equiaxed dimples of tension overload. See Fig. 734 for enlarged view of outlined area. 4000× Fig. 734 Higher-magnification view...
This article is an atlas of fractographs that helps in understanding the causes and mechanisms of fracture of precipitation-hardening stainless steels and in identifying and interpreting the morphology of fracture surfaces. The fractographs illustrate the cup-and-cone tension-overload fracture, low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue fracture, fracture surface, brittle intergranular fracture, hydrogen embrittlement, and intergranular stress-corrosion cracking of stainless steel components of these steels. The components include high-pressure compressor parts, springs, deflector yokes of aircraft main landing gears, and aircraft engine mount beams.
Published: 01 January 1987
Fig. 74 Effect of temperature on double-aged Inconel X-750 that was tested at a nominal strain rate of 3 × 10 −5 s −1 . (a) and (b) The fracture at room temperature occurs by intergranular dimple rupture. Note the evidence of dimple rupture network on the intergranular walls. (c) and (d
Book Chapter
Book: Fractography
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 12
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v12.a0000619
EISBN: 978-1-62708-181-8
.... SEM, 600× Fig. 906 Tensile-overload fracture in a fracture-toughness specimen of 64Cu-27Ni-9Fe alloy that underwent spinodal decomposition during heat treatment for 10 h at 775 °C (1425 °F). The surface contains many intergranular facets with intervening regions of dimpled transgranular...
This article is an atlas of fractographs that helps in understanding the causes and mechanisms of fracture of copper alloys and in identifying and interpreting the morphology of fracture surfaces. The fractographs illustrate the following: fatigue fracture, intergranular fracture, transgranular fracture, microvoid coalescence, corrosion fatigue, fatigue striations, tensile-overload fracture, stress-corrosion cracking, and pitting corrosion of these alloys.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006778
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
... surface) • Microvoids (dimples) elongated in direction of loading • Single crack with no branching • Surface slip band emergence • Cleavage or intergranular fracture • Origin area may contain an imperfection or stress concentrator • Progressive zone: worn appearance, flat, may show striations...
This article aims to identify and illustrate the types of overload failures, which are categorized as failures due to insufficient material strength and underdesign, failures due to stress concentration and material defects, and failures due to material alteration. It describes the general aspects of fracture modes and mechanisms. The article briefly reviews some mechanistic aspects of ductile and brittle crack propagation, including discussion on mixed-mode cracking. Factors associated with overload failures are discussed, and, where appropriate, preventive steps for reducing the likelihood of overload fractures are included. The article focuses primarily on the contribution of embrittlement to overload failure. The embrittling phenomena are described and differentiated by their causes, effects, and remedial methods, so that failure characteristics can be directly compared during practical failure investigation. The article describes the effects of mechanical loading on a part in service and provides information on laboratory fracture examination.
Book: Fractography
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 12
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2024
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v12.a0007025
EISBN: 978-1-62708-387-4
... intergranular fracture, dimpled rupture exists on intergranular facets when these facets are studied at high magnification on the microscale. An example of ductile intergranular fracture is provided in Fig. 23 . In contrast, normal or brittle intergranular fracture is accompanied by lower ductility...
Fracture of aluminum alloys can occur due to several failure types and/or fracture morphologies, including overload, intergranular fracture, fatigue, corrosion, and mixed-mode fracture. This article provides a detailed discussion on these failure types and/or fracture morphologies. It also presents the differences between wrought and cast aluminum products.
Published: 01 January 1996
Fig. 1 Crack propagation mechanisms: (a) Cleavage crack propagation. (b) Dimple fracture due to coarse particles. (c) Dimple fracture due to fine particles. (d) Dimple fracture due to coarse and fine particles. (e) Intergranular crack propagation due to grain boundary precipitates. (f
Published: 01 January 1996
Fig. 1 Crack propagation mechanisms: (a) cleavage crack propagation. (b) Dimple fracture due to coarse particles. (c) Dimple fracture due to fine particles. (d) Dimple fracture due to coarse and fine particles. (e) Intergranular crack propagation due to grain boundary precipitates. (f
Book: Fractography
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 12
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v12.a0001831
EISBN: 978-1-62708-181-8
... cycle produce a fracture surface that exhibits various dimple sizes ( Fig. 2 ). When microvoids nucleate at the grain boundaries.( Fig. 3 ), intergranular dimple rupture results. Fig. 2 Examples of the dimple rupture mode of fracture. (a) Large and small dimples on the fracture surface...
This article begins with a discussion of the basic fracture modes, including dimple ruptures, cleavages, fatigue fractures, and decohesive ruptures, and of the important mechanisms involved in the fracture process. It then describes the principal effects of the external environment that significantly affect the fracture propagation rate and fracture appearance. The external environment includes hydrogen, corrosive media, low-melting metals, state of stress, strain rate, and temperature. The mechanism of stress-corrosion cracking in metals such as steels, aluminum, brass, and titanium alloys, when exposed to a corrosive environment under stress, is also reviewed. The final section of the article describes and shows fractographs that illustrate the influence of metallurgical discontinuities such as laps, seams, cold shuts, porosity, inclusions, segregation, and unfavorable grain flow in forgings and how these discontinuities affect fracture initiation, propagation, and the features of fracture surfaces.
Published: 01 January 2003
Fig. 9 Ductile and brittle fracture morphologies resulting from LMIE. (a) Fracture surface produced by subcritical cracking in D-6ac steel (tempered at 650 °C, or 1200 °F) in liquid mercury showing predominantly dimpled intercrystalline fracture along prior-austenite grain boundaries. (b
Book Chapter
Book: Fractography
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 12
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v12.a0000601
EISBN: 978-1-62708-181-8
... Abstract This article is an atlas of fractographs that helps in understanding the causes and mechanisms of fracture of pure irons and in identifying and interpreting the morphology of fracture surfaces. The fractographs illustrate the grain-boundary cavitation; slip lines; intergranular...
This article is an atlas of fractographs that helps in understanding the causes and mechanisms of fracture of pure irons and in identifying and interpreting the morphology of fracture surfaces. The fractographs illustrate the grain-boundary cavitation; slip lines; intergranular fracture; cleavage fracture; notch-impact fracture; oxide inclusions and blowholes; ductile rupture; impact fracture and tensile-test fracture surfaces; fatigue striations; and crack initiation and propagation of pure irons.