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Corrosion testing
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Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11A
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 August 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11A.a0006823
EISBN: 978-1-62708-329-4
This article illustrates the use of the American Petroleum Institute (API) 579-1/ASME FFS-1 fitness-for-service (FFS) code (2020) to assess the serviceability and remaining life of a corroded flare knockout drum from an oil refinery, two fractionator columns affected by corrosion under insulation in an organic sulfur environment, and an equalization tank with localized corrosion in the shell courses in a chemicals facility. In the first two cases, remaining life is assessed by determining the minimum thickness required to operate the corroded equipment. The first is based on a Level 2 FFS assessment, while the second involves a Level 3 assessment. The last case involves several FFS assessments to evaluate localized corrosion in which remaining life was assessed by determining the minimum required thickness using the concept of remaining strength factor for groove-like damage and evaluating crack-like flaws using the failure assessment diagram. Need for caution in predicting remaining life due to corrosion is also covered.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11A
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 August 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11A.a0006802
EISBN: 978-1-62708-329-4
Life assessment of structural components is used to avoid catastrophic failures and to maintain safe and reliable functioning of equipment. The failure investigator's input is essential for the meaningful life assessment of structural components. This article provides an overview of the structural design process, the failure analysis process, the failure investigator's role, and how failure analysis of structural components integrates into the determination of remaining life, fitness-for-service, and other life assessment concerns. The topics discussed include industry perspectives on failure and life assessment of components, structural design philosophies, the role of the failure analyst in life assessment, and the role of nondestructive inspection. They also cover fatigue life assessment, elevated-temperature life assessment, fitness-for-service life assessment, brittle fracture assessments, corrosion assessments, and blast, fire, and heat damage assessments.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006782
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
Corrosion is the deterioration of a material by a reaction of that material with its environment. The realization that corrosion control can be profitable has been acknowledged repeatedly by industry, typically following costly business interruptions. This article describes the electrochemical nature of corrosion and provides the typical analysis of environmental- and corrosion-related failures. It presents common methods of testing of laboratory corrosion and discusses the processes involved in the prevention of environmental- and corrosion-related failures of metals and nonmetals.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006783
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
Corrosion is the electrochemical reaction of a material and its environment. This article addresses those forms of corrosion that contribute directly to the failure of metal parts or that render them susceptible to failure by some other mechanism. Various forms of corrosion covered are galvanic corrosion, uniform corrosion, pitting, crevice corrosion, intergranular corrosion, selective leaching, and velocity-affected corrosion. In particular, mechanisms of corrosive attack for specific forms of corrosion, as well as evaluation and factors contributing to these forms, are described. These reviews of corrosion forms and mechanisms are intended to assist the reader in developing an understanding of the underlying principles of corrosion; acquiring such an understanding is the first step in recognizing and analyzing corrosion-related failures and in formulating preventive measures.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 18
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 31 December 2017
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v18.a0006361
EISBN: 978-1-62708-192-4
This article describes the numerous techniques used to measure friction. It provides a brief description of the historical development of friction testing. The article discusses the tests and equipment available for friction testing. It explains the procedural considerations that should be addressed to ensure that valid data are derived from a friction test. The article presents definitions of terms commonly used in tribology such as static friction, kinetic coefficient of friction, stick-slip behavior, and lubricated friction. It provides information on the precautions that must be taken to ensure valid test results. The article also describes how to report data and how to analyze these data.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 18
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 31 December 2017
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v18.a0006415
EISBN: 978-1-62708-192-4
Tribocorrosion is the subject dealing with complex, synergistic effects of chemical and mechanical conditions that cause wear. This article begins with a discussion on oxidative wear and corrosive wear, as well as quantitative measurements of corrosion, mechanical wear, and wear-corrosion effects. It illustrates the mechanism of corrosive-abrasive wear and discusses the factors affecting two-body wear. These factors include particle shape, size, density, and hardness; slurry velocity; slurry particle angle of attack; solids concentration in the slurry; hydrodynamic factors; corrosion products and the mass transfer of oxygen. The article describes slurry particle impingement tests and grinding tribocorrosion tests, as well as the factors to be considered for mitigating corrosive wear, such as materials selection, surface treatments, and environment modifications.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 5B
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 September 2015
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v05b.a0006063
EISBN: 978-1-62708-172-6
This article provides an overview of common analytical tools used as part of the process of providing practical information regarding the causes of a coating problem or failure. The common analytical tools include Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, chromatography, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Test cabinets and standard test environments for laboratory analysis are reviewed. The article describes non-standard simulation testing and case studies of simulated environments for coating failure analysis.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 5B
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 September 2015
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v05b.a0006070
EISBN: 978-1-62708-172-6
Soluble salts on a surface can affect a steel substrate or coating in two principal ways: corrosion acceleration and osmotic blistering. This article provides a detailed discussion on the mechanisms for each of these deleterious effects. It describes the most detrimental anions with regard to corrosion, namely, chlorides, sulfates, and nitrates, and provides information on recognition and testing of the presence of soluble salts. The salt-measurement techniques and commercially available equipment are also described. The article provides information on research regarding tolerable levels of salts beneath coatings. The information shows that there appears to be a threshold limit to the salt contamination that a given coating/coating system can tolerate in a given environment.
Book: Powder Metallurgy
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 7
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 September 2015
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v07.a0006113
EISBN: 978-1-62708-175-7
This article reviews various test methods used for evaluating the corrosion resistance of powder metallurgy stainless steels. These include immersion testing, salt spray testing, and electrochemical testing. The article discusses the factors that affect corrosion resistance of sintered stainless steels: compaction-related factors, sintering-related factors, and effects of alloy composition. Corrosion resistance data for sintered stainless steels is provided.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 23
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2012
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v23.a0005653
EISBN: 978-1-62708-198-6
This article reviews the corrosion interactions between biomedical alloys, in particular iron-base, titanium-base, and cobalt-base alloys, in complex geometries and in applications where there are significant cyclic stresses and potential for wear and fretting motion. It discusses the nature of these metal surfaces and their propensity for corrosion reactions when combined with similar or different alloys in complex restrictive environments within the human body and under loading conditions. The article describes the factors that influence mechanically assisted crevice corrosion. It reviews the tests developed to investigate the aspects of mechanically assisted corrosion of metallic biomaterials: the scratch test and the in vitro fretting corrosion test.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 23
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2012
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v23.a0005683
EISBN: 978-1-62708-198-6
The interaction of an implant with the human body environment may result in degradation of the implant, called corrosion. This article discusses the corrosion testing of metallic implants and implant materials. The corrosion environments for medical implants are the extracellular human body fluids, very complex solutions containing electrolytes and nonelectrolytes, inorganic and organic constituents, and gases. The article describes the fundamentals of electrochemical corrosion testing and provides a brief discussion on various types of corrosion tests. It illustrates corrosion current density determination by Tafel extrapolation, potentiodynamic measurement of the polarization resistance, electrochemical impedance measurement, and potentiostatic deaeration. Tests combining corrosion and mechanical forces, such as fretting corrosion tests, environment-assisted cracking tests, and ion-leaching tests are also discussed.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 23
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2012
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v23.a0005654
EISBN: 978-1-62708-198-6
This article describes mechanical/electrochemical phenomena related to in vivo degradation of metals used for biomedical applications. It discusses the properties and failure of these materials as they relate to stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) and corrosion fatigue (CF). The article presents the factors related to the use of surgical implants and their deterioration in the body environment, including biomedical aspects, chemical environment, and electrochemical fundamentals needed for characterizing CF and SCC. It provides a discussion on the use of metallic biomaterials in surgical implant applications, such as orthopedic, cardiovascular surgery, and dentistry. It addresses key issues related to the simulation of an in vivo environment, service conditions, and data interpretation. These include the frequency of dynamic loading, electrolyte chemistry, applicable loading modes, cracking mode superposition, and surface area effects. The article explains the fundamentals of CF and SCC, and presents the test findings from laboratory, in vivo, and retrieval studies.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 13C
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2006
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v13c.a0004110
EISBN: 978-1-62708-184-9
External corrosion direct assessment (ECDA) is a structured process intended for use by pipeline operators to assess and manage the impact of external corrosion on the integrity of underground pipelines. This article focuses on four steps of ECDA, namely, preassessment, indirect examinations, direct examination, and post assessment. The ECDA tool selection matrix used to determine the tool choices is also presented.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 13C
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2006
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v13c.a0004112
EISBN: 978-1-62708-184-9
A close-interval survey (CIS) is a series of structure-to-electrolyte direct current potential measurements performed at regular intervals for assessing the level of cathodic protection (CP) on pipelines and other buried or submerged metallic structures. This article describes the equipment required to perform the CIS. It provides a discussion on the activities that should be performed during the preparation and execution of the CIS. The dynamic stray current identification and compensation by CIS is discussed briefly. The article also explains various factors involved in the validation of CIS data. It concludes with information on CIS data interpretation.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 13C
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2006
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v13c.a0004143
EISBN: 978-1-62708-184-9
This article describes the eight chemical cleaning methods, namely, circulation, fill and soak, cascade, foam, vapor-phase organic, steam-injected, on-line chemical, and mechanical cleaning. It presents information on deposit types, solvents used to remove them, and construction material incompatibilities in a table. The article summarizes the uses of chemical cleaning solutions, including hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, and sulfamic acid, as well as the additives used to neutralize their impact on corrosion. It discusses the chemical cleaning procedures, including selection of cleaning method and solvent, documentation of cleaning, and corrosion monitoring in chemical cleaning.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 13C
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2006
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v13c.a0004206
EISBN: 978-1-62708-184-9
This article reviews the understanding of corrosion interactions between alloys in complex geometries and in applications where there are significant cyclic stresses and potential for wear and fretting motion. These alloys include iron-base, titanium-base, and cobalt-base alloys. The article discusses the surface characteristics and electrochemical behavior of metallic biomaterials. It summaries the clinical context for mechanically assisted corrosion and describes mechanically assisted crevice corrosion. There have been several tests developed to investigate aspects of mechanically assisted corrosion. The article also explains the scratch test and the in vitro fretting corrosion test.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 13C
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2006
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v13c.a0004104
EISBN: 978-1-62708-184-9
This article provides information on predesign surveys and the various testing procedures associated with wastewater treatment plants. These include soil testing, atmospheric testing, and hydrogen sulfide testing. The primary parameters that influence the production of sulfides within the piping system that transports the wastewater to the treatment facility are discussed. The article describes the corrosion performance of various materials in the soil, fluid, and atmospheric exposures. These include concrete, steel, ductile iron, aluminum, copper, brass, stainless steel, and coatings used for wastewater facilities.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 13C
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2006
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v13c.a0004114
EISBN: 978-1-62708-184-9
This article describes two principal methods for detecting well casing corrosion, namely, metal-loss tools and casing current measurement, as well as their limitations and advantages. It discusses the factors to be considered in designing well casing cathodic protection systems. These include the determination of cathodic protection current by the casing polarization and CPP tests or by mathematical models; calculation of casing-to-anode separation; isolation of the casing from other facilities; consideration of stray current interference from other dc power sources; and determination of the size and the location of the anode bed for effective current output for the desired life of the anode bed. The article concludes with a discussion on the commissioning and monitoring of cathodic protection systems.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 13C
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2006
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v13c.a0004115
EISBN: 978-1-62708-184-9
Stray current can be defined as a current in structures that are underground or immersed in an electrolyte that most often accelerate corrosion on a structure where a positive current leaves the structure to enter the earth or an electrolyte. This article provides a description of the principles of stray current and a discussion on the major types of stray current and their properties and prediction methods. It discusses the consequences of stray current and describes the interference tests used for mapping the path of the stray currents. The article also highlights the methods of mitigating the source of stray current.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 13C
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2006
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v13c.a0004165
EISBN: 978-1-62708-184-9
Complete vehicle accelerated corrosion testing on the proving ground is a mandatory testing tool among vehicle manufacturers around the globe. This article focuses on creating some awareness of the difficulty in applying reliable corrosion tests for all corrosion-sensitive automotive systems at once. It describes the various factors for a complete vehicle testing, including wear from road grit, dirt, salt load, elevated temperatures, and mechanical effects such as chafing and fretting. The article discusses the four main test blocks, namely, driving sequence on various proving ground tracks, exposure of the vehicle in one or more ways to road deicing salts, static exposure to forced climatic conditions, and additional elements such as operating the mechanical systems of the vehicle, car washes, and so forth. It concludes with information on the major advantages and drawbacks of a full-service-life test.