357.0 and Variations A357.0 to F357.0[1]: Al-Si-Mg High-Strength Casting Alloys
The family of type 357 alloys contain the highest magnesium levels and are used where high strength is required. This datasheet provides information on key alloy metallurgy, fabrication characteristics, processing effects on physical and mechanical properties, and applications characteristics of Al-Si-Mg high-strength casting alloys.
357.0 and Variations A357.0 to F357.0: Al-Si-Mg High-Strength Casting Alloys, Properties and Selection of Aluminum Alloys, Vol 2B, ASM Handbook, Edited By Kevin Anderson, John Weritz, J. Gilbert Kaufman, ASM International, 2019, p 553–555, https://doi.org/10.31399/asm.hb.v02b.a0006569
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