Cleaning and Coating of Cast Irons
Coating of cast irons is done to improve appearance and resistance to degradation due to corrosion, erosion, and wear. This article describes inorganic coating methods commonly applied to cast irons. The coating methods include plating, hot dip coating, conversion coating, diffusion coating, cladding, porcelain enameling, and thermal spray. Organic coatings have a wide variety of properties, but their primary use is for corrosion resistance combined with a pleasing colored appearance. The article discusses the various types of organic coatings applied to cast irons. Practically any degree of smoothness or roughness and requirement for color and gloss can be filled by organic coatings. The article describes abrasive blast cleaning, abrasive waterjet cleaning and finishing, vibratory finishing, barrel finishing, and shot peening for processing iron castings.
Cleaning and Coating of Cast Irons, Cast Iron Science and Technology, Vol 1A, ASM Handbook, Edited By Doru M. Stefanescu, ASM International, 2017, p 335–354,
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