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This article provides a brief introduction to abrasive wear-resistant coating materials that contain a large amount of hard phases, such as borides, carbides, or carboborides. It describes some of the commonly used methods of producing thick wear-resistant coatings. The article also provides information on metal-matrix composites and cemented carbides. The three base-alloying concepts, including cobalt-, iron-, and nickel-base alloys used for wear-protection applications, are also described. The article compares the tribomechanical properties of the materials in a qualitative manner, thus allowing a rough materials selection for practitioners. It presents a brief discussion on hot isostatic pressing (HIP) cladding, sinter cladding, and manufacturing of thick wear-resistant coatings by extrusion or ring rolling. The article also discusses the processing sequence of thick wear-resistant coatings, namely, compound casting, deposition welding, and thermal spraying.

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