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Thermal analysis provides a powerful tool for researchers and engineers in determining both unknown and reproducible behavioral properties of polymer molecules. This article covers the thermal analysis and thermal properties of engineering plastics with respect to chemical composition, chain configuration, conformation of the base polymers, processing of the base polymers with or without additives; and the response to chemical, physical, and mechanical stresses of base polymers as unfilled, shaped articles or as components of composite structures. It also describes thermal analysis techniques, including differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, thermomechanical analysis, and rheological analysis. This article also summarizes the basic thermal properties used in the application of engineering plastics, such as thermal conductivity, temperature resistance, thermal expansion, specific heat, and the determination of glass transition temperatures. It concludes with a discussion of the thermal and related properties of nine thermostat resin systems divided into three groups by low, medium, and high service temperature capabilities.

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