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The new edition of ASM Handbook, Volume 8, Mechanical Testing and Evaluation is a substantial update and revision of the previous volume. This latest edition of Volume 8 contains over 50 new articles, and the scope of coverage has been broadened to include the mechanical testing of alloys, plastics, ceramics, composites, and common engineering components such as fasteners, gears, bearings, adhesive joints, and welds. This new scope is also complemented by substantial updates and additions in the coverage of traditional quasi-static testing, hardness testing, surface testing, creep deformation, high strain rate testing, fracture toughness, and fatigue testing.

The efforts of many people are to be commended for creating this useful, comprehensive reference on mechanical testing. The ASM Handbook Committee, the editors, the authors, the reviewers, and ASM staff have collaborated to produce a book that meets high technical standards for the benefit of engineering communities everywhere. To all who contributed to the completion of this task, we extend our sincere thanks.

ASH Khare
ASM International
Michael J. DeHaemer
Managing Director
ASM International

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