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From the efforts of volunteer editors, authors, and reviewers, this Volume 6A of the ASM Handbook series, provides updated and expanded coverage on the fundamentals and processes of welding technology, research, modeling and simulation. Welding and allied joining technologies are instrumental in the modern use of materials, and the many volunteers should be proud in this work to serve engineers, students, technicians, researchers, and others with authoritative, reliable reference information on welding fundamentals and processes.

Coverage of joining technologies continues to grow in the ASM Handbook series, and this Volume is the first of several Volumes devoted to the many new developments of materials joining. In this Volume, new coverage reflects the continued growth of solid-state welding processes and the expanded use of computer modeling in the simulation of welding processes. Procedure development, quality control, and process improvements are also emphasized for arc, resistance, and directed-energy beam welding.

ASM Handbooks are a cornerstone of ASM International, and this effort could not have been accomplished without the dedicated efforts of many volunteers. Our thanks are extended to the editors, listed on the title page, and the authors and reviewers given in the List of Contributors. We are grateful for the contribution of their time and expertise.

Mark F. Smith
ASM International
Stanley C. Theobald
Managing Director
ASM International

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