Molten-Metal Filtration
In the handling of molten aluminum, it is fairly common to use filters as a part of the melting unit and in the gating and/or riser system. This article describes the methods of in-furnace and in-mold filtration, with an emphasis on the filtration of molten aluminum. It discusses the factors that influence the formation of inclusions. The article describes the three basic methods of mechanically removing or separating inclusions from molten metal. The methods include sedimentation, flotation, and positive filtration. The article provides a discussion on the types of molten-metal filters, including bonded-particle filters, cartridge filters, and ceramic foam filters. It lists the factors that are important in achieving optimum performance of any in-furnace filtering application. The article concludes with information on filtered metal quality and the methods of evaluation.
D.V. Neff, Robert P. Pischel, Molten-Metal Filtration, Casting, Vol 15, ASM Handbook, Edited By Srinath Viswanathan, Diran Apelian, Raymond J. Donahue, Babu DasGupta, Michael Gywn, John L. Jorstad, Raymond W. Monroe, Mahi Sahoo, Thomas E. Prucha, Daniel Twarog, ASM International, 2008, p 194–205,
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