Solidification of Eutectic Alloys: Cast Iron[1]
Cast iron exhibits a considerable amount of eutectic in the solid state. This article discusses the structure of liquid iron-carbon alloys to understand the mechanism of the solidification of cast iron. It illustrates the nucleation of the austenite-flake graphite eutectic, austenite-spheroidal graphite eutectic, and austenite-iron carbide eutectic. The article provides a discussion on primary austenite and primary graphite. It also describes the growth of eutectic in cast iron in terms of isothermal solidification, directional solidification, and multidirectional solidification.
Andreas Bührig-Polackzek, Daniel dos Santos, Solidification of Eutectic Alloys: Cast Iron, Casting, Vol 15, ASM Handbook, Edited By Srinath Viswanathan, Diran Apelian, Raymond J. Donahue, Babu DasGupta, Michael Gywn, John L. Jorstad, Raymond W. Monroe, Mahi Sahoo, Thomas E. Prucha, Daniel Twarog, ASM International, 2008, p 317–329,
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